Ye Xintong took a closer look. Yes, both in design and workmanship, it was of the same grade as the necklace in Qin Ziqiang's hand.

"Take me to see the rest!" After calming down her shock, Ye Xintong regained her icy face and said expressionlessly.

However, the excited light in her eyes showed that her heart was not calm.

Qin Ziqiang would not refuse the president's words. He took Ye Xintong and the others to the office and took out the remaining jewelry for them to appreciate.

Ye Xintong carefully examined them one by one, and the more she looked, the more shocked and excited she became.

No matter which of these jewels in front of her, no matter in terms of workmanship, shape or matching, it is not inferior to the necklace just now. What Ye Xintong values more is the design ideas here. This is a new type of creativity that she has never heard of. No matter which one it is, its novel appearance and exquisite shape are not in today's world. It has never appeared in the world before, and each one is different.

It can be said that this has created a brand new practical system. The person who can design these jewels is simply a genius that is rare in a century.

And if she can find this person and hire him as a designer for her company, then wouldn’t their family have hope of overcoming the current difficulties?

Yes, her company did encounter a crisis before.

Although she is the president of the company and looks glorious in front of the company’s employees, in fact, she is just pretending to be calm in order to stabilize people’s hearts.

Years ago, her father was seriously ill and had to retire, and her mother had to take care of her sick father and could not get away, and her younger brother was still young and had not even graduated from middle school, so he had to rely on her. Her daughter, who had just graduated, took over.

However, although her professional level was sufficient and her knowledge and ability were outstanding, she lacked experience and was unable to manage such a large company.

While her father was seriously ill, several competitors in the same industry saw that she was a young girl and was easy to bully, and began to suppress her frantically, and her company's market share gradually decreased.

In her family, her second uncle and several cousins who were jealous of her father's industry were still holding her back.

Within the company, some talented designers also left, causing great damage to the company's creative team.

After nearly a year, the company's performance went from bad to worse, and it kept declining. If it continued to decline, even the employees' wages would be reduced. It's almost impossible to make money.

Just a few days ago, a key designer who had been working for the company for many years was poached by someone, and some of them were taken away to join the competitors, which made the company, which was already in a precarious situation, even worse.

Now it can be said that there are internal and external troubles. If there is no better work to open up the market and improve performance, then it will really file for bankruptcy.

She really doesn't want to let her father's industry, which he has spent decades of hard work on, be ruined in her hands.

Originally, she was at a loss, but now seeing this, she has a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Find him, must find him!

Thinking of this, Ye Xintong hurriedly asked:"You just said that this batch of jewelry was sold to you by someone?"

Qin Ziqiang heard Ye Xintong's question and replied:"Yes! It's a young man, dressed in rustic clothes, riding a little sheep! To be honest, if he hadn't taken out this batch of jewelry, I would even think he was a little country bumpkin who came here to have fun!"

"What's that person's name? Do you have his contact information?"Ye Xintong asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"Uh! To be honest with Mr. Ye, I really don’t know what that guy’s name is!"Qin Ziqiang scratched his head,"When he came over, he said he wanted to do a big business with me, and then he took out this batch of jewelry. He didn’t say his name the whole time, just asked me to name a price, and then I just had to transfer the money to him!"

""Oh my!" Ye Xintong was almost mad,"Such an important customer, why didn't you even leave the other party's contact information, and didn't even ask his name?"

Qin Ziqiang didn't expect Ye Xintong to attach so much importance to that young man. Hearing this, his face was embarrassed and he said softly,"The young man seemed to be very anxious. Because he didn't have an invoice for this batch of goods, I said to buy it at half the market price, and he didn't even bargain, but agreed directly! I was so happy about this that... forgot to ask!"

"But before he left, I left him a business card. If he needs us to sell any jewelry in the future, he will definitely call us!"

"What if he doesn't want to come again in the future?"Ye Xintong was almost killed by this guy's stupidity,"Such a batch of good jewelry, you actually bought it from him at half the market price, would you come again if it were you?"

Eh? Qin Ziqiang couldn't say anything this time. If it were him, if someone bought such a batch of jewelry at half the market price, he would not pay any attention to him.

"Miss, don't worry!" Finally, the old housekeeper at the back spoke calmly:"Ziqiang! You have surveillance here, right? Turn on today's surveillance and take a look. At least you can know what this person looks like!"

Qin Ziqiang patted his head when he heard it:"Old Du is still experienced. I didn't think of such a simple thing. I will adjust the surveillance immediately."

Ye Xintong also nodded, and led Old Du and Qin Ziqiang to the monitoring room.

As the surveillance screen time was adjusted, several people finally saw the true face of the person who came to sell this batch of jewelry in the morning.

After finding the face of the person, Qin Ziqiang froze and enlarged the picture, and personally pointed out:"It's this young man, dressed in rustic clothes!"

And this rustic man on the screen, who else could it be but Wu Zihao?

Ye Xintong looked at the thin figure wearing a street stall on the screen, and seemed to think of something, but she didn't think of anything.

"Why do I think this person looks so familiar?"Ye Xintong frowned slightly, very annoyed that her memory, which was usually so good, failed at this critical moment?

Finally, Du Lao looked at it carefully several times, and then slowly said with a slightly uncertain tone:"Miss, I think this person seems to be a security guard at the gate of our company!" After

Du Lao said this, Ye Xintong seemed to suddenly catch the fleeting flash of inspiration, and then carefully looked at the person on the screen again, and suddenly said:"Yes! It's him! I was wondering why he looked so familiar! It's the little security guard who helped me stop the playboy of the Lin family at the gate!"

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