For Ye Xintong, the president of a jewelry design and production company, she generally has no impression of the little security guard at the company's door!

After all, as a president, she is in the car when she passes by the door every day on her way to work. It's just a matter of a few seconds. Who would pay attention to what a little security guard looks like outside the car? The reason why

Ye Xintong has an impression of Wu Zihao is that once a young man from the Lin family who was attracted by her beauty was stopped by Wu Zihao when he entered the door.

Ye Xintong's beauty can be said to be famous in the upper class of Zhejiang Sea. She has beautiful skin, white face and long legs. She can definitely be said to have an angel face and a devil figure!

Moreover, she is the president of a jewelry design and production company at a young age. It can be said that she is a perfect white, rich and beautiful woman. She is the dream object of many losers and the object pursued by all the celebrities in the city.

However, no matter how many people pursue her and admire her, she always looks cold, rejects people from a thousand miles away, and completely ignores the pursuit of these young men.

However, the young men who had been rejected by her were not discouraged by her rejection. On the contrary, her cold temperament stimulated and strengthened their desire to conquer, and their offensive became more intense and fanatical.

Many people in the upper class were talking about which young man would be able to pick this rose born in the ice and snow, and whether they would have a chance?

Every day, whether it was at the company or at the door of her own villa, Ye Xintong would always receive all kinds of gifts, especially at the company, all kinds of young men who offered their affections to her, which simply annoyed her.

The company's security captain was also the same. She had criticized him several times, and finally flies were let in every day, which really annoyed her.

Among these flies, there was a man named Lin. A few days ago, he came to the door of the company again and tried to come in to offer his courtesy. It happened that Wu Zihao was guarding the door outside, and he stopped him immediately.

The man named Lin was also a well-known young man in Zhejiang Hai, but no matter what he said, whether it was threats or bribes, Wu Zihao was unmoved and just refused to let him in.

After pestering for half an hour, the man surnamed Lin finally lost his patience and drove away.

Ye Xintong happened to see this scene at that time. She had a good impression of the young security guard who was dedicated to blocking the flies from entering the door for her. If the security guards in her company were like him, she would not have to be bothered by these flies and mosquitoes every day at work.

She remembered that she was in a good mood at that time. After the man surnamed Lin left, she went up to him and praised him a few words. That was why she had a little impression of this young security guard.

Of course, it was just a little impression. As the president of the company, she would not care about a young security guard downstairs. They were not on the same level at all.

Until today, after watching the surveillance video and being reminded by Du Bo, she remembered that this person was the young security guard at the door of her own company!

"Without further ado, let's go back to the company immediately! In addition, notify the security captain Yang Erpiao, I want to meet this young security guard later!"Now that she knew this clue, Ye Xintong would naturally not let it go.

There was no need for an immediate inspection, and she followed Du Bo into the car and rushed to the company.

Du Bo sat in the co-pilot seat, urging the driver to drive faster, while taking out his mobile phone to call the security captain Yang Erpiao.

Shoe Horn was in a bad mood today, and he was in a bad mood all day.

He was scolded by the ice queen Ye Xintong as soon as he came in the morning. When he came back, he found that Wu Zihao, whom he often bullied, was not there, and other people were very good at reading faces, so he didn't even have a place to vent his anger. He finally waited for Wu Zihao to come, but he came to resign after all. The family won the lottery!

He felt it was unfair, how could all these good things happen to this little bastard?

Just when he wanted to make things difficult for him by deducting his salary and teaching him a lesson, he didn't know what kind of magic potion this kid had taken.

He was so fierce that he beat all his brothers in a few moves.

Until now, he has a bruised face and aches all over his body!

But when he got off work, he was thinking about going back to have a rest and recuperate.

Just as he was about to leave, the phone rang.

He was in a bad mood to begin with, and he didn't even look at who it was.

He picked up the phone and said directly:"Hello? Who is it?"

The tone of his voice was quite arrogant. Du Bo was a little annoyed, but he didn't show it on his face. He replied in a deep voice:"It's me, Du Fu!"

"Du Fu, what the hell? I'm Li Bai!……"Halfway through his words, Shoe Horn suddenly realized that this was Du Fu!

The butler beside the Ice Queen, who is also the special consultant of the company and the person the Queen trusts the most, Du Fu!

Damn, didn't the Queen ask him to make this call?

This is terrible, let alone the Ice Queen, even Consultant Du is someone he can't afford to offend! And he actually cursed at her!

Shoe Horn reacted quickly and changed the topic:"Oh! It turned out to be Consultant Du! Sorry, sorry! I answered the call too hastily just now, and didn't check the caller ID. I thought it was a scammer!"

"I received a call from a scammer yesterday, and he told me his name was Li Bai! I was shocked at the time, but after a while I figured out it was Li Bai from the comment section of Tieba! Isn’t that infuriating? Hahahaha!"

Du Fu's face darkened. Damn, you can make up such a thing, do you think I'm a fool? So easy to fool?

"Stop talking nonsense. Yang Erpiao, your security guards haven't finished their shift yet, have they? Don't leave yet. I have something to talk to you about. The president will be here soon! Also, there is a security guard in your security department who once stopped the president's suitor. You have to keep him here. Don't let him go, or I'll hold you responsible!"

Du Fu hung up the phone. He was really���I don't want to say anything more to this kind of person, it's both infuriating and disgusting!

Du Fu hung up the phone quickly, and Shoe Horn was dumbfounded when he heard it!

The security guard who once stopped the pursuer of the Ice Queen, isn't this the stinky boy Wu Zihao?

I don't know what the Ice Queen ate today, but she actually wanted to see him! And she will be here soon! Damn it! That stinky boy has resigned, where can I find him now?

Even if I find him, will he be willing to come with me? I offended him today!

Shoe Horn was about to cry, but in the end, he had no choice but to try to call Wu Zihao.

Damn it! I'll risk it! At most, I can apologize to him and call him grandpa, but I have to invite him to come, for emergency help!

However, as soon as he dialed the phone, he was dumbfounded.

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