As soon as Ye Xintong and Du Fu arrived at the security department, they saw a group of security guards lined up in a row as if they were going to be inspected.

Looking more closely, except for a few, the rest all had bruises on their faces.

The leader, the security captain Yang Erpiao, was even worse. His face, which used to be so swollen that he couldn't even lift his shoes, was swollen in the middle and higher than his chin.

Seeing this, Ye Xintong frowned slightly, and Du Fu's face turned slightly dark. He stepped forward and asked,"What's wrong with you? Who hit you in the face?"

Upon hearing this, Shoe Horn immediately showed an aggrieved expression and complained,"Isn't it that Wu Zihao? He is the little security guard who once stopped Young Master Lin that Consultant Du mentioned just now. He is the one who beat all of us brothers?"

The other security guards nodded in agreement:

"Yes! He was the one who beat me. I don't know what that guy ate today, maybe he beat me. All of us brothers put together can't beat him by one hand!"

"That's right! This kid is usually quite unsociable and arrogant, and he often talks back to the captain!"

"Hmm! He suddenly dressed up nicely in the past few days, showing off to his buddies, as if we have never seen a brand name before!"


The security guards who were beaten had no idea what had happened. When they saw their leader asking about it, they thought that the leader was standing up for them. They all started to talk about Wu Zihao, saying that he was arrogant and domineering.

Ye Xintong and Du Fu looked at each other and frowned. This group of security guards should be disciplined. They were talking nonsense and incoherent. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that they were the bad guys who complained first.

It was a shame for them that such people were working as security guards in their company.

""That's enough! Don't think I don't know what you look like!" Du Fu shouted, and the security guards finally quieted down.

Then Du Fu looked at Xie Horn and asked,"Why did Wu Zihao beat you? And where is he? Didn't I call you to keep him? Why can't I see him now?"

"he……"Shoehorn tried to look to the side and wink at his younger brothers, but no one paid any attention to him.

"What's wrong with him? Speak!"

"He…he resigned! He left today!" Shoe Horn finally spoke hesitantly!

""What?!" Ye Xintong, who had been relatively calm, immediately lost her composure upon hearing this. The reason they rushed back was to find this Wu Zihao, but now that they are back, you say that he resigned, left, and can't be found!

Ye Xintong was about to go berserk, but in the end, her good upbringing and calm temperament made her slowly calm down. However, the murderous look in her eyes still exposed her inner anger and anxiety.

This was the only clue she could find, the only remaining hope to save her father's hard work. If this hope failed, then they would have no choice but to file for bankruptcy!

Du Bo was still calmer and continued to ask,"Tell me what's going on? Don't try to lie to me, the surveillance videos are all there! Although you security guards have the authority to retrieve them, you don't have the key to delete them!" Xie Horn had no choice but to tell him everything that happened during the day.

The more Ye Xintong listened, the angrier she became. In the end, her face, which was already full of coldness, could now be frozen into ice.

"Good! Good! You bully people by taking advantage of your power, withholding wages, extorting in the name of the company, and then you turn the tables after the attempt fails! How could our company breed worms like you? You have ruined the company's reputation and image!"

A life-saving straw was offended by these idiots. Now you don't know if they will respond to you if you want to ask for help. How can Ye Xintong not be angry?

"Our company can no longer allow a termite like you to stay here and cause trouble!" Ye Xintong looked at the shoe horn angrily and said,"Yang Erpiao, as the president of Ye's Jewelry Design and Production Company, I declare that from now on, you are no longer an employee of our company! I will ask the Finance Department to transfer your previous salary to your account, and you don't have to come tomorrow!"

"And you too!" Ye Xintong turned her gaze to the beaten security guards."Anyone who participated in this incident today will have one month's salary deducted, and all bonuses for this year will be cancelled. They will be punished for meritorious service! Of course, if you also want to leave Ye's, you don't have to come tomorrow!"

Yang Erpiao couldn't believe it when he heard it. He was fired? Fired by this cold woman in front of him!

Isn't he just a small security guard? Or he resigned on his own initiative! What does it have to do with me? Wouldn't he have left if I hadn't done that?

The most I did was to make things difficult for him before he left, but in the end I didn't succeed and was beaten instead!

Now I'm the one who suffers! As a senior executive of the company, not only did you not protect me, you even wanted to fire me!

"No! I don't agree!" Yang Erpiao protested immediately:"President Ye! I was brought in by the Second Master, you can't fire me!"

It would be fine if the Second Master was not mentioned, but Ye Xintong was even more angry when the Second Master was mentioned!

She had thought that Yang Erpiao's character was quite problematic before, but she was just considering a little family affection, and considering that he was recommended by the Second Uncle, she did not pursue it too much for the time being.

But she didn't expect that this guy would be so excessive, offending the only straw she could grasp, and now he dared to use the Second Uncle to pressure her!

This time, he can't stay no matter what, if he stays again, he will offend everyone.

This matter is Wu Zihao, and the next time it will be Zhang Zihao and Li Zihao?

Even if someone who may save her family's company appears later, he may be offended to death by this guy again!

As for the Second Uncle, this family always covets his father's property. He has been dragging his feet enough in the past year, and she has been very tolerant. This time, she must not worry about those things!

"I don’t care who brought you here!" Ye Xintong took a deep breath and said,"We in the Ye family cannot keep someone with a questionable character like you!"

"Also, this Ye Group was established by my father, and the shares are all in my father's hands. It has nothing to do with my second uncle! If you want to use him to pressure me, you are thinking too much!"

"Get out of here now! Ye's company doesn't welcome you!"

Xie Horn finally staggered away. He knew that Ye Xintong was determined this time and there was no place for him in Ye's company.

As for the remaining security guards, they hesitated and finally said nothing, just tacitly accepting this punishment!

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