For this group of young security guards, the benefits of Ye's, whether it is basic salary or bonus, are much better than those of other companies.

They also know their own abilities. Outside of Ye's, where else can they find such a stable job? It was not until the shoe horn left that Ye Xintong felt the air was much fresher and the anger in her heart dissipated a little, but she did not forget the business.

"Do you have Wu Zihao’s phone number?"

""Yes! Yes!"

After all, they are colleagues and they will always keep in touch with each other. Several of the security guards quickly reported Wu Zihao's phone number.

They came back this time mainly to find this security guard named Wu Zihao. Although they were offended by Yang Erpiao, the termite, they had already fired him.

Considering that the company has supported him for a year, he should not vent his anger on himself!

With a fluke mentality, Ye Xintong dialed the number herself, and then:

"Sorry, the user you dialed is out of service area, please call again later!"

Listening to the female voice of the system on the phone, Ye Xintong's expression changed.

Wu Zihao naturally didn't know that the ice queen he often fantasized about before was now constantly calling him and looking for him all over the world. He was now thinking about how to get rid of Yuzhenshan who occupied the police station.

Bai Suyun was a homegirl, and she didn't know much more than Wu Zihao.

Wu Zihao asked her to keep in touch with other survivors through her personal terminal to get information from the other party indirectly.

As for how much he could gain, Wu Zihao didn't have much expectation.

What he valued more was that he could understand the other party's real-time dynamics through this channel, at least to know when the other party came to him.

Now they are alone in this community, with no friends outside, no insiders, and all they can know is the surrounding area seen by telescopes. They basically know nothing about the dynamics of the outside world, which is no different from the deaf and blind. They can only rely on this method to get information indirectly!

Through Bai Suyun's introduction, Wu Zihao not only got some basic information about the other party, but also got a map of the surrounding area.

Because the network is paralyzed, there is no real-time GPS or anything like that. This map is still the same as this area half a year ago. This is still Bai Suyun saved it in her personal terminal when she was bored.

Although it is not big and not very detailed, it is better to have it than not.

Wu Zihao zoomed in and saw that the other party was in the police station north of his community, about fifteen kilometers away in a straight line.

This distance seems far. If you want to walk while avoiding zombies, it will take at least several hours.

But Wu Zihao is not so optimistic.

Since the other party has occupied the police station, naturally they have also occupied a lot of police cars.

After all, ordinary zombies move slowly and can only scratch and bite, so they cannot pose any threat to these vehicles.

As long as the other party finds his trace, he will come out. It can be driven over in twenty minutes.

Thinking of the car, Wu Zihao muttered to himself, should I also get a car to drive?

Even if he wants to take down the police station, he has to go there first. It's fifteen kilometers, he can't just run there on his own, right?

Wu Zihao silently included this as one of the preparation conditions, and then continued to analyze.

If you want to kill them, you must first know the detailed situation of the opponent, such as the number of people and weapons.

Bai Suyun doesn't know about this, let alone Bai Suyun, even some scattered survivors in the surrounding areas don't know.

But Wu Zihao has a way, because he has a golden finger

【The number of opponents is more than thirty?】


【Over forty?】


【Over fifty?】


It looks like there are more than forty people!

【More than forty-five people?】


【Forty-four people?】


【Are they all men?】


Well! The number of people has been determined, forty-four men.

The next step is weapons and equipment.

【The other party has more than thirty guns?】



【Among the enemy’s guns, more than ten are submachine guns?】



【The other party has a lot of bulletproof vests?】


【The other party has more than ten sets of bulletproof vests?】



【The other side has more than ten police cars?】



After repeated inquiries, Wu Zihao finally learned the detailed armed situation of the Nanmen Yuzhenshan group.

It must be said that the other party's armed forces are still quite powerful.

There are a total of 44 strong men, 36 guns of various sizes, including 16 pistols, 12 submachine guns, 4 semi-automatic rifles, 2 fully automatic light machine guns, and even two sniper rifles.

In addition, there are all kinds of grenades, tear gas, incendiary bombs, and various group killing weapons and auxiliary weapons.

As for those bayonets, daggers, electric batons, etc., Wu Zihao was too lazy to ask, because those things were not a threat to him.

In addition, the other party also has defensive weapons such as bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, and explosion-proof shields. Even two of the police cars are bulletproof, and the defensiveness should not be underestimated.

These add up to both offense and defense, with almost no flaws.

After getting this information, Wu Zihao tried many plans including sneak attacks and traps, but they were all rejected by him one by one. Even if he asked the golden finger, he would get a pitiful success rate of 1% or 2%.

This is in reality, not the anti-Japanese drama. He doesn't have the ability of the protagonist in the drama to face dozens of guns without any damage and to annihilate the opponent with unlimited bullets.

He only has one chance to make a move. As long as he makes a move this time, no matter what the result is, the opponent will definitely find his trace. No matter how fast he is, he can't run faster than a bunch of wheels. Even if he has a car, the performance of a private car is still inferior to that of a police car, and it has no defense.

As long as the opponent bites him and shoots directly from behind, he can't run away even if he wants to.

There are too many people on the other side and their equipment is too luxurious. No matter how awesome he is, he can't annihilate the opponent at once without any damage.

And as long as he is injured, his combat power and mobility will definitely be greatly reduced. Without help, he will basically be finished!

It seems that there is no way to fight them with just one person's force. You must use the conditions around you that can be used!

As night fell, Wu Zihao stood at the window, watching the zombies in the community becoming more and more active, listening to the whimpering and roaring sounds coming from the night. After thinking again and again, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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