In the office of the chief of the Zhehai City Police Department, a burly man with a long, hideous scar on his face stood behind his desk, looking at the sky outside which was gradually getting darker, exuding a fierce aura.

In front of the desk, a bald middle-aged man with a black dragon tattooed on his left arm stood there respectfully.

"Haven't you found that bastard yet?" The burly man turned around, his words were filled with a hint of gnashing anger. If Wu Zihao was here, he would immediately recognize that this man was Yu Xin's brother whom he had killed, the so-called South Gate leader Yu Zhenshan.

The man below lowered his head a little in shame and said,"There is no news yet. South Gate is too big, and Yu Xin went too far this time. It's getting dark, so it's really hard to find him.……"

"Waste!" Before the bald man could finish, Yu Zhenshan interrupted him in a deep voice,"These are not reasons! In our Nanmen area, under my nose, someone actually dared to kill my brother!"

"If we don't find this bastard as soon as possible, chop him into pieces, slice him up and feed him to the zombies, and put an end to this matter, how are we brothers going to survive in the future? Where can I, Yu Zhenshan of Nanmen

, put my face? In the future, when our brothers go out, can they be killed at will by anyone they want?" Yu Zhenshan was so powerful that the bald man trembled for a moment, and then immediately replied,"The boss is right! Our brothers in Nanmen, the subordinates of Boss Yu, will never be disrespected by anyone!"

"We immediately dispatched additional personnel and issued strict orders to find the murderer who dared to kill Yu Xinxiao Boss as soon as possible and hand him over to the Boss to be publicly cut into pieces and sliced into pieces to feed the zombies!"

"Why don’t you go quickly!" Yu Zhenshan pointed at the door and roared!

""Yes! Boss!" The bald man was shocked by the roar and turned around to open the door to go out.

""Wait!" Yu Zhenshan seemed to have thought of something and called the bald man again.

The bald man turned around and looked at Yu Zhenshan in confusion:"What's wrong, boss?"

Yu Zhenshan thought for a while and said:"Xiao Xin and the others said when they came back from delivering the goods last time that it was the area about ten kilometers to the south. This time they are going south again, it must be farther than last time."

"Tell the brothers to focus on the area about 15 kilometers to the south. If there is any news from the survivors there, tell me immediately!"

"Yes, Boss!" The bald heads were delighted when they heard this. The South Gate was too big, and they only had so many people. Although they could use the nearby survivors to issue a wanted notice, it would have little effect.

Now that they had a direction, their efficiency in finding people would be greatly improved.

At the same time, Wu Zihao had already thought of a plan to take down this police station.

But before that, Wu Zihao still had to confirm one thing:

【Has the other party ever used genetic medicine to greatly enhance his physical attributes?】


That's good! In any case, Wu Zihao's advantages in combat are based on his physical attributes that are much stronger than those of ordinary people.

Before, Wu Zihao would not ask this question unnecessarily, because the opponents were ordinary bandits who occupied the police station, and no one had received any special training.

But since he knew about the existence of genetic medicine, Wu Zihao has been much more cautious.

This kind of thing extracted from the energy crystal core in the body of a zombie can enhance the physical attributes of humans.

In other words, an ordinary person who has not been trained may now be like him and become a special warrior far beyond ordinary people.

So Wu Zihao must be cautious and ask in advance. If the other party really has such a person, then there will be more variables in his action this time!

Now that he knows that the other party does not have such a person, Wu Zihao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

【Are there any other survivors in this community?】


【Are there other survivors within one kilometer around this community?】


Wu Zihao nodded.

This community is located in a remote area and is not as lively as the city center.

The surrounding environment is not suitable for survivors to survive.

There is not even a big supermarket.

Food is a problem.

What makes Wu Zihao satisfied is that if there is no one around, he does not have to worry about being exposed in the community, being discovered by other survivors, and then reported to Yu Zhenshan.

It is true that he has found a way to kill Yu Zhenshan, but it is not a head-on confrontation with the opponent.

He still has to make a lot of preparations before, and now he does not want to meet the opponent immediately.

The preliminary preparations here also include going downstairs to kill zombies and collect energy crystal cores.

Yes, with the golden finger that can increase attribute points through energy crystal cores, Wu Zihao cannot use it.

And the next plan, he also has to take certain risks and must be cautious. The higher the physical attributes, the greater the possibility of success in the end.

Before leaving, Wu Zihao explained to Bai Suyun:"My dear wife, your husband has now thought of a way to get rid of Yu Zhenshan, but it still needs some preparation! You continue to inquire here, and notify me in time if the other party has any movement!"

Bai Suyun blinked at Wu Zihao after hearing what he said, with disbelief on her face:"Do you really have a way to deal with them? You are not just trying to fool me so that you can take the opportunity to leave me alone and escape... Ouch!"

Before she could finish, Wu Zihao flicked her forehead hard.

"What are you thinking about? Do you think I am the kind of person who would abandon a woman and run away? If I say there is a way, then there must be a way. You don’t even trust your own man. You deserve to be beaten!"

After thinking for a while, he said,"I'm downstairs, still in the community, I won't leave you alone!"

After the explanation, Wu Zihao said nothing more and walked out the door.

When he arrived at the door of the building, Wu Zihao looked carefully at the situation outside through the window.

There are a total of 20 buildings in the entire Bilian community, with a garden and two fitness fields in the middle. The overall area is not small.

The building where Wu Zihao is located is on the north side. Going out and passing two buildings to the south is one of the fitness fields. Next to the fitness field is the garden. There are the most zombies in such open places.

As Wu Zihao had killed two groups of zombies, there were not too many zombies on his side.

Now it seems that there are only four or five zombies from the south wandering outside.

Wu Zihao took out two machetes from the storage space, took a deep breath, and then opened the door and went out. As soon as Wu Zihao went out, the zombies in front immediately turned their heads, saw that the blood food was completely crazy, and ran towards Wu Zihao.

Tightening his hands holding the machete, Wu Zihao also rushed towards them at a high speed. The next step was killing time.

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