In the next two hours, Wu Zihao began to sweep the zombies in the entire community.

Originally, Wu Zihao used the golden finger to measure which zombie had the energy crystal core, and then mainly killed those zombies with energy crystal cores.

However, once he took action, he would inevitably make a noise. The night is the most active time for zombies. Before you can take out the energy crystal core from the head of the killed zombie, a group of zombies around have already rushed over.

There was no other way, Wu Zihao had to kill one by one. Of course, if there was enough time, as long as he got the energy crystal core before the zombie rushed over, he would hide if he could.

He is not a savior. Why would he kill a bunch of zombies without energy crystal cores? It's useless!

However, although Wu Zihao's physical attributes have been greatly improved compared to before, it would be a bit difficult to maintain the extreme speed for such a long time.

At this time, he would run back first, rest in a safe building, and then go out to kill after his body recovered.

After one hour, Wu Zihao had wiped out all the zombies wandering outside the buildings in the entire community. There were nearly one hundred zombies in total, and only three or five energy crystal cores were harvested in the end.

Wu Zihao had no choice but to open the remaining buildings and kill the zombies in the buildings.

This was a selective killing. Wu Zihao first used the golden finger to calculate whether there were zombies with energy crystal cores in these buildings. If there were, he would accurately determine which building and which household.

If not, then Wu Zihao would simply not go in. Anyway, they couldn't get out by themselves, so why bother with them!

In this way, he calculated and killed one by one for more than an hour, and Wu Zihao finally collected all the energy crystal cores in the entire community.

Looking at the thirteen energy crystal cores in his hand, Wu Zihao smiled bitterly in his heart.

In one community, Wu Zihao had killed at least one hundred and thirty or forty zombies in this killing just now. Among them, there were zombies in some buildings and some rooms that Wu Zihao didn't care about at all.

However, among so many zombies, he finally got so few energy crystal cores, not even one-tenth.

Wu Zihao once again lamented the difficulty of finding energy crystal cores.

Forget it, these are all! It should be enough for this plan.

It's not that he doesn't want to go out of the community to hunt more, but just now he asked Goldfinger about the probability of being discovered if he went out, and he saw a 70% directly!

After thinking about it, he gave up the idea and didn't think too much for the time being.

Wu Zihao was also puzzled. It was almost midnight. There was no electricity in the end of the world, and there was no entertainment. There were zombies outside. What were these people doing instead of sleeping and staring at the outside?

He didn't know that Yu Zhenshan had issued an order to let his men focus on this area. Some of the survivors in the surrounding gangs had already received the notice and knew that he was likely in this area. Their eyes were wide open.

It is said that as long as you provide information to help Boss Yu catch this person, you can join the gang!

That is the largest force in the entire South Gate. It has weapons and strength. It is said that there are many women to play with. It is much better than them hiding in fear every day and having no food to eat.

If there is such a good opportunity, you must seize it!

Wu Zihao returned to the building and placed all the energy crystal cores he had just obtained on the pattern on his chest, allowing it to absorb everything.

After absorbing it, he summoned the attribute panel in his mind. Sure enough, a golden"" appeared behind all the attribute values."+"symbol.

Wu Zihao didn't think much and directly added all his attribute points to speed.

The speed of the next action is the key. Whether it is dodging or attacking suddenly, it depends on your speed.

In this case, you must increase your speed attribute to the maximum!

Wu Zihao clicked again and again, but when he added five points to the speed and the value reached 20, the following"+"But it suddenly disappeared.

Hey, that's not right! According to the rule that after the attribute exceeds 15, every two energy crystal cores add one attribute point. I have fused thirteen energy crystal cores, so I should have six points! How come I only added five points and then nothing?

Could it be that after the attribute exceeds 20, each additional attribute point requires more energy crystal cores?


According to the rule that two energy cores equal one attribute point, I just added five points, which means I consumed ten energy cores, and there are still three left.

In other words, after 20 points, each attribute point added requires more than three energy cores.

【If I increase the speed a little more, I will need four energy crystal cores?】




Damn it, this guy is going to eat up energy crystal cores! He just added one before, and it went up to five after exceeding twenty!

He worked so hard to kill the zombies in a small area, but only got thirteen of them, which are barely enough to add two points!

And from the looks of it, when the attribute points get higher and higher, more energy crystal cores will be needed.

Wu Zihao is now even thinking about dying, how long will it take to kill him?

Sighing helplessly, Wu Zihao finally added two points to his body, bringing his body attribute to 15, the peak of human strength.

There was still one energy crystal core left, but the speed and body were not enough, so Wu Zihao added it to his strength, turning it to 10.

He glanced at the attribute panel again:

【Body: 15 (body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 10 (strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 20 (speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance, etc.)

Spirit: 8 (represents mental strength, stress resistance, interference resistance, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects! 】After adding all, Wu Zihao had the mind to feel the changes in his body.

The first and most intuitive thing is that his body is lighter and more agile. The speed attribute has been added by five points at a time, and the feeling of being as light as a swallow is getting stronger and stronger.

Wu Zihao came out to try it out, running at full speed, and in just a moment, Wu Zihao jumped from the door of this building to the door of the building opposite, and only left a residual image behind him, which was incredibly fast.

What surprised Wu Zihao the most was that he simply used his sprinting speed to push towards the wall and actually took several steps along the wall, reaching the third floor in one go, thus realizing his dream of flying over eaves and walls that only existed in novels and TV dramas!

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