Wu Zihao came here to investigate, not to kill zombies. He would not do such a thing as fighting zombies, which would waste both time and energy.

Since he was bound to be discovered by the zombies, Wu Zihao finally stopped hiding and started to move towards the police station at a high speed.

Of course, Wu Zihao did not use the fastest speed, after all, his current body could not bear the full speed for a long time.

Anyway, these zombies are basically stiff and slow, and their speed is not even as fast as that of normal people. Wu Zihao just needs to keep running about twice as fast as normal people so that they can't catch up.

When he runs far away, they will naturally stop pestering him after losing their target.

This way, he can maintain his physical strength and observe the surrounding situation along the way, which is convenient for him to make plans.

The zombies at night roared, and their eyes were like hungry wolves that had not eaten for several days, emitting this oily green light, which looked extremely creepy against the pale faces under the moonlight.

They have been wandering the streets these days, surrounded by their own kind. They don't know how long they haven't tasted blood. They finally saw this one today. How could they let him escape easily?

They immediately chased him frantically. However, with their stiff limbs and slow movements, how could they be a match for Wu Zihao who was using his extreme speed? After chasing for hundreds of meters, they finally lost the trace of the target in front of them. They could only roar unwillingly, and then calmed down again and continued to wander around aimlessly.

Most zombies are like this, of course, there are some exceptions.

Although Wu Zihao relied on his extreme speed, he did not forget to be alert to the movements around him. Even when running, he kept his eyes and ears open.

It was precisely because of his caution that he discovered the difference of the zombies behind him.

Finally, a few small guys stood out, left most of the ordinary zombies behind, and quickly chased Wu Zihao, emitting a sharp whistle while chasing!

Just when Wu Zihao ran a few more steps and looked back, he suddenly saw that the leading ones were actually faster than him now, and one even rushed four or five meters behind him, and was about to touch him.

At the moment he turned his head, the one closest to him suddenly pounced forward again, and its long and narrow nails grabbed Wu Zihao.

Wu Zihao was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his back. He subconsciously took out his machete and swung it backwards.

However, after this swing, he found that although the opponent was faster, his defense was really not that good.

This knife was just like cutting melons and vegetables, going directly from the left side of the opponent's neck and coming out from the right side, with basically no pause in the middle.

The mutant zombie's head was chopped off, and the body lost the energy to support movement and naturally stopped, but the head was still flying towards Wu Zihao at the same speed as before due to inertia.

Wu Zihao subconsciously caught it and put it into the storage space.

Wu Zihao didn't care about saving his energy, and immediately shook them off at full speed, leaped a few steps along the building in front, and in a moment he changed the machete into a hammer and smashed the glass on the third floor and sneaked in. The zombies finally lost their target, staring helplessly at the broken window on the third floor and howling.

Although they are much faster than ordinary zombies, they are still not as fast as Wu Zihao, who has a speed of 20. They have no way of mastering skills such as climbing walls and flying over rooftops. It is simply a dream to imagine that they can jump to the third floor in one go like Wu Zihao. They can only watch their prey escape.

Wu Zihao didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he passed the building and reached the window on the other side of the street.

【Were those guys just now the fast-moving mutant zombies?】


Sure enough, if it wasn't this kind of thing, how could it be worth my all to get rid of it?

Fortunately, I was smart and looked back after running a few steps, otherwise I might have been caught off guard.

This was the first time he saw mutant zombies, and he saw several of them at once.

He ran in a hurry just now, and he didn't see the other party clearly.

He only knew that this kind of zombie was very thin, and it seemed that its limbs were very narrow and long, but its main body was less than a quarter of that of a human.

But it was really fast!

I must be careful when encountering such things in the future.

Fortunately, I increased my speed to 20 before taking action.

Otherwise, if I only had a speed of 15 before, I would not have a faster reaction speed and action than the other party.

Not to mention killing them, even I would have a hard time protecting myself!

Without a speed far exceeding theirs, and without the ability to use the terrain to fly over the eaves and walk on the walls, it is not certain whether I can get rid of them!

At 15, I was indeed faster than the other party, but not by much.

But I am a human being, with physical limitations, and I will get tired after all.

These zombies are different. They are like a group of machines. There is no such thing as fatigue or muscle discomfort. No matter how far they run, as long as they still have energy, it will not affect them.

At that time, I can only circle with them on the street. In the end, I will either be exhausted to death or be caught by them and become blood food.

As for investigating the surrounding situation and destroying the hideout of Yuzhen Mountain, don't even think about it.

Sure enough, success is reserved for those who are prepared.

Wu Zihao, who calmed down, recalled the scene just now. This kind of zombies runs faster than ordinary zombies, but it seems that there is nothing special about them.

Especially the defense, which is really poor. The knife I just cut was basically effortless.

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao reached out and took out the head of the zombie from the storage space and threw it on the ground.

The situation was urgent just now, and Wu Zihao subconsciously took it away. Now thinking about how he had just put such a disgusting thing in the storage space, he immediately felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

After trying to calm his restless stomach, Wu Zihao looked at the head again, thought for a moment, and asked:

【Is there an energy crystal core inside the head of this mutant zombie?】


Looking at the 100% words in front of him, Wu Zihao was delighted.

""It's not in vain that I was disgusted this time, I finally got something out of it."

Wu Zihao muttered to himself, and walked over with a knife, split the head open, and then found an orange-yellow crystal in it and picked it up.

Looking at the crystal in his hand, Wu Zihao felt puzzled.

After thinking about it, he took out the spare energy crystal core in the storage space and put the two crystals together for comparison.

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