After comparing, Wu Zihao found that the two crystals were both the size of pigeon eggs, crystal clear and round, and contained pure energy.

However, the difference was that the energy crystal core he had reserved was red, and the energy crystal cores he had obtained and absorbed before were also red.

The other crystal taken from the mutant zombie's head was orange-yellow.

【Is this thing also an energy crystal core?】


Sure enough, this is the energy crystal core of this mutant zombie!

But it is also an energy crystal core, why is this one different? Is it because this zombie is a mutant zombie?

【Hey! Are the energy crystal cores in all mutant zombies this orange?】


【Um, what do you mean, is it that part of it is and part of it isn’t?】


【Hey! Does that mean that all mutant zombies have energy crystal cores in their bodies?】


【So the energy crystal cores in the bodies of all these mutated zombies are orange-yellow?】


Seeing this, Wu Zihao finally understood.

First of all, what surprised Wu Zihao was that all the mutant zombies had energy crystal cores in their bodies, so that he could collect energy crystal cores from these mutant zombies in the future.

Secondly, mutant zombies are also divided into types. He is not sure how to divide them specifically, but according to the information in front of him, the mutant zombies he just killed, which are a little more flexible and faster than normal zombies, all have orange energy crystal cores in their bodies.

Either all zombies of this type are classified as one category, or they are also a branch of a large category, and their characteristic is that the energy crystal cores in their bodies are orange.

In addition to this category, there are other types of mutant zombies, and the energy crystal cores in their bodies are also of various colors.

I can't see it for the time being, so Wu Zihao is too lazy to think about it. No matter what color it is, it is just something that I have absorbed.

Wu Zihao took back the spare red energy crystal core and put the orange one on the Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest and absorbed it.

Then the attribute panel popped up in his mind.

What surprised Wu Zihao was that he only absorbed one energy crystal core this time, but on the attribute panel, not only did the strength attribute value 11 and the divine attribute value 8 have two golden numbers behind them."+", even after the body is already 15, there is still one.

You know, after reaching 15, if you want to increase the attribute a little more, you need two red energy crystal cores.

Is this orange energy crystal core a high-end product? One is equivalent to two red ones?


Sure enough! This is really a treasure!

Wu Zihao was pleasantly surprised and annoyed at the same time.

If he had known earlier, he would not have run away so quickly. You know, there were still five mutant zombies just now, which means five orange energy crystal cores. If they were red, that would be ten! It's almost as fast as the one I worked so hard to clear a community!

Although they are speed zombies, they are far inferior to me who can use extreme speed, and their defense is even worse.

I can completely lead them away from the zombie group alone, and then kill them one by one!

Alas! What a mistake! Why did I run away just now?

When Wu Zihao thought about the fact that he had just missed ten ordinary energy crystal cores, his heart was bleeding.

With an annoyed mood, Wu Zihao increased his strength to 13.

After resting for a few minutes, Wu Zihao felt that his physical strength had almost recovered, so he opened the window and continued to race with the zombies.

He ran to a place less than 700 to 800 meters away from the police station, and then Wu Zihao found a building and jumped up again.

Of course, during this period, Wu Zihao encountered several speed-type mutant zombies again.

After what happened before, Wu Zihao naturally would not let them go again. He used his speed advantage to lure them out and distanced them from the ordinary zombies. Then Wu Zihao killed them one by one with a knife and took away the energy crystal core.

Wu Zihao's physical attributes now are:

【Body: 15 (body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 15 (strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 20 (speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance, etc.)

Spirit: 14 (represents mental strength, stress resistance, anti-interference ability, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects! 】

Four orange-yellow energy crystal cores directly added eight attribute points to Wu Zihao.

Now, except for the spirit attribute which is still at 14, the rest of the attributes have all reached the peak of human beings, and even the speed has exceeded that of humans by a large margin.

He still remembered that Bai Suyun once said that the person who holds the highest record of human attributes in this world seems to be called Chen Tianyun, with attribute values of 13, 14, 15, and 13.

Even so, he is still called a god-like man.

His current human attributes are far better than this so-called god-like man! I wonder what they will call him if they know it?

Shaking his head, Wu Zihao threw this meaningless thought behind his mind. Even if he was a god-like man, he was only before the end of the world.

It is said that the humans in this world have developed a genetic medicine extracted from the energy crystal core in the zombie body, which can be used to improve the human body and enhance physical attributes.

Compared with those who have used the genetic medicine, this god-like man is just ordinary!

After dealing with the idle zombies in the corridor of this building, Wu Zihao went directly to the roof to observe.

It was too far away, and there were buildings separating it. In addition, it was dark, so Wu Zihao could not see the situation of the police station.

However, through the observation of the telescope, he had found that the zombies within a few hundred meters near the police station had basically been cleared.

At least from the downstairs of his building, there was not even a trace of zombies on the streets and streets to the police station. I think it was the result of this gang cleaning up their own mess.

However, although he could not see the situation of the police station, Wu Zihao had already figured out the situation in the south of the police station.

At least he knew some of the nearby streets and streets, the situation of each building, and several areas where a large number of zombies gathered.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao decided to explore further. At least he wanted to understand the personnel distribution and guard situation of the other gang in the police station so that he could make targeted plans.

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