In a basement building less than 500 meters away from the city police station, a thin figure clung to the building and moved very quickly in the direction of the police station not far ahead.

If someone happened to be nearby and glanced in the direction of this figure, he would find that the figure's movements were extremely fast, so fast that it would even give him a dreamlike feeling.

The figure was still in front of him in the last second, but in the next second it had turned into a residual image and disappeared.

Yu Zhenshan and his gang took care of their own business and cleared out all the zombies within a few hundred meters nearby, which gave Wu Zihao a lot of convenience. Without zombies around, he could sneak around calmly without worrying about making any noise and alerting the enemy.

Wu Zihao sneaked until he was about 50 meters away, then he walked into a nearby building, hid on the roof, took out a telescope and continued to observe the situation around the police station.

【Is Yu Zhenshan in this police station now?】


【Are there more than 40 out of the 44 members of the other gang now in this police station?】


More than forty people? That's enough!

The big guys are basically all here, and the weapons and equipment are also here. Even if the remaining two or three cats and kittens escape this disaster, they are just rootless apples and can't make a big difference.

The police station is not small. A four-story building is surrounded by a large courtyard of several thousand square meters. Several police cars are parked side by side in front of the building.

The walls on all four sides are two meters and five meters high, and there is an electric fence more than half a meter high on top. Ordinary people and zombies can't get through at all.

Wu Zihao couldn't see the back because of the building, but the front door had been replaced with a tall black iron door.

From Wu Zihao's angle, he couldn't see the situation behind the door, but there would definitely be someone.

【Are there two or more people standing guard at the opponent's front door?】


【Three or more?】


【There are only two people at the back door?】


【Uh! There's no one at the back door?】


【What does this mean? Is there no back door to this yard?】


Well, due to the perspective, Wu Zihao couldn't see the situation behind the building. He didn't expect that this compound didn't have a back door.

That is to say, there were only two people on guard in the whole yard.

Wu Zihao sneered in his heart: You really rely on your own power to be fearless! Do you really think no one dares to touch you?

Knowing the guard situation at the door, Wu Zihao turned his eyes to the Public Security Building.

Unlike the pitch-blackness of other places, there are more than a dozen rooms in this Public Security Building that are brightly lit.

With the advent of the end of the world, everyone is in danger. The whole world is filled with zombies. All public facilities in the city are paralyzed. Just like the Bilian community where Bai Suyun is located, the night lighting can only use the flashlight function of the personal terminal, and as for the lights, don't even think about it.

However, the police station is a special government agency, and there will be no power outages all year round. It is naturally equipped with a generator set inside, and there will be no power outages as long as there is fuel.

This also gives these thugs a chance to enjoy.

Wu Zihao carefully looked through the telescope into one of the lighted windows on the second floor, and saw that the women were covered in scars, bruises and whip marks all over their bodies, and their expressions were as numb as ever. He looked away and switched to another room, and the situation was still similar.

He changed several lighted rooms in a row, and except for the one on the fourth floor where he could not see anything, the rest were all disgusting scenes!

""Scum! Beast!" Even though Wu Zihao was mentally prepared for the cruelty of human nature in this apocalyptic world, he still felt uncomfortable when he saw such a lewd scene.

These beasts were originally a group of criminals and thugs. Living in this apocalyptic world without laws and restrictions, their psychology was twisted beyond recognition. It can be said that they had no humanity at all.

After cursing inwardly, Wu Zihao suddenly had an idea.

【Are most of these people on the other side doing this kind of thing?】


Good opportunity!

Looking at the tall iron door that was locked from the inside, Wu Zihao asked in his heart:

【If I use that SUV, can I break down the gate in one go?】


【So if I break the door open, will the sudden movement be noticed by those people in the building who are doing that kind of thing?】


Oh? Only 5%, which means that basically he will not be discovered! If I don't do this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I will never be able to stay in this place again! After carefully thinking about the feasibility of the whole plan and confirming that there was basically nothing missing, Wu Zihao ran downstairs and ran towards the place where he parked his car.

When he came back, Wu Zihao did not encounter the mutant zombies of the speed type again. Maybe it was because he had just walked this road, and the mutant zombies were all killed by him. He had not replenished them in a short time, which made Wu Zihao a little regretful.

But Wu Zihao did not force it. Now he had more important things to do.

Wu Zihao returned to the car, thought about it and released the subwoofers under the two off-road vehicles, and then drove towards a nearby zombie-dense area.

This time Wu Zihao did not drive very fast, but just kept the speed a little faster than normal people.

Because this time his purpose was not to travel secretly, but to attract zombies, to attract all the zombies around him, and to follow him forward.

By maintaining this speed, he would not be caught up by the zombies behind, nor would he be lost by them. He followed Wu Zihao slowly and leisurely as he got closer and closer to the police station.

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