Looking down from a high place, the entire police station compound was basically filled with groups of zombies.

The entire public security building was also surrounded by zombies. The back was okay because there was no target. There were only some stragglers coming from the front. Now there were only 20 to 30 zombies, but they were increasing.

The front was different. Zombies kept pouring in from the front door on the street. Except for a part that entered the building, they were basically piled up in the front yard. It was roughly estimated that there were hundreds of them, as densely packed as the playground for morning exercises in a school.

Wu Zihao was watching from the roof of a building on the back side, and kept an eye on the situation in the building. He took out the submachine gun from the storage space and was ready to make up for it at any time.

A thug was about to go back to his room to sleep.

Tired, he did not notice the abnormality in the corridor, and opened the door directly to come out, just in time to be blocked by the zombies wandering in the corridor. The living blood food was right in front of him, how could the zombies let it go? They rushed over with a roar.

The poor guy didn't have time to react and was pounced on by the zombies, who bit off a piece of his flesh.

It was not until the pain came that he struggled and screamed in fear:"Zombies! There are zombies!"……"

There were already many zombies wandering in the corridor. Attracted by the sound, many of them ran over. In the blink of an eye, three or four of them had entered the room and were biting and killing people wantonly. The room was not very big to begin with. With several people in it, it seemed even smaller after a few more zombies entered.

The thugs had already stripped naked for pleasure, and they didn't know where to throw their weapons. In the crowded room, there was no space to hide. They could only watch their companions being torn and eaten by the zombies that rushed in. The screams just now were quite loud. Although the rooms in this building were well soundproofed, they were not completely inaudible even in the nearby rooms.

However, they didn't hear it very clearly. They simply put on some clothes and opened the door with guns to inquire about the situation. However, as soon as the door was opened, they were completely ruined. They saw a group of zombies waiting for them in the corridor. When they saw them coming out, they rushed over frantically. The few people in front were caught off guard and were pounced on. The people behind reacted faster but were also frightened by so many zombies and started shooting.

The sudden gunshot startled the entire police station compound.

The thugs in each room immediately became alert, quickly put on their clothes and ran out with their guns, shouting as they ran:"Where did the gun come from? Who the hell fired the gun?"

And then, nothing happened.

Wu Zihao was standing on the roof of a nearby building. He couldn't see the situation in the corridor of the Public Security Building, but suddenly he heard a gunshot, and then the whole building was filled with gunshots.

The zombies outside became even crazier after hearing the gunshots, and they kept pouring into the building. What awaited these thugs were all kinds of endless zombies.

While observing, Wu Zihao asked Gold Finger to calculate the battle situation in the building:

【More than five people from this group of thugs have died?】


【More than ten people have died?】

【0%!】 ten minutes later

【Now more than ten people from this group of thugs have died?】


【More than twenty people have died?】


【More than fifteen people have died?】


Half an hour later, the sound of gunfire in the Public Security Building had died down.

【More than twenty-five people from this group of thugs have died?】


【More than thirty people died?】


【More than thirty-five people died?】


During this period, Wu Zihao actually saw two people jumping down from the back.

There was no living space in the building. If they wanted to survive, they had to escape as quickly as possible. There were too many zombies in front, so they had to jump to the backyard, where there were relatively fewer zombies.

However, when they jumped down and were shooting at the zombies in the yard while moving towards the back wall, what was waiting for them was submachine gun bullets from another building not far away.

Wu Zihao's shooting skills were much better than these unprofessional thugs. He was caught off guard and was shot into a sieve with just one round of bullets. The zombies around him rushed up and ate them up.

Blowing the gunpowder from the muzzle, Wu Zihao sneered:"Haha! If you can run away from the front yard, that's your ability, but if you can slip away from under my nose from the back, I will just find a piece of tofu and kill myself!"

Wu Zihao was not in a hurry at all, just waiting for the rabbit in the back.

The front yard was full of zombies, so even if he were in his place, he couldn't run away. If the other party wanted to jump off the building to escape, they could only flee to the back. He was watching from behind, and he would reward them with a volley of bullets if they came out. No one could be let go. He kept guarding like this until the sky was slightly bright and the zombies' movements gradually slowed down. Wu Zihao slowly went downstairs.

Because he had just used the golden finger to test, this group of thugs were almost all dead, and only Yu Zhenshan was left on the fourth floor.

Yu Zhenshan was smart. After hearing the gunshots last night, he knew that things were not going well. He carefully opened the crack of the door and took a look outside. After seeing a group of wandering zombies in the corridor, he immediately understood his situation.

Then he closed the door, turned off the lights, and hid in the room without going out.

He had to wait until all the panicked guys below died and couldn't make any sound, and wait until the zombies completely lost their target for this building before coming out.

As for whether the remaining zombies would leave, he was not worried. He still had two brothers outside and he could still contact them. He just needed to let these two brothers outside lead the zombies away. Of course, the premise was that there was no more sound in the building.

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