Coming downstairs, Wu Zihao found four cars in a row, set them to automatic driving, played the subwoofer, and let them drive in all directions according to the route they set, maintaining a speed slightly faster than normal people, to lead away the zombies in the public security compound.

The automatic driving technology has already taken shape in modern times, but it is still in its infancy. Many technologies are not mature enough, and the cost is too high to be popularized.

But this thing is very mature in the end of the world two hundred years later, and can automatically find routes and avoid obstacles.

If this thing can only drive safely and not hit the door, Wu Zihao would not have driven the car to lead the zombies last night.

Now the thugs in the public security building have only Yu Zhenshan as the commander, and Wu Zihao does not have to use zombies to bite him to death.

So many zombies have not been able to do anything to him in one night, which means that he has found a closed place where zombies cannot enter and hide, and a few more nights will not have any effect.

Although if this continues, the other party will eventually starve to death, but Wu Zihao does not want to waste that time on him.

You know, it takes at least three days for a normal person to die of thirst or starvation. Who knows what will happen in these three days? He didn't forget that not all the thugs were here, and there were still some who slipped through the net outside!

Four cars with subwoofers led away all the zombies in the yard, and most of the zombies in the building also left. There were only a few dozen left, which was nothing to Wu Zihao now.

Wu Zihao easily killed his way up to the fourth floor, and even didn't collect the energy crystal cores of the zombies that were killed, and went straight to the room where Yu Zhenshan was.

At this time, the most dangerous thing is not zombies, but people, people with weapons. Only by killing Yu Zhenshan first and making sure that the other party is dead, can Wu Zihao really feel at ease to clean up the spoils.

When he came to the director's office, Wu Zihao replaced the machete in his hand with a big hammer, smashed the door open, and then put away the hammer and replaced it with a submachine gun, rushed into the office and fired.

No matter what the situation is inside, let's suppress it with firepower first.

Yu Zhenshan was also lucky. After being blocked in the room by zombies, he didn't dare to go out or make a sound. He just huddled under the desk. This round of gunfire didn't hit him.

However, after this round of suppression, Wu Zihao had already taken the initiative and found his position through the golden finger.

Walking forward and lifting the corner of the table, Wu Zihao ordered in a cold voice:"Hold your head with both hands and come out!"

Yu Zhenshan was already scared. After hearing the voice, how could he dare not disobey? He immediately crawled out from under the desk with his hands holding his head.

Wu Zihao walked up, took his pistol and used the golden finger to check that he had no weapons on him. Then he slowly raised the corner of his mouth and said teasingly:"Tsk tsk! The legendary Yu Zhenshan of Nanmen, look up and see if you recognize me?" Yu Zhenshan raised his head when he heard the words. After seeing Wu Zihao's face clearly, he was immediately shocked. He stretched out a trembling finger and pointed at Wu Zihao:"You... it's you?"

"That's right! It's me!" Wu Zihao smiled coldly,"I don't know who told me yesterday that if I dared to touch his brother, he would cut me into pieces and feed me to the zombies! Today I'm here, you slice me up and feed me to the zombies?"

Yu Zhenshan knew that the situation was hopeless and his life was completely in the hands of the other party. When he heard this, he immediately became cowardly and knelt down to beg for mercy:"Big brother! Uncle! I was wrong! I didn't recognize the great man, please spare my life!"……"

""Bang!" Wu Zihao smashed Yu Zhenshan's face with the butt of his gun, knocking him to the corner of the table. He said in a cold voice:"Shut up! Now I'll ask the questions and you answer them!""

"Yes! Yes!"Although he was hit, Yu Zhenshan did not dare to show any dissatisfaction at all. He knelt down again and nodded continuously.

"Last time I heard your brother talk about using the crystal cores in zombies to extract genetic medicine. Tell me, what is going on?"

The reason why Wu Zihao didn't kill him immediately was mainly because he wanted to ask about this genetic medicine.

Since he knew about this, this thing has become a thorn in Wu Zihao's heart.

You know, this medicine can improve the physical attributes of ordinary people. With this thing, his physical attributes far exceed those of ordinary people. It will no longer be unique.

Wu Zihao must understand it clearly so that he can take precautions.

Yu Zhenshan's life is now in Wu Zihao's hands, so naturally he will say whatever he wants. Hearing this, he immediately said:

"In fact, we are not very clear about these. These are secrets of the upper echelons. We are just thugs who collect crystal cores for them. Such core secrets are not something that small people like us can control!"

"Upper level? You have an upper level?" Wu Zihao was surprised when he heard this, and hurriedly continued to ask:"Speak! Tell me everything you know about the upper level!"

Yu Zhenshan nodded. He had experienced this man's decisiveness in killing, so he did not bring out any backers to threaten him.

If this man was afraid of threats, he would not have killed his brother so decisively yesterday.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is nothing in the eyes of his so-called backers, and they don't care about his life or death at all.

Wu Zihao listened to Yu Zhenshan's story, and he was more and more shocked.

After he finished speaking, he finally understood something about this so-called upper level.

It turned out that Yu Zhenshan and his gang were just a gold-making group, and there were many gangs like them in the whole Zhejianghai City.

Above them are the most powerful forces in Zhejianghai City and even the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province.

These major forces are all composed of major financial groups and scientific research teams before the disaster. They have their own armed forces, and control the complete production chain and scientific research capabilities.

They developed and manufactured weapons, and they control a large amount of food.

In this doomsday, they are the kings.

As for the genetic medicine, it was studied by the organization called Doomsday Star to which Yu Zhenshan belongs. There is not only genetic medicine, but a large amount of experimental data shows that the crystal cores in these zombie heads contain powerful energy and have many different uses. These are all topics they are researching.

Small forces like Yu Zhenshan are just gold-making groups supported by these big forces, and they collect energy crystal cores for them to conduct research and experiments.

Yu Zhenshan and his gang have to rely on handing in energy crystal cores in exchange for food and ammunition to ensure their survival every time, and continue to fight zombies and collect energy crystal cores for them.

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