A small group like Yu Zhenshan is at best just a peripheral minions of the organization called Doomsday Star behind them.

He is even a low-ranking one among these minions.

He was not originally among the forces that they supported.

He was only noticed and recruited because he accidentally occupied the police station and had a decent armed force.

As for the forces that they personally supported, they all have real core personnel as the backers, and their weapons and ammunition are all newly developed by them.

Their combat effectiveness is not comparable to theirs.

Not only that, the places they live in are also fortifications built by them according to the current situation of the doomsday. The food they distribute is better than theirs, and they will be treated preferentially when they hand in crystal cores to exchange for supplies. It can be said that they are better than them in every way.

And outsiders like him are purely stepmothers. It is good enough to have something to eat. As for those genetic medicines, they don’t even have to think about it.

Yu Zhenshan just spoke so much, mostly because he had to say everything to save his life, and he also meant to spit. When he spoke, Wu Zihao could clearly see the envy and jealousy on his face towards his"own" minion who was also a minion.

After digesting the other party's confession, Wu Zihao looked at Yu Zhenshan again:"The last question, the coverage range of the personal terminal is only ten kilometers, why can Yu Xin contact you fifteen kilometers away?"

This is also a question that he can't figure out.

According to Bai Suyun, in the absence of a network, the coverage range of the personal terminal is only ten kilometers around.

He himself tried it. On the way here to investigate, he drove the car ten kilometers away from the Bilian community and tried to contact Bai Suyun, but found that Bai Suyun's friend name was hidden and was not within the service range.

However, yesterday afternoon, Yu Xin was in the Bilian community and happened to contact Yu Zhenshan at the police station fifteen kilometers away.

Hearing that this was the last question, Yu Zhenshan felt hopeful, thinking that the other party would let him go after answering this question, and he quickly replied,"That's why."

He pointed to the corner of the desk. Wu Zihao looked over there and saw a device similar to a radar, with several metal rods like antennas extending out from it.

""What is this?" Wu Zihao asked. Yu

Zhenshan quickly replied:"This is called a personal terminal signal enhancer. It is newly developed by the higher-ups to facilitate communication in this era of network paralysis!"

"As long as the personal terminal that matches it is within its coverage, it can use it to strengthen the signal. The personal terminals within a range of 30 kilometers can be contacted, and the personal terminals within a range of 30 kilometers can also contact the matching personal terminals within its coverage."

After Yu Zhenshan's explanation, Wu Zihao nodded.

This thing is somewhat similar to modern WiFi. As long as it is within its coverage, the matched personal terminal can use it to send and receive all network signals within a range of 30 kilometers. The coverage of this thing is this public security building, which means that the personal terminal that matches it, as long as it is in this building, can use it to contact all personal terminal friends within a range of 30 kilometers, and friends within 30 kilometers can also contact it.

""Yeah!" Wu Zihao nodded,"This thing is good, what is the WiFi password?"

"???"Yu Zhenshan was full of questions when he heard this,"Uncle, what's the WiFi password?"

"Ahem! How do you match this thing?"Wu Zihao asked

"Oh! Just find its channel on your personal terminal and click on the connection. Enter the key and apply for connection. The booster will agree.……"

Wu Zihao matched his personal terminal according to Yu Zhenshan's method, and then refreshed the friend list. Sure enough, Bai Suyun's name lit up again, indicating that it was possible to connect.

Wu Zihao sent a video invitation to Bai Suyun, and the call was quickly connected.

There was a hint of anxiety on the familiar face, and as soon as the call was connected, he asked with concern:"Where have you been? Why did you contact me at this time?"

Bai Suyun was indeed a little anxious. After all, this guy had offended the boss of Nanmen yesterday and was wanted.

She was too tired to think about him when he left last night, but she was worried when she didn't see Wu Zihao this morning. She was always worried that Wu Zihao would be discovered if he went out alone and be found by Yu Zhenshan.

"Oh! I'm here at Aftershock Mountain!……"

"What? You were caught by him?" Before Wu Zihao finished speaking, Bai Suyun was so anxious that her face turned pale, and her eyes were full of worry:"He didn't do anything to you, did he? He just told you not to show off and run away quickly, what happened?……"

""Okay, wife, you think too much!" Wu Zihao smiled bitterly,"If I was caught by him, would I still have a chance to chat with you now?"

Bai Suyun blinked when she heard it, and her IQ, which had been offline because of being too anxious just now, finally came back a little bit,"That's right! So what's the situation with you now?"

Wu Zihao turned the scanner to Yu Zhenshan who was kneeling on the ground, and said,"Didn't I say yesterday that this so-called King of Nanmen is nothing in front of your husband, I will take him down in one fell swoop! Today, your husband will prove it to you!"

As he said that, he raised the pistol and pointed the muzzle at Yu Zhenshan's head.

Yu Zhenshan was so scared that his pants were wet when he saw this, and he said tremblingly,"Grandpa, don't you say you will spare me? I just told you everything...……"

"Which ear of yours heard that I would not kill you after you confessed?" Wu Zihao said coldly

""Bang!" With a gunshot, the leader that everyone in Nanmen feared before completely left this world.

"It can be regarded as revenge for those poor people!"Wu Zihao blew lightly on the muzzle of the gun and murmured.

When Wu Zihao heard a gunshot, Bai Suyun on the other side of the video was already stunned. It can be said that she was already stunned when she saw Yu Zhenshan kneeling on the ground in the video.

"What he said was actually true! He really did it!"Bai Suyun murmured blankly. No matter how confidently and seriously Wu Zihao spoke yesterday, she didn't dare to believe that he could really do this.

You know, there were dozens of people and twenty or thirty guns. She couldn't believe that Wu Zihao could really take them down by himself, but he just let her see this fact with her own eyes, and she couldn't help but believe it. She didn't expect that he was so capable. It seemed that she had made the right choice at the beginning!

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