After talking to Bai Suyun casually for a few words, Wu Zihao hung up the video.

One reason why he connected to Bai Suyun just now was to try whether this personal terminal signal booster worked well, and the other reason was to imagine Bai Suyun proving his strength.

After knowing Yu Zhenshan's affairs yesterday, he found that Bai Suyun expressed doubts about his strength, doubting whether he had the ability to protect her, and doubting whether it was really wise for her to follow him.

Although she finally stood on his side, the hesitation at that moment did not hide from his eyes.

So he just connected this video.

He wanted to do the thing that she thought he could not do in front of her!

He wanted to prove his strength to her! He wanted to tell her that following him was right, wise, and had a bright future! He wanted to tell her to follow him wholeheartedly in the future, not to think about those things, and not to doubt her man's strength!

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is naturally no need to continue chatting. He now has to hurry up to clean up the battlefield and search for spoils.

After listening to Yu Zhenshan's words, Wu Zihao felt a sense of crisis and oppression in his heart.

An armed gang like Yu Zhenshan, which has more than 40 people and more than 30 guns, is actually just a small follower who depends on others.

Even this small follower has to work hard to lure a group of zombies to kill them. It is conceivable how terrible these behemoths behind them will be.

The other party has a weapons research and development factory, a scientific research department, a large number of armed forces, advanced weapons and equipment, and stores rare food. The most important thing is that the other party can also produce high-end products such as genetic medicine.

You must know that Wu Zihao’s advantage over ordinary people in this world now is that he has physical attributes far beyond ordinary people, and he can continue to improve by losing the energy crystal core in his body.

However, this is not rare in front of these huge organizations. The other party also controls the technology of improving human attributes through energy crystal cores, and it is even possible to research more advanced technologies.

If he confronts them one day, he is likely to encounter super survivors with physical attributes far beyond ordinary people like him, and there will be more than one!

These countless possibilities remind him that he is not invincible in this world, and he will still be subject to many unknown threats.

Now he must seize every moment to work hard to improve his strength in order to go further in this world.

Fortunately, he had a jade pendant, and after getting the energy crystal core, he could just absorb it directly, which was much more convenient than the other party's method of extracting energy crystal cores to make liquid medicine and then improving it.

Putting away the pistol, Wu Zihao began to use the golden finger to search the entire building from top to bottom. He would not let go of anything useful that he could take away.

The first thing that surprised Wu Zihao was Yu Zhenshan's office. Although this guy was not very capable, he had a lot of good things.

The first was the energy crystal core. Wu Zihao searched out more than ten energy crystal cores in the safe under the desk, three of which were orange-yellow.

This made Wu Zihao overjoyed and he put them into the storage space.

There will be plenty of time to absorb them in the future, so now we should hurry up and clean up the spoils.

In addition to the energy crystal core, the most important thing is the weapon.

Here, Wu Zihao found the two fully automatic light machine guns, a sniper rifle, and two boxes of weapons and ammunition. It seems that most of the good things are here!

Wu Zihao simply studied the sniper rifle. Wow, the effective range is actually 3,000 meters. This is something that can only be seen in novels and TV dramas in modern times! It is indeed the black technology of two hundred years later! After putting all the weapons and ammunition and the personal terminal signal amplifier into the storage space, Wu Zihao went to other rooms to sweep.

Of course, the zombie bodies in the corridor cannot be let go. Once he used the golden finger to find that there was an energy crystal core in the body of a zombie, Wu Zihao dug it out.

Wu Zihao harvested several orange-yellow energy crystal cores from it, and the zombies with orange-yellow energy crystal cores were not the skinny speed-type zombies that Wu Zihao had seen.

It seems that there are many types of zombies with orange-yellow crystal cores! There are several different types of zombies that Wu Zihao saw. Among them, there is a tall and strong bone with an amazing defense. Wu Zihao couldn't even cut it with a machete, and finally blew up its head with a pistol.

Even with a pistol, one shot didn't work, but he shot four shots directly.

Wu Zihao secretly memorized the characteristics of this kind of zombie. If he encounters it next time, he will never fight it in close combat without a good sharp weapon or his strength attribute has not been improved to a certain level. Even if it risks attracting the attention of nearby zombies and survivors, he has to use a gun to kill it.

Searching all the way to the second floor, Wu Zihao has collected more than ten energy crystal cores, some of which he chopped off later, and of course more of them were killed in their fight yesterday.

The second floor was the most tragic. There were the most thugs and female slaves on this floor. Many of them were pounced on by zombies before they could react, and they didn't even have clothes on. There were broken limbs everywhere, and there was not a single complete corpse. Even though Wu Zihao had seen a lot of them these days, he still felt a little disgusted when he looked at them now.

After searching a room again, Wu Zihao suddenly found that there was another room here that was locked from the outside.

"It's locked from the outside, could there be something important inside?" Wu Zihao touched his chin and said to himself


Well, it seems that I was overthinking it!

But if there is nothing good in it, why lock it?

Could it be that there are people inside instead of things?


Ugh! Holy shit! There's a survivor in here?


Oh my god, there is actually a survivor in this building! And he didn't even notice it!

Wu Zihao's eyes widened in shock, and it took him a long time to react. It seemed that he had been asking about this group of thugs, and whether there were any of them alive.

In his opinion, there were only thugs and female slaves in this building. These female slaves were prisoners, without weapons, and posed no threat. He didn't take them seriously.

And this person inside was probably not a member of this group of thugs, but a female slave captured by the other party, so naturally she would not be counted.

【The survivor here must be a female slave captured by this group of thugs, right?】


【Sure enough, there was only one person inside?】


【Has the person inside lost the ability to move?】


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