Looking at the frantic Lu Ting, Wu Zihao suddenly changed his teasing expression and asked seriously:"Do you still want to live?"

""I want to!" Isn't that nonsense? If she didn't want to live, she would have bitten her tongue long ago!

"Then how should you treat the only person who can decide your life or death?"

Lu Ting paused when she heard the words. She was fluttering her body and then suddenly became quiet. Her pretty face, which was full of anger and arrogance, changed from time to time. Finally, she showed an expression of grievance and crying. She pursed her lips and dared not say anything more!

She just looked a little serious, but she was not a fool. She had seen the situation clearly. Her life was in the hands of this bad guy in front of her. She could not help but give in.

"Well! That's good!" Wu Zihao touched her head with satisfaction when he saw her glaring at him but then holding back her dissatisfaction, and he felt secretly happy.

I like to see you being unhappy with me but unable to get rid of me, and even having to beg me in the end!

"Where am I now! I have a house, a car, food, and a way to take you away……"Seeing Lu Ting's hopeful expression, Wu Zihao changed the subject:"But why should I save you?"

"you……"Lu Ting was almost choked by this turn of events and the grievance on her face was obvious.

"Me what?" Wu Zihao sat down on the side of the sofa and said,"Don't make that expression, it's useless to me!"

"You have to know that this is the end of the world, and we are all poor people. No one will pity anyone else!"

"Food is a scarce resource for everyone. No one wants to support a useless idler. It not only wastes food but also annoys people!"

"If you want me to save you and support you, then you have to let me see your value. What can you do? What can you do to help me? Let me see if you are worthy of me taking you away?"

Lu Ting pouted when she heard that. Although she felt uncomfortable, she also knew that what Wu Zihao said was not unreasonable. In this world, food is too scarce and no one would be willing to support an idler.

After thinking about it, she raised her head and said weakly:"I... I am a fashion designer. I can design many valuable things and let you make a lot of money!"

"Make a lot of money, forget it!" Wu Zihao waved his hand,"What time is it now? Is money still useful now? Even if it is useful, who will make the things you design? Your major is useless in today's world!"

"I...I can do housework and clean. I can help you clean the house!"

"Ha! Who doesn't know how to clean? Do you think you can make a living with this?"Wu Zihao shook his head.

"I can also cook, wash dishes, and do laundry. As long as you are at home, you don't have to do anything, just leave it to me.……"

"Okay, all the things you mentioned are already done, I don't lack a nanny! You should think about it more practically!" Wu Zihao interrupted Lu Ting again.

Lu Ting's face turned red with anxiety, but her little head turned again and again. She really didn't know what else she could do.

Until now, she realized that she seemed to be useless in this world!

Wu Zihao looked at her and shook his head. This reaction was really slow. After thinking for a while, he said:"Okay, you think about it slowly, I will clean up this building first. If you still don't give me a satisfactory answer after I collect all the spoils in this building, I will have to leave you here to fend for yourself!"

"Hey...you……"Amid Lu Ting's anxiety, Wu Zihao turned around and walked out the door, leaving her alone with a distressed and frustrated face.

After leaving the door, Wu Zihao asked Goldfinger first for safety reasons:

【Are there any other survivors in this building besides the two of us?】


Very good. In the next half hour, Wu Zihao collected all the energy crystal core weapons, ammunition and other things he liked in the building.

The storage space could not hold them all, so Wu Zihao went downstairs to get a bulletproof police car and loaded all the things into the car.

This time, Wu Zihao returned with a full load. Not only did he confiscate most of the weapons of the Yuzhenshan gang, but he also got a large number of energy crystal cores.

Wu Zihao counted them. There were eleven orange-yellow ones alone, and more than forty red ones, which added up to nearly seventy red energy crystal cores.

Wu Zihao absorbed them one by one into the Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest without hesitation, and called out the attribute panel to start adding attribute points.

First, Wu Zihao increased all the attributes to twenty to achieve balance.

And just when Wu Zihao raised the last attribute to twenty, he suddenly found that his storage space had suddenly changed. The previous storage space was one cubic meter in size, with a length, width and height of only one meter. It was basically slow to put anything in it, and it looked very aggrieved.

Now, the storage space has expanded about five times in length, width and height, and the overall capacity has expanded more than a hundred times. The things that were filled before now look like a small pile in a corner. It is really too desolate.

Wu Zihao's surprise was beyond words. He thought that this storage space was only so big, and he could only look at the big things with envy. He had to calculate the small things, and once it was full, he had to discard some relatively unimportant things.

But he didn't expect that this thing could be expanded. Now it is more than enough to fit a small car, and it is no longer like before when he had to calculate to fit a little thing.

Moreover, since this thing can expand once, it is very likely to continue to expand a second time. Maybe when it expands to a certain extent, it can fit the entire earth!

【As my physical attributes improve, my storage space will become larger and larger?】


Very good, if we keep going like this, it won’t be a dream to build a world!

After the surprise, Wu Zihao checked the remaining���The profit, all attributes were upgraded to 20, which consumed the energy of 31 red crystal cores.

Wu Zihao got a total of 44 red energy crystal cores, and now there are only 13 left, plus 11 orange-yellow ones, a total of 35 red.

According to the calculation that each attribute above 20 requires five red energy crystal cores, it should be possible to add seven attribute points.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao still focuses on acceleration.

The main reason why he can get along so well in this dangerous world is his advantage in speed.

There is no martial arts in the world that cannot be broken by speed, and only faster is the kingly way to survive.

Wu Zihao continued to fuse energy crystal cores. After fusing five red crystal cores again, as expected, all the attributes on the attribute panel became 20+.

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