Wu Zihao chose speed without hesitation, and continued to fuse the energy crystal cores.

When the speed attribute value reached 25, Wu Zihao only had five orange energy crystal cores left.

However, when he fused three more orange energy crystal cores into the Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest, he found that the speed value did not appear after that."+"Symbol, and the rest of the attributes can still be followed by a dot

【Is this not enough? Adding a little more to the attributes above 25 requires more energy crystal cores?】


【Sure enough, the upgrade becomes slower as time goes by! How many will it take to upgrade one more point after 25 points? Ten?】


Damn! It's getting more and more exaggerated. That is to say, even if I sweep a small area, I may not be able to add two more attribute points!

Wu Zihao sighed inwardly that it was difficult to upgrade!

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao finally increased his physical strength by two points.

Now Wu Zihao's physical attributes are:

【Body: 22 (body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 20 (strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 25 (speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance, etc.)

Spirit: 20 (represents mental strength, stress resistance, anti-interference ability, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects! 】

All attributes are above 20, far exceeding the peak of humans, and the two attributes of body and speed are far beyond this value.

Only when you really reach this level can you experience the current strength.

After the physical attribute was greatly improved, Wu Zihao really felt as strong as an ox. Every beat of the heart would transmit vitality to the limbs, as if every cell in the body was full of vitality.

After using the gold finger to measure, Wu Zihao's current body immunity, after being scratched by the orange crystal core mutant zombie, the probability of infection has been reduced to 1%!

As for ordinary zombies, he is completely immune to them. Even if he is bitten, it is just a normal wound. He does not need to worry about infection.

Of course, what surprised Wu Zihao the most was that his recovery, endurance and tolerance were enhanced. Now he can run at top speed just like a normal person.

As for the extreme speed when the speed attribute was only 15 before, now it is just like walking briskly. He does not need to worry about any burden.

In other words, he can maintain the peak speed of human beings for a long time without feeling tired and exhausted.

This is a life-saving skill in this zombie-ridden apocalypse, and his survival ability will be greatly enhanced.

Excited, Wu Zihao put all the things in the police car into the storage space. Now the space is larger and sufficient, so he does not need to put these things in the car. It is so convenient to store them in the space. You can take them out whenever you want.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao came to the power room and directly unloaded the self-provided generator of the Public Security Bureau and put it into the space.

If Wu Zihao had to think about how to take such a large thing away before, now that the storage space has become larger, he doesn’t need to think so much and can just take it away.

In this way, there will be electricity at home, and nothing will be inconvenient.

Finally, after another round, when there was nothing left to take, Wu Zihao returned to Lu Ting’s room on the second floor, looked at the little girl who was still frowning and thinking, and asked:"How is it? Have you thought about it? If you can't think of a reason to convince me to take you away, then I will have to leave by myself and leave you here to fend for yourself!"

Lu Ting's little face was almost wrinkled into a bun. When she heard what Wu Zihao said, she was even more anxious:"No, don't go! I... I can still... I can warm your bed for you……"

"Oh? Is it just a bed warmer? Then I'd better go!" Wu Zihao said calmly, as if he was about to leave.

"Don't! Come back! I……"Lu Ting pursed her lips, but finally she made up her mind, closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said,"Can I still do that with you? I'm still a virgin!"

"Oh?" Wu Zihao was secretly happy, but still had a puzzled look on his face when he asked,"That one? Which one is that? Are you saying you can sleep with me?"

He asked knowingly! He actually forced a little girl to say such embarrassing words!

Lu Ting was full of anger and shame, but finally nodded with difficulty.

""Don't act so reluctant, just say it if you don't want to, I hate forcing people to do things!" Wu Zihao said as he looked at the other person struggling.

Rogue! Shameless! Bastard!

I've never seen such a shameless person, this guy's skin is so thick that even the zombies outside can't bite it!

Lu Ting's eyes were full of anger when she heard this. In her heart, she used all the ugliest words she could think of on Wu Zihao. Her underdeveloped little chest was heaving with anger, and finally a few words came out from her teeth:"Yes! I! Am! Voluntary!! You can take me away like this, right?"

Wu Zihao touched his chin when he heard this, and looked at the girl in front of him again, and said:"Looking at your figure like stir-fried green beans, it's really a bit hard to swallow!"

"Oh! Forget it! After all, you are a female, so I will take you in reluctantly! Just consider it as a good deed! I can't bear to see such a budding flower die!"

There was a kind of regret and helplessness in her tone, which made Lu Ting's eyes spit fire, and she could hear her teeth grinding from a long distance.

Damn it! You shameless bastard! You are taking advantage of me! I used to be a goddess-level beauty. Although my figure had some flaws (only a little, only a little), I was still very charming!

Pursuing self-���There are enough handsome boys to make a street, which one is not a hundred times better than you, a stinky hooligan? You don't even look down on yourself.

And today, a beautiful and youthful girl like me is willing to pay for you, which is your blessing! You, a stinky hooligan, actually despise it? And you are reluctant?

And you are doing good deeds? You still can't bear it? Where is your face? Is it covered with calluses?

Damn it! If it was before the disaster, I would definitely beat you into a giant panda and hang you on a tree to swing, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart.

It's a pity that the world has become like this now. I am really a tiger in a plain and bullied by a dog!

Wu Zihao naturally couldn't hear her inner complaints, but he could tell what she was thinking by looking at her eyes.

Wu Zihao didn't care and untied her directly. Such a stupid girl is too easy to control!

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