I really don't know what kind of background a girl like her had before, to be brought up like this.

But Wu Zihao didn't care. It was the end of the world anyway, and it didn't matter what her previous background was. Only the strong who could survive had the right to speak.

The ropes on her body were untied, and Lu Ting moved her body happily. She had been tied here since she was caught yesterday, and now there was no part of her body that didn't hurt.

She stood up and stretched, and then moved her numb joints.

Wu Zihao looked at her like this. The girl was not tall, barely reaching Wu Zihao's shoulder, and estimated to be only about 1.6 meters tall.

Her small body was thin and frail, and she looked malnourished.

In addition, she had a baby face. If she didn't say it herself, Wu Zihao would never tell that she looked like she was twenty years old. She didn't look like that from the inside out.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman before?" Seeing Wu Zihao staring at her, Lu Ting rolled her eyes.

"Beauty? Where is she? Why can’t I see her?"Wu Zihao pretended to look around, as if he was really looking for a beauty!

"you……"Lu Ting was so angry that she wanted to crush this bastard.

""Watch your attitude! If you don't want to die here, then do as you please!" Wu Zihao said carelessly.

Upon hearing this, the little girl suddenly wilted like a deflated ball.

She almost forgot that even if she was untied and free now, once she was thrown here, she couldn't survive alone with her ability.

"You are so cruel!" Lu Ting lowered her head, her two small eyes staring fiercely at Wu Zihao's chest, as if she wanted to poke a hole in it with her eyes!

Humph! A good woman doesn't fight with a man! Just wait! Sooner or later, I will show my boundless charm and make you surrender to me. By then, I will definitely abuse you every day, tie you up and starve you for three days and three nights, and watch me eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks!

Just as she was complaining in her heart, suddenly a"gurgling" sound sounded in her stomach, and the little girl's pretty face turned red all of a sudden.

She raised her little chin proudly, looked at Wu Zihao and said,"Hey! Is there anything to eat?"

"Correct me!" Wu Zihao replied:"My name is not Hey, my name is Wu Zihao, from now on I am your man! You can call me husband, dear, or master if you can't say it! As for food, let's go home first!""

"You wish!" Lu Ting felt that all the anger in her life had been inflicted today, and she felt so uncomfortable!

"Hmm? You don't want to go home with me?" Wu Zihao said in a fierce voice.

""Husband!" The little girl immediately gave in and called out in a low voice very reluctantly.

"That's better!" Wu Zihao led the way,"Come on, your husband will take you home to eat delicious food!"

Lu Ting stomped her feet in anger, but quickly followed:"Hey! Don't walk so fast, wait for me!"


""Husband! Wait for me!"

Wu Zihao raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly felt that it was a good feeling to train a little girl!

The two got on the police car and drove to the Bilian community openly.

As for being discovered by survivors along the way, it was a joke. The people who issued the wanted order were killed, so why should they be afraid of a bunch of minions?

After entering the range of ten kilometers away from the Bilian community, Wu Zihao opened his personal terminal and sent a voice to Bai Suyun:"Prepare the meal, I'm on my way back now. Oh, by the way, make one more portion, I'm bringing back a burden."

Lu Ting immediately quit after hearing this:"Who are you talking about as a burden? You are the burden!"

Wu Zihao:"Huh? You look so energetic, you don't look very hungry! How about not bringing your portion?"

Lu Ting was scared again. The world is big, but food is the biggest! For the sake of delicious food, she has to bear the title of a burden!

Bai Suyun heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that Wu Zihao was coming back soon, and she felt a little happy.

However, after hearing a girl's voice over there, her heart unconsciously felt a little sour. It took her a long time to recover, and she said to herself:"I should have been mentally prepared a long time ago. In this world, it's good enough if I can find someone to rely on and survive. What else can I ask for?"

Speaking of burdens, am I not one too?

That man is capable, and I still have to rely on him to survive. What reason do I have to interfere in these things?

Thinking of this, I felt much more relaxed.

Forget it, let him be, as long as he doesn't abandon me!

Now, let's go cook!

Wu Zihao returned to the Bilian community, casually dealt with a few zombies that followed behind, and then took Lu Ting upstairs.

Bai Suyun's Cai was about to be ready, and the rich aroma of vegetables filled the room, forming a sharp contrast with the stench outside due to the zombies everywhere.

Lu Ting had eaten all her food before she was arrested yesterday, and then she was locked up by the gang of thugs for a night. She didn't eat a single grain of rice, and she was already starving.

Now when she entered the house and smelled the strong fragrance, her disappointing little stomach immediately"gurgled" and couldn't stop.

However, she was not ashamed now, because she was completely stunned by the scene in front of her.

There are fresh fruits and vegetables here! And fragrant rice! This is actually It was a real meal!

She pinched her cheek unconsciously to make sure she was in reality, not in heaven!

Oh my God! She couldn't believe that in this world, she could still eat rice! She could still eat freshly cooked dishes!

She thought that the rice this scumbag was talking about was just instant noodles and snacks, but she didn't expect that this was real rice!

She was so surprised that she wanted to scream. How long had she not eaten real food? She didn't seem to remember it herself. It was not until this moment that she really felt that it seemed that following this scumbag was not bad.

Although this person was a little bad and irritating, at least he treated her as a human being, unlike the gang of villains who caught her. The look in their eyes was naked desire, treating her completely as a livestock, which made her feel cold.

Maybe it was because of this that she finally made the decision to agree to do that with him? Because he was different from others.

Thinking about it now, she was very glad that she made the right decision just now, otherwise where could she eat such delicious food?

"Are you back? The food will be ready soon, you guys sit down for a while!"Bai Suyun said with her head tilted, glancing at Lu Ting inconspicuously.

Is this little girl an adult? I didn't expect this guy to have such a hobby!

Hearing the voice, Lu Ting noticed that there was a cook here!

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