After a closer look, Lu Ting was immediately amazed. How could this older sister be so beautiful?

Perfect face, mature figure, and most importantly, her body. Then she looked down at her own shriveled appearance, and a feeling of jealousy arose spontaneously!

"Who is this?" Lu Ting tilted her head and asked Wu Zihao, who is this incredibly beautiful big sister?

"This is my first wife, Bai Suyun!" Wu Zihao said directly:"If you are willing to work hard and perform well in the future, I can promote you to a second wife! From now on, I will listen to my own way here, not hers! Got it?"

"I……"The little girl was furious. After all this time, she was not even considered a concubine!

"Hmm?" Wu Zihao raised his voice,"Don't you want to eat?""

"Want to!" Now, when she heard Wu Zihao's raised voice"Yeah", Lu Ting had to back off immediately, otherwise it would be more painful than death to not be able to eat such delicious food!

Satisfied Wu Zihao looked at Bai Suyun:"Her name is Lu Ting, and she will be under your charge from now on! Just give her orders for any work, no one is allowed to eat without doing anything here!"

Lu Ting was so angry when she heard this, but she really didn't dare to confront Wu Zihao again. She had to stare at Bai Suyun with her big watery eyes and aggrieved face:"Sister Bai!"

Bai Suyun is a woman after all. Seeing Lu Ting, such a skinny, pitiful and silly little loli, her heart softened immediately. She looked at Wu Zihao:"Do you really have to? She's still a child!"

Wu Zihao directly exposed:"Don't be fooled by her silly and cute appearance. She is just a fake loli. She is twenty years old this year. Why is she pretending to be pitiful?"

The fake Lolita immediately tilted her head and glared at Wu Zihao angrily when she heard that, but was suppressed by Wu Zihao's momentum.

Bai Suyun looked at Lu Ting in disbelief when she heard that. She looked at her several times before saying to Wu Zihao,"She's already 20 years old and she's only developed like this. It's obvious that she's malnourished. How can you bear to bully such a poor child?"

Fake Lolita:...She's only developed like this

"Malnutrition is probably her own fault!" Wu Zihao curled his lips,"Okay, let's eat!"


She felt like she had received 10,000 critical hits, and she needed to eat a big, delicious meal to recover.

Lu Ting's eyes were filled with tears after eating this big meal. She had never thought that white rice could be so delicious in her life.

She decided that in the future, she would just follow this... this bastard and pretend to be nice to him. Yes, that's it. She would fatten herself up first, at least she would fatten where she should be, so that this bastard would look at her in a new light, and see if he dared to say that she was stir-fried green beans again!

Wu Zihao ate a big meal, said hello to them, and went to the bedroom to sleep.

He had hardly slept since he got up at ten o'clock yesterday morning, almost a day and a night until now. And most of the time is spent in intense exercise.

My body is fine because of the upgrade, but my spirit is in a state of extreme fatigue.

I didn't feel it before because I was busy dealing with various things, but now I feel extremely tired when I have free time. I am too lazy to even do exercise after dinner, and I just fall asleep on the bed.

I slept soundly until the sun sets and the night falls.

I looked at my personal terminal and it was already past six o'clock in the evening. After getting up, I washed up casually and came to the living room. The two women were communicating with each other. It seems that they get along well. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. One of them is a homely girl, and the other is a silly and cute loli. They are not very thoughtful, and such people are easier to get along with.

"How is my cell phone modification going?" Wu Zihao looked at Bai Suyun.

"It's just the beginning, there's still a long way to go!" Bai Suyun spread her hands when she heard that.

Wu Zihao frowned:"Why is it so slow?"

"Do you think it's that easy to write an intelligent program?"Bai Suyun felt a toothache when she saw Wu Zihao's tone of voice.

"If it were easy, would I still use you? I only asked you because I don’t understand, otherwise I would have done it myself!" Wu Zihao looked a bit disappointed. Bai Suyun got even angrier when he heard this, and retorted directly:"If you don’t understand, don’t act like you know everything! Besides, I’m a hacker, not a programmer. My specialty is cracking, not programming! Even if you find a real great programmer to do this, it will take at least half a month to finish it!"

Eh? Are there so many tricks to this thing? He really doesn’t understand

"Isn't it just a bunch of code? Just type it in and it's done. Why does it really take so long?"He really didn't know it was so complicated. He looked at the great hackers on TV, who were so cool when they finished a task in minutes. He never thought it would be so troublesome in real life!

"Just a bunch of codes? You said that!" Bai Suyun was speechless to this scientific newbie."Do you know what these codes mean? Do you know how many combinations there are? Do you know how to match them and in what order to execute them to achieve the desired functional effect? Do you know how many things need to be calculated?"

"These things require thinking with your brain, and cannot be solved by just talking about them."

"Both the hardware and the program in this crappy thing of yours are outdated stuff from two hundred years ago. I have to choose a suitable programming language to write it based on your various performance and adaptability!"

"If it's too old, your memory is not enough. If it's too new, your broken thing can't support it at all. For this, I even hacked into a nearby electronic library database to check it out!"

"Do you know how much trouble it is to ensure that every step is compatible with your broken thing and to design a suitable and perfect smart program?"

"Only a dozen hours have passed since yesterday, and you want to get it done. Do you think I'm a god?"

"If you can find a great guy who can get all of this done in more than ten hours, then go find him and get it done. I can't do anything about it!"

Bai Suyun vented her anger, almost roaring. She turned away immediately after she finished speaking. She didn't want to look at this idiot, otherwise it would easily shorten her life.

"That's right! It's easy to talk without feeling any pain in your waist! If you can do it, go for it! Humph!" The pseudo-Lolita next to her whispered indignantly, patting Bai Suyun's back to calm her down, and whispering comfort (definitely not saying bad things about someone), looking like a bootlicker, determined to form a united front with the elder sister!

"Forehead……"Wu Zihao was speechless after this retort.

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