"Okay! I thought it was too simple!"Finally, Wu Zihao compromised. An amateur really can't command an expert.

Bai Suyun's face improved after hearing this. She felt a little relieved: Fortunately, although he is a little stupid, he can still understand things and not force others to do things.

"Then according to what you said, how long will it take to really transform it?" Wu Zihao asked.

Bai Suyun pondered for a moment and said,"If I can write it normally every day, it will take about a month! But now...……"

"What's wrong now? Are there any other difficulties?"Wu Zihao asked quickly

"Otherwise, why do you think I am idle and chatting now?" Bai Suyun rolled her eyes at Wu Zihao and said

"Uh, what happened now?"

Bai Suyun explained:"I would like to continue, but your broken thing has run out of power, what can I do?"

"The personal terminal is OK, it has solar charging function, which can barely maintain it. But your broken thing doesn't have it! Now the whole community has no electricity, and we dare not go out, how can we charge you?"

As he said, he handed Wu Zihao's mobile phone from his pocket, curled his lips and muttered casually:"It can't even last a day with a full charge, you still treat this thing as a treasure!"

Wu Zihao touched his nose awkwardly, he really ignored this point.

After taking the phone, he looked at it and sighed: Alas! You useless thing, everything is prepared for you, but you fail at the critical moment!

"This is not a big problem. I just raided the police station today and seized their self-contained generator."Wu Zihao put away his phone and continued,"I was too sleepy to come back today and forgot. I'll install it later and we'll have electricity now!"

Bai Suyun raised her eyebrows in surprise. Is there such a good thing? Then install it quickly. She has had enough of the days without electricity in the past few months.

Sure enough, following him was the right choice. It's only been two days, not only has food and drink been solved, but now there is even electricity!

The pseudo-Lolita next to him was puzzled and muttered,"Why didn't I see him bring that thing back? There's nothing in the car!"

Wu Zihao naturally didn't explain for her. He went straight to the corridor to find the power switch of the building. He casually released the self-contained generator from the storage space, connected it to the circuit, and started it. After a careful look, this thing is quite fuel-consuming. It seems that I need to get more diesel in the future.

However, this is not a big problem. In this doomsday, except for some survival supplies and weapons, everything else is ready.

The original billions of people have become tens of millions, and the per capita resources have immediately gone up a level. Which gas station doesn't have diesel? And no one is looking at it for free. How much do you want to take? Take as much as you want.

With electricity, the whole building immediately became bright.

However, Wu Zihao still cut off the electricity of the other residents, leaving only the electricity in Bai Suyun's room on the third floor.

And after returning to the house, he asked the two women who were so happy to have electricity to turn off all the lights in the window rooms and close the doors.

You have to know that this is the end of the world. In addition to mutant creatures such as zombies, the biggest threat is the survivors. It is better not to attract attention at this time.

After dinner, Wu Zihao greeted Bai Suyun again, and then returned to the room on the fifth floor where he first came, and returned to the modern era with one thought.

No matter what, modern times are his roots. Here there is a comfortable social environment, familiar flavors, and more importantly, his family, his parents who gave birth to him and raised him, and his sister who has always adored him. No matter what, he can't leave modern times for too long.

Returning to the small dark room, the first thing Wu Zihao did was to charge his mobile phone.

Although he had said hello to his family before leaving for the apocalypse, who knows if they will come to him for something urgent during this period?

As soon as he turned on his phone, Wu Zihao was stunned.

There were quite a few missed calls, as many as two hundred, but none of them were from his family.

Looking at these missed calls, Among the incoming calls, three were from Shoe Horn.

Wu Zihao was too lazy to pay attention to such people. He deleted the number and added it to the blacklist.

The remaining 200-odd calls were all from the same unfamiliar number, which made Wu Zihao quite confused. Who is this? Why is he looking for me so urgently?

Could it be that one of my former best friends changed his number? There is no need to call him so frequently, right?

They all know my situation. It’s hard for them to support me. They won’t come to me for help in an emergency!

At this moment, the phone rang again. Wu Zihao took a look and it was still the same number.

Who cares? Just pick up the phone and ask, and you’ll know.

"Hello! How are you!" Wu Zihao pressed the answer button and put it to his ear.

A familiar female voice came from the phone:"Hello! Hello! Are you Mr. Wu Zihao?"

The voice was very nice, so nice that Wu Zihao felt that the other party was a peerless beauty just by listening to the voice.

The pleasant voice was accompanied by some urgency, and it seemed that the other party was really looking for him urgently.

Wu Zihao nodded subconsciously and said,"It's me, who are you? What do you want to talk to me about?" As soon as

Wu Zihao's words came out, he could feel that the woman on the other end was obviously relieved, as if to say thank God, the next contact was made.

"Hello, Mr. Wu. I am Ye Xintong, the president of Ye’s Jewelry Design and Production Company! We should have met before, do you remember?"

Ye’s Jewelry Design and Production Company? President?

Damn! Isn’t this the Ice Queen?

What the hell is going on? Didn’t I resign from Ye’s yesterday? Why did the Ice Queen come to me? Is she trying to persuade me to go back?

If so, I will never do it! Definitely not!

Let him go back to suffer under the shoe horn again, it would be better to give him a bowl of noodles.���Go hang yourself.

But that shouldn't be the case. I'm just a small security guard at most. I can quit if I want. Why would a big CEO call me in person to invite me?

But if that's not the case, then why did this cold CEO come to me so urgently?

Could it be that he discovered my charm, was conquered by my domineering aura, and called me to offer himself?

If that's the case, should I agree, or not refuse, or accept it helplessly?

"Hello! Mr. Wu? Are you listening?" Hearing that Wu Zihao didn't respond, he asked.

Ahem! Now is not the time to daydream. If she has something to say, just ask her and you will know.

"Oh! It's Bingshan... Uh... President Ye! Sorry, I was a little distracted just now. What do you want to talk to me about? Please continue!"

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