"It doesn't matter!"Today's Ice Queen seems to be different from the impression she made. She gives people a very polite feeling, not as cold as usual, and can freeze people into ice even if they are three meters away.

"It's like this. I heard that my employees did something rather excessive to you, Mr. Wu, yesterday. As the president of Ye's, I would like to apologize to you first. I have already fired that employee. I hope you don't have any grudges against our company!"

Uh! When Ye Xintong said this, Wu Zihao suddenly felt that his brain was a little confused.

What's going on? The Ice Queen called to apologize in person! Just because of the shoe horn? She even opened the shoe horn to tell me!、

"So that's what happened! Mr. Ye, you worry too much! If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten about it! It's not a big deal, and I didn't suffer any loss. You don't have to apologize for this!"

Although he didn't understand exactly what he meant, Wu Zihao still said the polite words. Besides, what he said was not a lie. Now he is no longer the same as before. He is a giant who is expected to rule the world in the future. Naturally, he will not take a small figure like the shoe horn to heart.

Now he never waits for revenge overnight. Once he has taken revenge, he will settle it all at once and let it go directly.

He will never look back for trouble again. Since he taught the shoe horn a lesson yesterday, it is equivalent to clearing the two. When they meet again, they will just be strangers. It would be too dirty to scold him! Of course, if the other party wants to continue to make trouble, that's another matter. As for holding a grudge against the Ye family because of this matter, it is even more nonsense.

The shoe horn is the shoe horn, and the Ye family is the Ye family. He has always had a grudge and a debt.

The Ye family did not make things difficult for him because he beat up the shoe horn, and it is even more impossible for him to hate it.

Besides, after all, the Ye family has supported him for a year, and the treatment is still very good. He is not the kind of person with a wolf's heart and a dog's lungs.

"How can that be possible?" Ye Xintong continued,"Withholding wages, malicious extortion, and even illegal detention are all extremely bad things."

"How about this, I will host you later and apologize to you in person, Mr. Wu, you won't refuse to honor me, right?"

Huh? What's wrong with this ice queen today? I've already told her that everything is fine, why is she still so polite, she even wants to treat me to a meal and apologize!

Something is wrong! Definitely something is wrong!

Although Wu Zihao is not particularly smart, he is not slow to react, and he felt the meaning of this after a little thought.

From the looks of it, this female CEO must have something to ask of me! Otherwise, she wouldn't put on such a humble attitude, fearing that I have some grudge against her or the Ye Group.

"Ahem! President Ye, there is no need to beat around the bush. You have something you want to talk to me about, right?" Wu Zihao, who understood the situation, decided to get straight to the point:"Then let's be straightforward. Just tell me what it is!"

There was silence for a few seconds, and then Ye Xintong continued,"Mr. Wu is really smart! Yes, I do have something I want to ask Mr. Wu for help. It's hard to explain over the phone, so I think we should talk in person! Just tell me if you would like to come and see me!"

It was indeed like that! Wu Zihao pondered for a moment, then said,"How dare I refuse the invitation of the Ice Queen? Just send me the time and place, and I will be there on time!" Ye

Xintong on the other side obviously breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Then I would like to thank Mr. Wu for his kindness!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Zihao checked his phone. Within ten seconds, he received a text message from Ye Xintong with the time and place.

He finally decided to meet Ye Xintong.

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to see him about, it must be related to him.

It might even be related to his entry into the apocalypse. After all, if it were his previous self, he really couldn't think of anything that could help this iceberg CEO.

He had only mastered this ability for two days, and he had learned all his experience by himself. It was inevitable that he would be careless and reveal some flaws. It didn't matter if there were flaws. He would correct them in time. It would be fine if I could fix it, I'm just afraid that I don't know where the flaw is!

Meeting Ye Xintong this time, at least I can find out where I have attracted the other party's attention.

If there is nothing, that would be the best, but if I really find some flaws that may reveal the secret, I can fix it in time, right?

Ahem! Of course, this has a little to do with the fact that the other party is the goddess that I always secretly fantasize about, but it's only a little, really just a little!

On the other side, Du Fu looked at the thin figure who hung up the phone in front of the window, feeling a little sad, and stepped forward and said:"Miss, are we being too humble? You don't have to wrong yourself like this!"

Hearing this, Ye Xintong turned around, smiled unnaturally, and said:"Compared to Dad's decades of hard work, this is nothing? It's just a few nice words! The most important thing now is to dispel the other party's grudge against the Ye family and let the other party help us willingly. After all, we are in the wrong and we are sorry for them!"

"This Yang Erpiao! He should have been fired long ago! He actually caused such a big disaster for the company!"When Du Fu was mentioned, he got angry and wanted to grab the shoe horn and rub it on the ground a few more times!

"What's the point of saying all this now?"Ye Xintong shook her head,"Okay, let's get ready and go downstairs right away! After all, we are asking for help, we can't let them wait for us, right?"

Vesni Western Restaurant is the best Western restaurant near Ye's Jewelry Design and Production Company, and the place agreed upon by both parties is here.

The time sent by Ye Xintong is eight o'clock in the evening, but after all, he is going to meet a woman, and a goddess-level beauty at that. Being late is not a man's demeanor.

Wu Zihao arrived ten minutes early, and it was definitely not because he was anxious to see this goddess whom he had fantasized about many times in bed.

When he arrived at the agreed box, an old man who looked like a butler in his forties or fifties was already standing at the door.

Wu Zihao knew this old butler, who was Ye's special consultant named Du Fu. It was said that he was a veteran who had been with the Ye family for decades and was the spokesperson for the Ice Queen to the outside world.

When he was in Ye's, besides the Ice Queen, the person that Shoe Horn feared most was Consultant Du, who always had a dark face.

"Hello, Mr. Wu, the young lady is waiting for you in the box!" Du Fu still had that serious expression on his face. Wu Zihao had never seen him have any other expression.

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