After joking with the pseudo-Lolita Lu Ting for a few words, Bai Suyun finally walked out holding the door frame.

Wu Zihao saw her coming out, took out two naked phones, and said:"Wife, you can modify the smart system on these two phones in the future. It would be best if both systems can be compatible, or merged into a new system!"

Hearing this, Bai Suyun almost spit out the water she had just drunk. She wiped her mouth and glared at Wu Zihao:"You can't abuse me like this. How tired am I? Can't you let me take a breath?"

"I'm not asking you to do it now!" Wu Zihao spread his hands and said,"It will take at least a month anyway, so you can rest for a while. Rest when you need to, and don't tire yourself out. Health is the most important thing!"

If you tire yourself out, what about my welfare? Wu Zihao added silently in his heart

"Oh, right! I forgot about it yesterday!" Wu Zihao took out the WiFi, no, it was the personal terminal signal booster that he had seized from the police station yesterday.

"This thing is the amplifier that can strengthen the signal of a personal terminal. It is the latest research of that ghost organization called Doomsday Star!"

"With it, the signal radiation range of the personal terminal can be enhanced to 30 kilometers, which should be of some use to you, and you can also take it for research!"

This thing is only useful in this doomsday. Before the catastrophe, when there was a network signal, personal terminals could connect to the world, and there was no need for this kind of rubbish.

Bai Suyun really likes this thing, as it can make the personal terminal signal cover farther, which means that she can access more devices and hack more information.

Then Wu Zihao continued to talk about business:"You are a hacker, get me some design drawings of fashion jewelry later, I will need them!"

"What do you want that for?"This time it was not Bai Suyun who spoke, but the pseudo-Lolita Lu Ting.

"It's none of your business! Think carefully about how to serve me in the future. You don't understand such high-end things!"This guy has never been reliable. Wu Zihao didn't bother to pay attention to her.

"I……"The fake Lolita pointed at herself in shock,"I don't understand? Speaking of this, no one knows more than me!"

Wu Zihao thought she was just bragging and ignored her. He just looked at Bai Suyun.

"I am a hardworking person!"Bai Suyun nodded, opened her personal terminal and started to operate.

After a while, a large number of design drawings appeared on the projection of Bai Suyun's personal terminal.

"I got this by hacking into the database of a nearby jewelry design company. Do you think it works?"

In this end times, humans have reached a very advanced level in the use of energy. Although most devices do not have power supply, they are in a super long standby state, and many of them are equipped with solar charging and can be recharged at any time.

As long as they are not completely turned off, there is room for operation for hacker masters like Bai Suyun.

Of course, this is also because the disaster has only been struck for half a year and most devices have not run out of power.

If a few years pass, except for a limited number of devices that rely on solar energy, the rest of the equipment that does not have power support will not be able to be charged if it is not charged!

Wu Zihao looked at them one by one. Every design was brilliant. He nodded with satisfaction:"Not bad! You will put them all in a while.……"

"This is not bad, your aesthetic is too rustic, isn’t it?"Before Wu Zihao finished speaking, the pseudo-Lolita's contemptuous voice sounded.

Wu Zihao turned and kicked her:"You know this now?"

But she looked at the jewelry design on the screen with disdain on her face, and curled her lips and said:"I don't want this broken thing even if it is given to me for free. It's really embarrassing for us jewelry designers!"

"Oh?" Wu Zihao raised his eyebrows when he heard this,"You are also a jewelry designer?"

"Of course!" When the fake Lolita Lu Ting mentioned her profession, she immediately puffed out her chest with pride and said confidently:"You can ask around in the jewelry industry, who doesn't know the name of my genius designer Lu Ting?"

Wu Zihao couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw her arrogant look, and looked at Bai Suyun:"Have you heard of it?"

Bai Suyun shook her head when she heard it:"No! I have hacked many jewelers before the disaster, but I never knew who Lu Ting was!"

"How is it possible?" Lu Ting looked incredulous when she heard this,"I am the most talented jewelry designer! The brightest star in the future jewelry industry! Everyone knows me! How could you not have heard of me?"

Wu Zihao touched Lu Ting's forehead and said speechlessly,"Fake Lolita, are you confused? Who gave you the title of the brightest star in the future jewelry industry? Are you still dreaming?"

"Go away! You are dreaming!" Lu Ting slapped his hand away,"It is me, they all told me, I have news photos here! They are mine, take a look!"

She quickly opened her personal terminal and searched out several photos

"They? Who are they?"Wu Zihao caught this sensitive word.

"It's the jewelry company that hired me to design jewelry!" Lu Ting said as she passed the photo over.

Wu Zihao took a look and saw that it was indeed a photo of Lu Ting, with a set of beautiful jewelry next to it, like a photo from a news article, with big bright words attached on it: Lu Ting, the brightest star in the jewelry industry in the future!

"Really?!" Wu Zihao looked at Bai Suyun suspiciously, but saw Bai Suyun shook her head slightly and said,"It's photoshopped. The person who photoshopped the picture is very skilled. Ordinary people can't tell at all!"

Wu Zihao:...

Lu Ting:……

"Impossible!" Lu Ting was furious when she heard that."How is it possible? I am the most talented jewelry designer! The brightest star! How could it be fake? Look at the 'Spirit of Miracles' above. I designed it! Isn't it beautiful? Even the world's top masters can't design it! How could it be fake?"

Lu Ting was really anxious this time. You can tie her up, threaten her with not giving her food, or let her have sex with the pervert Wu Zihao, but you can't question her talent for jewelry design. That is her belief and her motivation to live!

Wu Zihao didn't laugh at her this time. He also saw that the pseudo-Lolita in front of him was a little bit off.

Bai Suyun thought about it and asked,"Are they the Nicholas Jewelry Design and Production Company you just mentioned?"

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