Upon hearing this, Lu Ting nodded quickly like a chick pecking at rice:"Yes, yes, yes! It's them. They said that I have a talent for design and that I am a rising star in the future jewelry industry, so they hired me to design jewelry for them!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Suyun looked at Lu Ting with some sympathy, then turned to Wu Zihao and said,"I checked this set of 'Spirit of Miracles', which ranked first in the annual best fashion jewelry list two years ago and was sold at an auction for 120 million yuan."

"At that time, this set of jewelry was produced by Nicholas Jewelry Design and Production Company, and the designer announced to the public was their chairman Nicholas!"

Wu Zihao:……

"What? Nicholas?!" Lu Ting couldn’t believe it."Him? That fat old pervert! What kind of jewelry can he design? He looks at those pretty female employees with lustful eyes all day long, like an old worm! The things he designs are horrible!"

When the old pervert was mentioned, the pseudo-Lolita pouted her lips, looking disgusted and disgusted.

Wu Zihao and Bai Suyun looked at each other, and then continued to ask Lu Ting about her past. Finally, they understood the general situation and finally knew why this guy was so stupid at such an old age!

Lu Ting was born in a small family. She barely had enough food and drink, but she had never seen much of the world.

When she was in middle school, she unexpectedly showed her extraordinary talent in jewelry design. She was valued by Nicholas Jewelry Design and Production Company, and then she was signed in.

Obviously, the young and ignorant girl was completely deceived by these big bad wolves in sheep's clothing.

In addition to giving her a relatively comfortable living condition with enough food and drink every day, they asked her to design jewelry drawings.

And Lu Ting was also happy Among them, she almost didn’t know how to go out. For her, designing exquisite jewelry for more people to love and wear was her happiest thing.

And this Nicholas Company used Lu Ting’s design to create beautiful jewelry, and also infringed on the designer’s right of signature, and hyped up the prices and made a fortune.

Lu Ting, who was almost half-fed and rarely contacted with the outside world, didn’t know about these things.

In order to mobilize her enthusiasm, Nicholas Company also forged various external news and so on. The"outside world" has praised Lu Ting to the sky and asked her to strive to design a better product. Not only that, everyone in the company who sees Lu Ting will also be omnipotent , and she is simply a genius and beautiful girl who is invincible in the universe. How can the pseudo-loli be so ignorant of the world today

? The fact that she was spoiled to this extent was the result of the deliberate flattery by the Nicholas Company.

They didn't want her to be too smart, too mature, or know too many things, because then she would lose control, and they would lose this living cornucopia.

As for her future, it was not even within their consideration. They just needed to drain all her inspiration and value, and when she could no longer design better jewelry, they would let her fend for herself.

This kind of life continued until the disaster struck. The rest of the company was killed and turned into zombies, but she was so scared that she didn't dare to leave the house, and lived on snacks and junk food in the house.

Fortunately, although these beasts occupied her design results, they were still very nice to her on the surface, basically meeting her every request and doing everything she wanted in the house. She couldn't save up enough snacks.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have survived for half a year until she was kidnapped by a group of villains under Yu Zhenshan and then rescued by Wu Zihao.

Wu Zihao was speechless and also lamented the evil of this society. Such things would happen no matter which era it was.

But it had nothing to do with him. He was not a savior and couldn't care about so many things.

Bai Suyun expressed her sympathy for the little girl in front of her and looked at her more favorably.

They are all poor people. I hope I can suffer less if I follow this bastard in the future!

Although this bastard is sometimes a little impatient, a little irritating, and a little unreasonable, Bai Suyun still has an inexplicable sense of trust in him. She doesn't know why, but she believes that this man will be responsible for them and make their lives better! Wu Zihao looked at Lu Ting, who was angry and frustrated, and the design drawings hacked from Bai Suyun's personal terminal, and his heart was moved.

Damn, there is a ready-made jewelry design genius, why hack the drawings? Isn't it better to let the pseudo-Lolita design it directly? It also saves her from having nothing to do all day!

""Hey! Little girl!" Wu Zihao looked at Lu Ting.

""What? I've told you that I'm not a little girl!" Lu Ting tilted her head!

Wu Zihao coughed lightly and said,"You said you are a genius jewelry designer, I don't believe it! You have to prove it to me!"

Sure enough, Lu Ting's arrogance came up immediately after hearing that:"I am a genius jewelry designer! Tell me, how do you want me to prove it?"

Wu Zihao pretended to be silent for a moment, then said,"Then you design a piece of jewelry for me first, the kind that can prove your strength!"

Lu Ting patted her chest immediately after hearing that and said loudly,"This is too easy, just wait, I can make it for you before tomorrow!"

After that, she shook her head proudly and was about to go back to the room to design the drawings.

Wu Zihao thought about it again and shouted,"Wait a minute!"

"What? What else do you want to say?"

"Since you say you are the brightest star in the jewelry industry, then ordinary jewelry designs cannot prove it at all. If you want to prove it, make it a little more difficult. You have to design me a set of jewelry that can be made with the craftsmanship of two hundred years ago! Then I will believe you!"

Wu Zihao finally added this condition. Otherwise, who knows whether the things designed by this guy now can be made in modern times?

If it can't be made, what's the use of the best and most beautiful design?

"You... you are cheating! You are deliberately making things difficult for me!" Lu Ting turned around to protest.

"What? If you can't make it, just say you can't make it. Don't make excuses! Don't brag about being the brightest star in the jewelry industry anymore!" Wu Zihao sneered.

"Who said I can't do it? You wait for me. By tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at noon, I will definitely design the most perfect jewelry for you that can be made with the craftsmanship of two hundred years ago! Humph!"

After saying that, she turned around proudly and went back to her room to design.

Seeing this, Bai Suyun glared at Wu Zihao:"What a poor little girl, you actually have the heart to lie to her like this!"

Wu Zihao touched his nose and said:"Anyway, she is free anyway, find her something to do!"

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