The fake Lolita had already run into the room and was busy fighting with the jewelry. Bai Suyun had rested and started writing intelligent programs.

Wu Zihao looked at this and that, and they were all busy. What should he do?

Sleep? That's definitely not possible!

He has been doing it day and night these two days, always sleeping during the day and active at night. This habit is not good and needs to be corrected.

Go out to fight monsters and level up? Wu Zihao looked at his attribute values that have reached more than 20 one by one. Each attribute point needs at least five red crystal cores. It's too slow to fight like this.

For a better tomorrow, how can I do such inefficient things today?

Hmm~~ Should I find something that can make me rich?

For a better tomorrow, I must solve the problem of money first!

I have already spent tens of thousands of dollars on selling jewelry before. If I continue like this, I will eat up all the money. That won't work!

But I can't sell jewelry anymore. First, selling too much of this thing will easily arouse suspicion. Second, he is the person who will cooperate with the ice queen Ye Xintong.

It's too unkind to cooperate with others while secretly digging at their roots. It would be strange if Ye Bingshan didn't tear himself apart.

We are still thinking about a wonderful development with others. We can't do such things that undermine ourselves.

Since the jewelry can't be sold, we have to change it to something that can be sold, right?

Then what is more valuable in this end of the world?

Hey! Got it!

In this end of the world, when everyone is in danger, money is no longer useful, but it's different in modern times!

Although the soft sister RMB in this world can't be taken to modern times, it's not only the soft sister RMB that is considered money. Throughout the ages, currencies have been changed one after another, but only gold is hard currency!

Gold is money no matter which era or country it is in!

Anyway, in this era, gold is not even as good as stone, so why don't you recycle it?

Wu Zihao thought about it and thought it was more feasible, and he excitedly began to prepare.

Where is gold usually stored? Wu Zihao didn't even need to ask the golden finger to know that it is in the bank! Which bank vault doesn't have some gold as reserve funds?

To them, all the coins and yuan will eventually become waste paper. Only gold is the real hard currency and can be used anywhere.

Wu Zihao opened his personal terminal, searched the nearby map, and finally set his target at a large bank five kilometers away.

This is it. After Wu Zihao decided, he said hello to Bai Suyun and went downstairs. He wanted to check out the place in advance and get a feel for the situation.

Driving a police car, Wu Zihao came to a remote alley near the bank and easily dealt with the zombies following behind. Wu Zihao got off the car and went to the rooftop to observe the situation of the bank building.

This area is not as prosperous as the city center. In addition, due to the abundant sunshine during the day, there are not many zombies on the nearby streets. There are only two or three zombies wandering around, and the rest are"hibernating" in the shadows."

【Are there any mutations among the zombies on the streets?】


Very good, as long as there is no mutated Wu Zihao, there is no need to worry about the outside. Some ordinary zombies are nothing to Wu Zihao now.

Don't worry about the outside, the main thing is the inside.

【Are there any mutated zombies in the building?】


There are mutant zombies, Wu Zihao must be vigilant

【There are more than five mutant zombies in there?】


【More than three heads?】


【Only one?】


【What are the chances of me being killed if I face him?】


Fortunately, it was an acceptable existence.

Seeing that there was only one, Wu Zihao felt relieved that he was not in much danger. It was not like he had never killed mutant zombies before. Even if this one was powerful, he could run away with his own speed.

【Where the gold is is on the first floor?】


【Is that on the second floor?】



【Damn, it’s not in the basement, is it?】


Well, he measured from the first floor to the top floor, and finally found it in the basement.

The corners of his mouth twitched, Wu Zihao pondered for a moment and continued to ask:

【Can I directly touch the gold under my current conditions?

This is the issue he is most concerned about. The gold reserve is the most important and confidential place in the bank, and it must be heavily guarded.

Such a large bank in front of you can't let you touch it easily.

Even if you know where it is, what's the use if you can't touch it?

So Wu Zihao must know it in advance before deciding whether to take action.

Seeing the words 100% in front of him, Wu Zihao was stunned. Can he touch it directly? In such a large bank, doesn't the gold storage room have any necessary protective measures? At least there should be a lock or something, right?

Shaking his head, Wu Zihao no longer thought so much. He could actually touch it directly, which meant that he didn't have to bother with unlocking and blasting and other troublesome things, and he could take the gold away directly.

Such a good opportunity, if he didn't do him a favor, he would have come to the end of the world in vain!

Isn't it just a mutant zombie? Who is afraid of who?

With excitement, Wu Zihao went downstairs and rushed to the door of the bank.

The bank is a public business place. It was still open when the disaster occurred. It was not locked and anyone could enter. Wu Zihao easily came to the bank lobby.

There were many zombies in the lobby, most of whom were taking a"lunch break".

However, when Wu Zihao came in, a group of zombies who heard the noise turned around and saw the living flesh and blood and immediately went crazy. The zombies that were still active had already rushed towards Wu Zihao, and the zombies that were taking a"lunch break" also woke up and rushed towards Wu Zihao with a roar.

Wu Zihao naturally would not waste time on them.

After finding the route to the basement through the golden finger, he walked along the route all the way and cut down all those who blocked the way.

At this time, anyone who blocked his fortune would die!

He came all the way to the stairs and used the golden finger to determine that there was a basement below here.

Wu Zihao ran down without hesitation.

It was not until he reached the first floor of the basement that Wu Zihao suddenly stopped after turning a few corners again.

Something is wrong, very wrong!

It was not until now that he noticed that there seemed to be no zombies in the basement, and no zombies followed him in. It seemed that there was a door control and they all stopped at the stairs. Even though they watched him come in, they stopped chasing him. It seemed that there was something they were afraid of that made them dare not come in.

【Could it be that the mutant zombie is in this basement? And this is its"territory", so other zombies don't dare to come here?】


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