Wu Zihao hesitated a little. This was very abnormal!

He had seen mutant zombies before and killed several of them, but he had never seen them establish a"territory".

How could this one be so awesome! And it wouldn't let its kind get close to it?

He had never seen zombies stay away when there was blood in front of them, but this happened here.

Aren't they smart and fearless? Why don't they dare to come over?

No matter what happened, this meant that the mutant zombie inside was different from the ones he had encountered before.

Wu Zihao felt a little scared. In such an abnormal situation, should he go over again? After thinking carefully for dozens of seconds, Wu Zihao finally decided to go in.

You know, the gold here is something he can easily touch without any trouble. Who knows if he can have such a good opportunity in other places?

Although Wu Zihao had never seen what a real bank vault looked like, he had watched a lot of TV dramas and novels. He could imagine how tightly sealed a bank's gold reserve was. It was even sealed with several meters thick steel plates, which could not be blown open by bombs.

How could he give up such a good opportunity just because of a mutant zombie?

Anyway, he had tested it with the gold finger, and the probability of being killed by it was only 5%. Even if he couldn't kill it, he could always run away.

In such a low-risk situation, if he didn't even dare to try and ran away directly, he would laugh at himself!

Damn! Isn't it just a mutant zombie? What can it do if it's awesome?

After making up his mind, Wu Zihao calmed down and solemnly continued to walk along the route to the gold storage room. It was not until he saw the door of the gold storage room that Wu Zihao finally understood why he could directly contact the zombies!

It's not that this bank has no protective measures. On the contrary, it is very tight. The entire storage room is completely sealed by thick metal plates of unknown material. Even the door is more than one meter thick.

However, the current situation is that there is a big hole on the door that is more than one person tall. The hole is uneven, as if it was gnawed by something.

And now there is a zombie with almost completely metallic skin gnawing on the gold on the shelf.

Obviously, this big hole was gnawed by this zombie, and the gold inside has been gnawed away by it!

Wu Zihao's first reaction was shock. This is simply a monster!

Such a thick metal plate, although I don't know what it is made of, I can tell with my ass that it is much harder than the steel plate of two hundred years ago, but it was gnawed out of such a big hole by this thing in front of me!

How sharp must its teeth be? How abnormal must its attack power be?

Also, where did it put all the metal it ate? It can even digest metal, it's so awesome!

After the shock, Wu Zihao's heart began to bleed. So much gold, and it wasted half of it! How much would it be worth in modern times! That's all money! You spendthrift!

Wu Zihao was angry. He had to kill this spendthrift, otherwise wouldn't all the gold here be ruined by this guy?

Damn it! No one competed with me for the survivors, and in the end, you, a zombie, dared to rob my money!

This is intolerable! Uncle can tolerate it, but aunt can't!

Not only Wu Zihao wanted to kill the other party, the zombie inside also went crazy when he saw Wu Zihao, and also wanted to eat the living blood food in front of him!

Although it has mutated and is very special, the surrounding metal can also be used as its food. But how can these hard and cold things be as delicious as real blood food?

We zombies are also very picky eaters, and we also pursue delicious food.

Wu Zihao took out his machete and rushed at the mutant zombie at full speed. When the two were within a short distance, Wu Zihao took advantage of his speed and chopped the zombie's head with his machete before the zombie could even stretch out his hand.

However, the result was completely beyond his expectations. There was a loud"clang" sound, and Wu Zihao's wrist was numb from the shock, but the opponent's head was fine, without even a white mark.

Wu Zihao looked at his machete again, and found that the blade was completely bent and could no longer be used.

Wu Zihao's eyes widened in shock. He simply couldn't believe it. What kind of head is this? How could it be so hard? Even the machete couldn't cut it!

The situation was too urgent for him to think too much, because the zombie had already rushed over. Wu Zihao quickly dodged to the other side and distanced himself from the zombie.

"Damn it! Is this guy's head made of metal? How can it be so hard?"Looking at the zombie in front of him that was rushing towards him without any reason, Wu Zihao couldn't help but mutter to himself.


Damn, it's true!

The opponent's speed is not very fast, and it can't be compared with Wu Zihao, a super abnormal person with a speed attribute of 25.

However, the underground corridor is narrow, which is not conducive to Wu Zihao's performance. It is difficult to get around. For a while, one person and one zombie can't do anything to each other.

During several exchanges, Wu Zihao found that this guy's whole body seemed to be surrounded by metal, which was very hard. He had scrapped several machetes and attacked from many angles, but the opponent was still fine.

Wu Zihao even shot it with a pistol and a submachine gun, and the bullets only left small white dots on the opponent's skin, without any scars.

On the contrary, because of the huge gun body, it"irritated" it and made it crazy!

Damn! Even the gun can't penetrate, how can this be done?

Wu Zihao has also thought about bypassing the opponent and going directly into the gold storage room to take away the gold.

However, he finally gave up. The corridor is so narrow, and there is only a hole at the door that can accommodate one person. If he goes in and is blocked by this guy at the door, won't he be trapped?

There was no way out in that narrow space, so what was the point of being fast?

Wouldn't he still be eaten to pieces by this invulnerable zombie in the end?

Wu Zihao also tried to lure the other party out, outside and far away, and then take the gold away with his own speed.

But this zombie was not as brainless as other zombies, he seemed to have a little wisdom.

Just like a wild beast occupying territory, as long as you appear in the opponent's territory, it will rush over and bite you to death.

But once you are out of this range, it will go back and guard its own nest!

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