Wu Zihao also thought about taking the gold back to the modern world, but that would be a one-time deal!

As long as this zombie is here, he will never be able to come back and travel in this doomsday.

Although so much gold can make him rich overnight after being converted into RMB, and he will never have to worry about food and drink in this life, Wu Zihao is unwilling to be just an ordinary rich man!

In this doomsday, there are countless things worth money, black technology that is not available in the modern world, energy crystal cores that can enhance strength, and a beautiful girlfriend.

For him who can enter and exit the two worlds at will, this doomsday is equivalent to his back garden, with treasures everywhere waiting for him to develop.

How can he bear to give up this whole world completely just by taking away a warehouse of gold?

And if he goes back like this, what will happen to Bai Suyun and Lu Ting? Who will continue to feed and protect them? What about the agreement with the modern ice queen? Where can I get the jewelry design drawings? I also plan to take this opportunity to develop with the goddess!

No, I can't go back like this, I must kill this zombie!

Wu Zihao thought to himself, he didn't believe that this guy didn't have any weaknesses at all!

【Is it possible that this thing is completely surrounded by metal, without any holes at all?】


【There is still a hole, where is it? Is it the neck?】


【Is it the back?】


【Is it Tintin?】


【Shit, even there is such a strong armor! Is it the left hand?】



Wu Zihao checked various places and finally found a place that was not covered by the metal skin, which was a small place on the chest.

After the round of shooting just now, the clothes of this mutant zombie had all rotted away. Wu Zihao looked at the approximate location indicated by the gold finger and finally found a different place.

It was a small piece of skin and flesh under the ribs, but the size of a palm.

The whole zombie was wrapped in metal, revealing a metallic luster, and only that place was still the color of skin and flesh.

Wu Zihao also recalled repeatedly that just now his submachine gun was blasting, and the zombie seemed to protect that part intentionally or unintentionally.

This zombie has wisdom, although it is not as wise as an ordinary beast, but it does have wisdom. This is what Wu Zihao felt after these confrontations and verified with the gold finger. You can't hit that place with a simple gun, because the opponent will subconsciously protect it.

After thinking carefully, Wu Zihao decided to seek wealth and honor in danger. Long-distance kiting is definitely not possible. If you want to hit, you can only attack at close range.

He took out the bulletproof helmet seized from the police station yesterday from the storage space and put it on, and then took out the riot shield and put it in front of him.

He would have close contact with the opponent later. Although this thing could not withstand the opponent's teeth, it could still protect him from his claws.

After making preparations, Wu Zihao rushed over with the riot shield in his hand, and used the extremely fast momentum to push the opponent against the strong, and pressed half of the opponent's body with the riot shield.

The zombie was pressed on one side of its body, and one claw could not be extended, so it was about to grab Wu Zihao with the other claw.

Wu Zihao was prepared. He raised one foot and stepped on the opponent's wrist, and then pressed it against the wall so that it could not move. The zombie's two claws temporarily lost their freedom, and it opened its mouth to bite Wu Zihao's leg.

How could Wu Zihao give it this chance? Taking advantage of this critical moment, he immediately took out the pistol from the storage space with his remaining hand, pressed the muzzle against the exposed flesh of the opponent, and then immediately retreated at a high speed.

Wu Zihao, who had retreated a certain distance, only heard the zombie roar in pain. The area under the ribs had completely exploded, revealing a bloody hole.

However, the body is not the zombie's vital point. As long as the zombie's head is still there, it will not lose its mobility.

However, even so, this shooting has also affected it. Now its movements and reactions are much slower than before.

Sure enough, although the skin on the outside is hard, it is still flesh and blood inside, and has no defense.

Although it was severely injured, Wu Zihao's expression was still not relaxed, because this battle was not over yet.

The opponent has not completely lost its mobility. Next, I will give it a final blow to make it completely unable to move.

After moving his numb wrist a little, Wu Zihao raised the explosion-proof shield and charged again.

Just like before, he used the shield to hold up half of the opponent's body, and then used his foot to press the opponent's other wrist against the wall.

However, the fatal blow this time was not from the pistol. Wu Zihao quickly took out the grenade seized from the police station yesterday from the storage space, pulled the safety ring and put it into the wound of the opponent just exploded by the pistol.

Then he retracted his leg before the opponent bit his leg, and took out a riot shield from the storage space to hold up the other half of the opponent's body.

The zombie screamed when it was pushed, and the stench from its mouth sprayed directly on Wu Zihao's face, almost making Wu Zihao faint.

Wu Zihao held his breath, endured the discomfort in his stomach, and used all his strength to hold up the zombie to prevent it from moving.

This mutant zombie was surprisingly strong. Fortunately, Wu Zihao's strength attribute had been increased to 20, otherwise he might not be able to resist it.

The zombie's two hands could not move at all, so he had to start gnawing at the riot shield against his body with his teeth.

Wu Zihao heard a"grunt" sound, and the shield in front of him was bitten into a gap, which made Wu Zihao's pupils shrink.

Fortunately, he was smart and took protective measures in advance, otherwise he would be finished if he was bitten like this!

However, no matter how sharp the teeth of this zombie are, Wu Zihao���He didn't care. Ever since he threw the grenade into the opponent's body, Wu Zihao had been counting the seconds in his heart:

"……3, 2, 1, goodbye!"

Just as Wu Zihao finished speaking, the figure in front of the mutant zombie suddenly disappeared, followed by an explosion in the body!

Wu Zihao naturally returned to the modern world in the moment before the explosion. At such a close distance, even if the explosion-proof shields of the future were awesome, he would not dare to gamble, as his life was more important.

After staying in the small dark room for five seconds, Wu Zihao felt that the dust should have settled, and he returned to the end of the world in an instant. The mutant zombie in front of him was completely finished. The grenade exploded from the inside of the body, extending from the neck to the brain, and the entire brain was shredded! There was no ability to move anymore.

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