Looking back at the battle just now, although it only lasted a few minutes, it was extremely dangerous.

I was bitten several times by this guy with high attack, high defense and great strength. If it weren't for the significant improvement of my attributes in all aspects yesterday and the seizure of many weapons, I would have been completely helpless against it this time. It seems that

I don't know enough about mutant zombies. I thought that after killing a few mutant zombies, I felt that the opponent was just like that and there was nothing to be afraid of.

This time was a profound lesson. No matter what opponent I encounter in the future, I must not underestimate the enemy.

It took so much effort to solve the mutant zombies, so the energy crystal core naturally cannot be wasted. One orange-yellow one can replace two red ones!

I shook the opponent's body, and finally a bright yellow crystal fell out of the broken hole.

""Hey! Is it yellow this time?" Wu Zihao placed the yellow energy crystal core in his palm and observed it carefully. He then took out the spare red energy crystal core from the storage space and compared them together.

In comparison, the yellow one was a little bigger than the red one, about the size of a ping-pong ball. The rest was exactly the same except for the color.

【The mutated zombies with yellow crystal cores are more advanced than the orange ones, right?】


Sure enough, he said, they are all mutant zombies, why is this one so awesome?

It has its own"territory", forcing the other ordinary zombies not to approach, and has the wisdom of low-level beasts, but it is so strong, with high attack, high defense and great strength!

It turns out that this thing is of a higher level!

So far, I have encountered roughly four levels of zombies.

First of all, the lowest level is the most common ordinary zombie. This kind of zombie has ordinary attributes and no energy crystal core in its body. It can be said that it is useless and has no value. It is just disgusting.

The second is a slightly higher level than ordinary zombies, but it can only be classified as an ordinary zombie.

The reason why it is said to be slightly higher than ordinary zombies is that it has an energy crystal core in its body, which is red and has a higher value.

Secondly, its spiritual perception in some aspects is slightly more acute than that without energy crystal cores. If there are two different sound sources, one with people and one without, they will subconsciously go to the sound source with people, of course, this is not absolute.

The reason why they are classified as ordinary zombies is that, apart from the above two points, they are completely the same as ordinary zombies, with the same ordinary attributes and the same poor fighting power.

The third type is the mutant zombies like the one Wu Zihao encountered yesterday. This type of zombie is much stronger than ordinary zombies and has different attributes, such as some are fast, some are strong, some have high defense, etc.

However, this type of zombie is far from being Wu Zihao's opponent now. Wu Zihao can beat them with his own ability.

The energy crystal core in the body of this type of zombie is orange-yellow, and one can replace two red ones.

There is also the last type in front of us, the zombie with yellow energy crystal core.

Needless to say, this type of zombie is powerful. Wu Zihao also spent a lot of effort, and even used his current trick of dying together to destroy it.

Wu Zihao didn't know what the other yellow crystal core zombies were like, after all, he only encountered this one in front of him.

But when you encounter these abnormal monsters again, you must be cautious. You must use the golden finger to detect the opponent's strength before you start.

Looking at the yellow energy crystal core in his hand, he wondered how much it could match the red one. He would give it a try first.

Thinking in his mind, Wu Zihao placed it on the Tai Chi ball pattern on his chest and slowly absorbed it.

Then Wu Zihao called out the attribute panel in his mind and was immediately shocked, because this time the attribute panel had changed:

【Basic attributes:

Body: 22+ (body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 20+ (strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 25 (speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance, etc.)

Spirit: 20+ (represents mental strength, stress resistance, anti-interference ability, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects!

Special attributes:

Metallization: 1 (metallize a part of the body surface to resist external damage)

Note: The value range of the first level of special attributes is 1-10, and it requires relative special attribute energy to improve! 】

This time, not only can some attributes be improved, but also their own attributes are divided into ordinary attributes and special attributes.

The ordinary attributes are still the previous body, strength, speed, and spirit, while the special attributes are the newly added attributes after absorbing this yellow energy crystal core.

It can metallize part of the body surface!

Looking at the mutant zombies killed by him on the ground, Wu Zihao thought to himself: Is the so-called metallization of the body surface the same as this zombie?


Sure enough, Wu Zihao stretched out his right hand, and with a thought in his mind, the skin of his right palm instantly turned into a layer of metal skin. Wu Zihao took out the machete and chopped it hard, but there was no trace at all!

A magical weapon! Wu Zihao was ecstatic!

This is true invulnerability, much better than the so-called golden bell and iron cloth shirt in novels and TV dramas.

With this special ability, wouldn't he be invincible in defense?


Damn it! Please don't pour cold water on me at this time, okay?

Although he was hit by the golden finger, it did not affect Wu Zihao's good mood.

Then Wu Zihao's mind moved again, and the metalized skin on his palm disappeared and reappeared on his chest.

Wu Zihao opened his front and took a look. A metalized skin also appeared on his chest, only the size of a palm. No matter how Wu Zihao controlled it, it could not continue to expand.

It seems that his ability is to metalize the skin of any part of the body at will, but there is an area limit!

【Hey, if I continue to increase the metallization attribute value, the area can be increased?】


【Sure enough! Hmm~~ I saw that the special attribute level 1 value range is 1-10, so if I raise it to 10, then the entire body can be metallized?】


【Well, if there is a level one, there must be a level two. If I continue to upgrade, can not only the surface but also the inside be metallized?】


Damn, this is awesome!

Wu Zihao was so excited.

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