Wu Zihao walked back happily. When he passed a gas station on the way, he stopped to get several tons of diesel and gasoline for the generator and his own driving.

However, when he drove for less than two minutes, he suddenly found a car following him at a high speed.

Wu Zihao could see clearly through the rearview mirror that the car behind was all black, and the body was wrapped in hard super alloy, which did not reflect light even under the sunlight.

Looking at the shape again, it has a high chassis, wide tires, and armed barrels on both sides of the body and the roof, which seem to be able to fire at any time.

Its performance is also much higher than the two bulletproof police cars he got from the police station. It has full horsepower and quickly caught up with him.

Wu Zihao immediately became alert, frowned slightly, and confirmed with Gold Finger:

【Is that car behind me coming towards me?】


【Does the other party have ill will towards me?】


【What does it mean? Is the other party still unsure of his identity and unclear about his attitude towards himself?】


It was indeed the case, but with a 70% chance, it was estimated that he was already leaning towards killing himself to a great extent.

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao asked again:

【Could the other party be a member of the Doomsday Star Organization?】


I'm not an ordinary person, otherwise how could I have such high-end equipment?

Looking at the other party's tall modified armored vehicle, and then looking at my own simple bulletproof police car, there is a world of difference.

Only a behemoth like the Doomsday Star can have it!

【So the other party is mainly here to investigate the police station's affairs this time?】


【Sure enough! Since they are the investigation team, they should not kill easily without finding out the truth, right?】


Well, the remaining 10% is just a contingency plan, which is not much different from what he expected.

As long as the other party does not act rashly, he is afraid that they will suddenly fire a cannon at him. You can basically not dodge it when you are caught off guard at such a close distance. Even if his car is bulletproof, it will at least overturn under the impact of the shell, and it will be impossible to continue.

Now he can't get rid of them even if he drives the car, let alone relying on his own two legs.

You have to know that the other party is a survivor, not a brainless zombie, and there are ways to track him.

【The number of opponents is less than ten?】


He thought so too. With such a big car, there must be a lot of equipment inside. It definitely couldn't accommodate ten people.

【The number of opponents is more than six?】


【There are seven people on the other side?】


【There are eight people on the other side?】


Wow, it’s just an investigation team, and there are only eight people dispatched!

【The other party has heavy weapons?】


【The other side has a single-person infantry rocket launcher?】


He looks so awesome, he even has such high-end weapons, he really is very rich!

【The other party has……】

After repeated calculations, Wu Zihao already had a general idea of the enemy's weapons.

Pistols and submachine guns were just child's play. Individual rocket launchers, fully automatic machine guns, and vehicle-mounted small missile launchers were the most powerful.

【Has anyone on the other side used the genetic medicine?

This is what he is most concerned about. The other party came from the Doomsday Star and produced the kind of organization that improves human attributes. It is not ruled out that there are such people on the other side.

For Wu Zihao, only survivors with the same physical attributes as him that far exceed those of ordinary humans are the biggest threat, and he must treat them with caution.


Wu Zihao took a deep breath, his eyes filled with solemnity. Have they finally met?

【The other party is the only one who has used the genetic medicine?】


He thought so too. Although he didn't know what this genetic medicine was and how it was made, he thought that even if the other party had such a high-end thing, they wouldn't have too many of them, and the people who used it wouldn't be everywhere.

The other party was just an investigation team, and there wouldn't be too many special people like this.

【Are the other person's human attributes as high as mine?】


Fortunately, if he meets someone more powerful than himself, he won’t have to fight. He can just take the gold and go back to modern times to be an ordinary rich man.

However, even if he is sure that the other party’s human attribute values are not as high as his, Wu Zihao dare not take it lightly.

Although the other party’s attribute values are not as good as his, his equipment is good! With that kind of armed conditions, even if an ordinary infantryman fights against him, he may not be able to get away with it. Of course, if he kills him in seconds before that, it will be another matter.

But it is easy for me to kill an ordinary person in seconds, but the other party is also a strong man beyond ordinary people, and it is not something I can kill with my burst speed alone. What

’s more, the other party is not just that one person, there are seven accomplices who are armed from head to toe.

After thinking about it, Wu Zihao finally stopped the car by the side.

It is obvious that there is a certain gap between his car and the other party. He can’t run away. It’s better to stop and look for opportunities face to face.

"Captain, the other party has stopped the car!" Inside the modified armored vehicle at the back, the driver looked at the bulletproof police car that had stopped in front and said,"He got out of the car!"

Without him saying anything, everyone in the car saw Wu Zihao slowly getting out of the car door and looking at them

"Is there only one person on the other side?"Before the captain could speak, the tall man next to him spoke first.

"The thermal imaging camera shows that there is no one else in the other car!"A thin man operating the instrument looked at the screen and spoke!

"Impossible, someone on the other side must be injured, how could he be the only one there? He doesn't look like he's injured at all." The tall man said he didn't believe it.

"Maybe the man in front of us is not the one who took the gold from the bank? The reason we followed him is because the car he drove was a police car from the police station. Maybe it has something to do with the elimination of Yu Zhenshan and his gang of idiots."Another man who was responsible for observation said

"But you just detected that there is only one car with people in it nearby. Who else could it be if not him?" The tall man was very confident in his judgment.

"That's enough!" The female team leader frowned,"Just go down and ask if he is and you'll know!"

The female looked at Wu Zihao through the car window, narrowed her eyes slightly, and continued:"I don't know if he is the man who was in the bank just now, but I believe there is a 90% chance that he is related to the takedown of the police station.

Not only because of this police car, but also because he is the man wanted by Yu Zhenshan the day before yesterday!

" After parking the car close to Wu Zihao, several team members got out first and surrounded Wu Zihao and his car.

There was even one of them carrying a single-soldier rocket launcher.

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