Wu Zihao didn't even look at the several fully armed minions that surrounded him.

He knew that the strong ones always appeared last, and the one who came down last was the one he valued the most, the super strong one with the same physical attributes as him but far superior to ordinary people.

Wu Zihao looked at the other party's car door calmly until he saw a woman who looked smart, capable and heroic coming out of the car.

If you only look at her appearance, the woman in front of Wu Zihao is also among the best in Wu Zihao's impression. If she were in modern times, she would definitely be a queen of aura.

However, with her calm and cold expression and the breath full of hostility, she completely turned into another image. The cold look in her eyes made even Wu Zihao, who had been baptized by various killings, feel a little chilly.

【Is she the super survivor who used the genetic medicine?】


Sure enough! Although she looked like a weak woman, Wu Zihao felt a danger in her that the men around her did not feel. It seemed that the rest of the people present were not as threatening as her alone.

"You are quite courageous. You dare to stop the car in this situation and you can be so calm and composed!"The woman walked forward slowly and spoke slowly.

The voice was crisp and pleasant, but Wu Zihao could not feel the slightest desire. He was only alert.

"Hehe!" Wu Zihao smiled and said calmly:"In this situation, is running away useful? What problem can panic solve?"

Hearing this, the woman also laughed:"What you said makes sense, but why do I feel that you seem very confident, without any worry about being killed by us, as if you want to leave and no one can stop you?"

"I really can't think of any chance for you to escape our control safely under this situation!"

Wu Zihao didn't comment when he heard it, raised his eyebrows, took two steps forward, and said:"That's because I know you won't kill me. There are not many handsome guys like me in the world. How could you bear to do that?"

Wu Zihao just finished speaking, and suddenly felt cold all over, but it only took a moment to return to normal, as if it was an illusion.

However, Wu Zihao knew that it was not an illusion, but the murderous aura emitted by the woman in front of him.

"I have to admire your courage!" The woman said with a fake smile:"Let me introduce myself. I'm from the Doomsday Star! But no matter what cards you have, please come with me!"

"Hmm~~ Maybe you haven't heard of this name, but you must know Nanmen Yuzhen Mountain. They are just a small minions under the Doomsday Star, but they were destroyed yesterday morning!"

"Although he is just a small fry, he is also a member of our Doomsday Star after all. You should look at the owner before beating the dog, so I was ordered to come and investigate this matter."

"The two bulletproof police cars you were driving belonged to this minion two days ago, and we learned that this minion had issued a wanted warrant for you at the South Gate the day before yesterday afternoon, and they were killed in the evening!"

"So we suspect that you have something to do with this matter!"

"No matter what cards you have, you have to come with us today and go back with us to be investigated!"

"Hehe!" Wu Zihao shook his head and took a few steps forward again. He said as he walked,"I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you said! I do know about Yu Zhenshan. His brother wanted to kill me but I killed him. So he wanted me."

"I was planning to kill him, but I was a step too late, and he was killed in advance! As for this car, I picked it up because I was too late!"

"That's all I can say.……"

"Doomsday Star! Is that awesome? Just make up a reason and arrest anyone for investigation?"

"Your idea is very dangerous!" Looking at Wu Zihao's steps forward, the woman sneered,"I still advise you to cooperate obediently, otherwise, the consequences may not be as good as you imagined!"

"Haha! What if I don't cooperate?" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Wu Zihao produced a dagger from nowhere and stabbed at the woman.

The woman seemed to be prepared. She dodged Wu Zihao's attack by turning sideways and quickly counterattacked with her dagger.

However, just when the woman stabbed the dagger in front of Wu Zihao and everyone seemed to have no way to avoid it, Wu Zihao suddenly accelerated and instantly turned into an afterimage!

""Superpower!!!" Everyone, including the woman, screamed subconsciously!

Superpowers are no strangers to everyone here, after all, the genetic medicine is jointly developed by their Doomsday Star and several major forces.

And this female captain herself is also a superpower.

So when Wu Zihao picked up the dagger and stabbed the female captain just now, no one was panicked, only they knew the power of superpowers.

In their opinion, this ignorant guy was looking for death, and actually wanted to fight the captain, a superpower!

For their captain, he only needed one move to kill him, and he couldn't even dodge, because the speed of superpowers was simply not comparable to that of ordinary people.

However, Wu Zihao's speed was really beyond their expectations. They didn't expect that Wu Zihao was also a superpower.

By the time they reacted, Wu Zihao had rushed to their modified armored vehicle at a very fast speed and opened the driver's door.

The driver was killed by Wu Zihao with a single blow before he could even react.

It was obvious that Wu Zihao had planned this in advance.

The reason why he slowly moved forward to close the distance between him and the woman during the conversation was to make them think that he was going to sneak attack the female captain, so that the other party's defense center would be on this female captain.

However, in fact, Wu Zihao's very poor acting skills and attack were just a feint, and his main purpose was actually the modified armored vehicle behind her.

Wu Zihao knew that the other party was a strong man who had used genetic medicine, but the other party did not know that he was also a superpower.

He took advantage of the other party's underestimation of the enemy, making the other party think that he could easily control himself, so as to relax his vigilance.

He came to the other party's modified armored vehicle, opened the door and killed the only person inside - the driver, and then, in the stunned eyes of everyone, he instantly put the modified armored vehicle with no life inside into the storage space.

Such a big car disappeared out of thin air!

Everyone gasped!

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