The female captain walked forward slowly. She believed that even if the other party was not dead, he had lost his ability to move after such a long period of silence.

People with superpowers are also human beings. If they are shot in the heart, they will definitely die.

In the eyes of the female captain, the result of the other party being shot is nothing more than death or about to die. Now that several minutes have passed and the other party has not moved, it is basically certain that he is dead.

As for the other party pretending to be dead and attacking her without any damage, she didn't even think about it.

That kind of situation must be done by some special superpowers. Although the other party is indeed a superpower, his superpowers can't do this.

Slowly approaching, the other party was indeed lying there motionless. Although the wound was covered by his hand, the blood that was slowly flowing out and about to coagulate also showed that the other party was indeed seriously injured.

Seeing this, the female captain finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although this mission suffered heavy losses, she was finally completed without any danger.

The next step is to take the other party's head back and report.

The female captain put away the gun, took out the dagger and came to Wu Zihao's"corpse", and was about to chop off Wu Zihao's head.

At this moment, the"dead" Wu Zihao suddenly opened his eyes, and a big hammer appeared in his hand and smashed towards her.

The female captain originally thought that Wu Zihao was dead, and she was not prepared at all. She just dodged instinctively, and was hit in the chest. Suddenly, her eyes went black, and she felt her internal organs churning, and she completely lost the ability to react.

When she felt it again, Wu Zihao had stepped on her chest with one foot and held a gun against her forehead.

She was fully convinced that as long as she moved a little, the other party would not hesitate to blow her head off. At such a close distance, she couldn't dodge no matter how fast she was, not to mention that she was far slower than the other party.

Her head was a little confused, her eyes were as big as bells, and she couldn't believe it.

She clearly saw with her own eyes that the bullet had hit his chest, so how come he was fine now.

But now she couldn't think about those things, and it was more important to save her life!

"Don't... don't shoot! I have something to say!" The female captain smiled bitterly in her heart. Was she going to launch the second plan in the end?

"Oh? What do you want to say?" Wu Zihao was confident of winning, and his tone became relaxed,"Are you going to warn me not to kill you, saying that your Doomsday Star is so awesome, and if I kill you I will end up in such and such a terrible way?"

"No, that's not the case!"The woman shook her head slightly, her voice weak.

Just now, Wu Zihao hit her chest with a hammer, and her internal injuries were already quite serious. Now Wu Zihao stepped on her, it would be strange if she had the strength to speak.

"So what do you want?"Wu Zihao didn't intend to kill her so quickly. She was someone who had used the genetic medicine. She should be an important person on Doomsday Star and should know a lot of information.

He needed to master this information to deal with future events.

Since she had something to say, he might as well listen to it. He wanted to see what tricks this girl could play.

"Don't kill me, killing me... won't do you any good! We can... we can cooperate!" The woman's face turned pale, and she felt a dull pain in her chest every time she spoke, but she had to say it.

"Cooperation?" Wu Zihao was surprised when he heard this,"With your Doomsday Star?""

"No! I am... asking you for cooperation... in my own name!" the woman explained quickly.

"Interesting!"Wu Zihao thought about it and retracted his foot that was stepping on her chest, but the gun was still pointed at her brow.

He also saw that the other party was seriously injured by the hammer. After using the golden finger to test that there would be no danger, he still relieved her pain a little. After all, he was also very anxious to see how she was talking now!

The pressure on her chest was relieved, and the woman slowly breathed a sigh of relief. She struggled to get up and leaned against the corner.

She took off her bulletproof helmet casually, and her black and smooth hair fell down and scattered on her shoulders. With her pale face, she looked really fragile and beautiful at this time.

But this was obviously not the time to appreciate beautiful women. He waited for her to lean back and asked,"In your own name? I don't know what capital you have to cooperate with me! Also, why do you think I will cooperate with someone who uses the lives of his men as bait?"

The woman's expression eased a little, and she ignored Wu Zihao's question, but said to herself,"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Yao Lin, and you can call me whatever you want. The reason I said we can cooperate is because we have a common enemy!"

"A common enemy?"Wu Zihao was a little surprised.

"That's right! You killed Yuzhenshan and wiped out a team that came to investigate, so you are destined to become mortal enemies with Doomsday Star!"Yao Lin continued:"Don't expect them not to find you, they are much more powerful than you think!"

"Wait!" Wu Zihao interrupted her and asked,"If I understand correctly, you mean that Doomsday Star is also your enemy?"

Yao Lin nodded:"Yes! They are also my enemies. Because they captured my sister! The reason why I joined Doomsday Star is to gain their trust and wait for an opportunity to rescue my sister!" Wu Zihao raised his eyebrows and slowly put down the gun. He had tested it with the golden finger. What Yao Lin said was true, and she really wanted to surrender to him.

He had imagined all the results, but he didn't expect that the current situation would be like this.

Yao Lin continued:"As for those so-called subordinates, they are bastards who do all kinds of evil. They can be killed."

"And when I saw your ability, I also had a tendency to cooperate with you. If you really want to cooperate, you can't keep them, so it's better to kill them first!"

Wu Zihao looked at Yao Lin, who looked as if it was a matter of course, and continued to ask:"If that's the case, why didn't you speak up earlier? Why did you have to suffer a lot before bringing it up?"

"If I can kill you, there is no need to cooperate with you anymore!" Yao Lin didn't think there was anything wrong with this."You should know that in order to gain their trust, I have completed more than 30 tasks for them in the past six months, and even volunteered to be a test subject for the first batch of genetic medicine!"

"As long as I complete this mission, I will have a great chance to become a member of their middle-level backbone, and I will be one step closer to saving my sister."

"But if I cooperate with you, I can only put you first and place my hope on you!"

"If possible, who wouldn’t want to hold hope in their own hands?"

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