Every time Yao Lin said something, Wu Zihao would use the golden finger to test the truth. In the end, he found that since she was controlled by him, every word she said was true, and even her thoughts and attitudes were sincere.

This sincerity made Wu Zihao very confused. At least you should struggle a little. It's not fulfilling to be a"traitor" like this!

In any case, the golden finger will not deceive itself, and Wu Zihao temporarily gave up his determination to kill her.

"Keep talking!" Since the other party is sincerely surrendering, the information he can get will definitely be much more than that obtained through torture, which is indeed beneficial to him.

Yao Lin did not continue quickly this time. Instead, she asked Wu Zihao:"Before that, can I ask, you were clearly shot just now, why is nothing wrong?"

As she said that, she looked at the part of Wu Zihao's chest where he was shot for the first time. There was a big hole in the front of his clothes because of the explosion of the bullet, revealing the bronze skin inside.

There were indeed traces of blood on it, but it was obviously smeared on later.

The part that was shot was intact, leaving only a small white spot on the skin, and even after such a long time, it has shown a tendency to gradually fade.

Wu Zihao did not expect that this girl had not said anything yet, but asked him instead.

But he did not need to hide it. Anyway, he would not allow her to have the opportunity to spread it out. It would be nice to show off his strength to make her more obedient and honest.

Thinking of this, Wu Zihao smiled complacently:"It's very simple, it's because of this!"

As Wu Zihao said this, the bronze palm-sized skin on his chest immediately turned metallic. Wu Zihao also stretched out his hand and flicked it, which also made a metallic"dong dong" sound.

Seeing Yao Lin's eyes almost popping out and her mouth even being able to fit an egg, Wu Zihao felt quite accomplished.

He had been thinking about how to make a quick decision when he was in a stalemate with Yao Lin, and finally thought of this routine of faking death. The only way to control her in a short period of time is to sneak attack. The other party is a superpower, and even a sneak attack can only succeed when the other party is completely unprepared.

And under what circumstances can she withdraw her vigilance? Only after confirming her own death or losing her ability to move.

So Wu Zihao deliberately gave up the advantage of close combat, opened up the distance and fired with a machine gun, and revealed the flaw of changing the magazine, just to lure Yao Lin to shoot.

And he instantly used the surface metallization ability to block the bullet, and faked his death to lure the other party forward.

As for the blood, it was taken from the bodies of the few team members who were killed by Wu Zihao before while suppressing Yao Lin with a machine gun.

"You...you are not only a space-based psychic, but you are also a metal psychic?!" Yao Lin's heart was in turmoil, and there was no word that could describe her disbelief.

"No, it's impossible! How can a person possess two different superpowers at the same time? This completely subverts the cognition of modern scientific research!"

Yao Lin's tone was full of surprise and disbelief, but Wu Zihao captured the key words from it:"Superpower? What is a superpower?"

""Huh?" This time it was Yao Lin's turn to be confused."You already have the two superpowers of space transfer and skin metallization, but you still don't know what a superpower is?""

Huh? Space transfer? What is that? When did I have this ability?

Uh~~ Did she mistake my taking away the armored vehicle for some kind of space transfer?


I swear to God, I just put it into the storage space! I don't need to think about it to know that this is definitely not the same as the space transfer ability you understand!

But Wu Zihao will not explain anything, so it's okay for you to understand it this way.

"Ahem! I got this supernatural power by accident!" Wu Zihao began to make up a story,"You know I came from a small background, not like you guys who are from a big organization and know everything. Come on, tell me about it!""

"Hmm? Are you saying that you got this ability by chance, and not by using the upgraded gene medicine?"Wu Zihao said this, and Yao Lin was even more shocked.

""Wait a minute!" Wu Zihao felt that his brain was not receiving information well."What is the upgraded version of the gene medicine? Are you saying that your organization has developed such a thing, and people who use it will gain superpowers like me?""Oh my god! This is a lot of information!

The sense of superiority that was originally generated by the special attribute metalization was suddenly destroyed by Yao Lin's words.

I originally thought that these organizations would only make a gene medicine that could make ordinary attributes soar, but I didn't expect that an upgraded version of the gene medicine would come out, and even special attributes could be mass-produced.

In other words, in the future, when dealing with these behemoths, not only will we have to fight with super survivors like Yao Lin whose human attributes are far superior to those of ordinary people, but we may also encounter a superpower like him who may have some special functions at any time!

These organizations are too crazy, aren't they? I just discovered some special functions here, and they have mass-produced them over there!

Wu Zihao took a deep breath, calmed down his shocked mood, and said:"Tell me about the research of your organizations first, from the gene medicine to the superpowers, don't leave out anything!"

"Uh! From what you said, you haven't even used the genetic medicine, and your superhuman physical attributes were obtained by accident?" Yao Lin was numb from the shock.

"Don't talk about me first, answer my question first, this is very important!"Wu Zihao said seriously

""Okay!" Seeing Wu Zihao's serious expression, Yao Lin also knew that this matter was unusual, and calmed down her inner���The tranquility starts from the source

"You should know that there are many types of zombies, right?"Yao Lin has discovered that the man who killed her team is a rookie who seems to have no common sense, so she plans to start with the simplest one.

Wu Zihao nodded:"I know this, most zombies don't have crystal cores in their bodies, a few zombies have crystal cores, and even fewer zombies have crystal cores of different colors!"

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