"Not bad!" Yao Lin nodded and began to popularize science:"After our organization has studied a large number of samples, these zombies are roughly divided into two categories: ordinary zombies and mutant zombies!"

"Up to now, more than 95% of the world's human population has been infected and turned into zombies, and many other creatures have even become mutants!"

"Among these zombies, more than 99% of them have stiff bodies, ordinary attributes, and only slightly stronger combat power than normal humans. We call this type of zombies first-level zombies, that is, ordinary zombies!"

Wu Zihao nodded. This was basically consistent with his cognition, but he came to the conclusion based on what he saw these days, while Yao Lin said that their organization had drawn a large amount of data.

"Among these ordinary zombies, less than 10% of them have energy crystal cores in their bodies. These crystal cores are red and we call them primary crystal cores."

"Only ordinary zombies with level one crystal cores can be promoted to level two and become mutant zombies!"

Wu Zihao nodded again:"In other words, all mutant zombies are level two or above?"

"That's right!" Yao Lin continued to explain:"The crystal core of the second-level zombie is orange. This type of zombie is different from ordinary zombies in that they have attributes far superior to ordinary zombies in some aspects, just like our superpowers are generally superior to ordinary humans."

"It's just that we superpowers usually develop in a coordinated and balanced way, with overall improved attributes. However, these second-level zombies only have special attributes in one aspect, such as speed, strength, attack, defense, etc."

Wu Zihao also understood this point, just like the several second-level zombies with thin bodies and well-developed limbs that he had killed before, they were speed-type zombies.

He had never fought with the rest of the zombies, but he had seen them when he was cleaning the battlefield yesterday morning. He was particularly impressed by one defensive zombie, and he fired four shots in a row before he blew its head and took out the energy crystal core.

"The genetic medicine we are studying comes from these primary and secondary crystal nuclei!" Yao Lin continued:"The disaster half a year ago came from a newly researched genetic virus. The leakage of this virus caused a large number of humans to become zombies!"

"It can be said that these zombies themselves are mutated due to the destruction and recombination of human genes. Therefore, the crystal cores in their bodies not only contain a large amount of energy, but also have some special existence related to genes."

"The organization's scientific researchers finally extracted genetic medicine based on these things. This medicine has a great chance of improving the human body from a genetic perspective and enhancing the human body's attributes after being used by humans."

"The properties that can be improved by this genetic medicine have no upper limit and can easily exceed the 15 values of the peak human level."

"We call all those who have used this gene liquid and whose attributes have exceeded 15 as superpowers, just like me."

Yao Lin opened her personal terminal and checked her physical attributes:

【Master's physical attributes:

Body: 20, extreme;

Strength: 18, extreme;

Speed: 19, extreme;

Spirit: 20, extreme. 】

After looking at Yao Lin's, and then comparing it with my own, the difference is really not a little bit!

"That's the thing! Then in your organization, are there many so-called superpowers? How many are stronger than you?"Even if Yao Lin didn't tell him these things, he could have guessed them. What he cared about most was the actual combat power.

Shaking his head, Yao Lin continued:"The extraction of genetic medicine is too difficult and the cost is too high. It is impossible to create too many superpowers. If you want to extract a genetic medicine that can enhance the physical attributes within 15~20, you need at least 20 red crystal cores or 89 orange crystal cores. More than 20 requires a geometric increase."

"You have also dealt with these zombies before, so you should know how difficult it is to obtain crystal cores. Level 1 zombies are easy to kill, but most of them don't have crystal cores, which is a waste of bullets. Level 2 zombies all have crystal cores, but it's impossible to expect ordinary people to kill them without fully armed people, and it's still unknown whether you can encounter them."

"So it is impossible to create too many people with super powers."

"As for those who are stronger than me……"When talking about this, Yao Lin smiled bitterly:"In the organization's superpower team, I am basically at the bottom, otherwise I would not come out to carry out such an investigation mission."

"Oh? Someone as powerful as you is actually at the bottom?" Wu Zihao was really shocked this time. You know, Yao Lin has two attributes reaching 20. When she was fully armed, even he could not defeat her in a short time. In the end, he still won by strategy.

But a person like this is actually at the bottom!

Yao Lin said helplessly:"The genetic medicine is so rare, how can anyone use it? In the organization, only those who were high-level or backbones before the disaster are qualified to use it. They are their real direct descendants."

"People like us who joined later should not have any access to such things!"

"The reason why I was able to become a person with super powers is entirely because I was among the first batch of test subjects who volunteered to apply."

Wu Zihao nodded. He understood this kind of thing very well. They didn't know what the disadvantages of the first produced genetic medicine were. At that time, they would not use their own people as guinea pigs. They would only find those dispensable peripheral personnel with no background to try first.

Later, they found that there was no problem. Those things did not belong to these guinea pigs anymore. They were all occupied by those direct descendants!

How could such an important and precious thing be wasted on peripheral personnel? It is only right to keep it in the hands of your own people.

"Among the people with super powers in your organization, who has the strongest physical attribute?" This is also a question he is more concerned about.

Yao Lin did not hide it:"Among all the people with super powers in our organization, the strongest one is Chen Tianyun!"

"Chen Tianyun? Is he the man who is called god-like?"Wu Zihao was not unfamiliar with this name. Bai Suyun had once told him about this man.

"That's right, his attributes are 22 strength 23 speed 25 spirit 21!"

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