Phew! Looking at the data in front of him, Wu Zihao breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his golden finger was much higher than the other party's scientific research technology. Through the jade pendant, he could absorb any crystal core and obtain any superpower!


Sure enough, having a golden finger makes you awesome, having a golden finger makes you invincible!


Damn! I just said it casually, and you actually agreed! Aren’t you too narcissistic?



Wu Zihao nodded and continued to ask,"According to this statement, there shouldn't be too many people with special abilities in your organization, right?"

"Not only won't there be too many, it's already good to have more than one handful!" Yao Lin sneered and said,"As for the superpowers, even the top leaders of the organization have only studied and understood the basics. After all, there are too few crystal cores available."

"What I have said above is still a secret among the top leaders, which is not known to ordinary people. If you change to another superpower, you will never be able to get such confidential information!"

"Oh?" Wu Zihao was puzzled when he heard this:"Since the information is so confidential, how do you know all this? I remember you just said that you are not a direct descendant of this organization!"

Yao Lin knew he would ask this, and said directly:"Because my sister is a superpower!"

""Huh?" Wu Zihao was a little confused when he heard this."Since your sister is a superpower, she should be an important figure in your organization. Why do you still need to save her?"

Yao Lin shook her head and continued,"It's different. My sister is a natural superpower, not from their genetic medicine."

"A natural born supernatural being?"Wu Zihao was surprised.

"Yes, there are people in this world who are born with supernatural powers, but they are so rare that it’s good to have one in a million. Yao Lin nodded.

"My sister is one of them. Because of this, she was captured and imprisoned by this organization early on, just to do research on super powers."

"The reason why they were able to achieve such rapid results in the research of the second-generation gene medicine solution is also related to my sister!"

When she mentioned her sister, Yao Lin's face immediately dimmed, and her expression flashed with fragility.

Only at this time did she act like a girl, with the fragility of a woman.

"I was born in a revolutionary family. When my sister was three years old, my parents disappeared during a mission, leaving only my sister and I to depend on each other. We are the most important people to each other."

"My sister's ability is psychic. She was still young at the time, so she didn't show much. I don't know what it is exactly. I only know that when we are close, she can call me with her mind for a short time, so that I can hear her voice, and only I can hear it! Maybe our feelings are the deepest and our hearts are the closest!"

"My sister was only eight years old when she was arrested, and I was sixteen at that time. Yao Lin's eyes were dim, and she gradually immersed herself in memories.

"It was when my sister was getting out of school that I went to pick her up, but in the end I didn't even see her face. I only heard her crying and shouting,"Sister, save me!"’!"

Yao Lin looked up at the sky, trying not to let her tears fall, and continued:"From that day on, I dropped out of school and became independent, working hard to make myself stronger, just so that I could save my sister one day."

"Finally, two years ago, I heard the long-lost call again."

"My sister was not having a good life. She always wanted to escape from that place. Every once in a while, especially late at night, she would call out:"Sister, save me!"’!"

"In addition, she would talk about some of her experiences every day, such as having a tube of blood drawn today, having a piece of flesh cut off, and having her drink some strange things, etc. Sometimes she would also talk about some of their research results that she had heard!"

"I don’t know if I can hear it, but it keeps repeating itself every day, sometimes for days at a time."

"I can feel that she hopes that one day I will be able to hear her call and take her out of that place."

"However, I heard it, I really heard it. But there was nothing I could do, I couldn't even respond. After all, I'm not a psychic, I don't have that ability, I can't even comfort her, I can only be a listener every day, hoping that my sister can hold on and wait for my rescue."

Wu Zihao was silent. He also had a sister. He could understand Yao Lin's mood every time he went back to see his sister still wearing the patched clothes with short sleeves from two years ago and not wanting to change them. He could imagine how she felt when her beloved sister was suffering every day and she was powerless to do anything.

Yao Lin rubbed her eyes and continued,"I stayed in that place and worked hard for them, just to gain their trust so that I could pick up my sister one day in the future, even if I had to give up everything for it, I would be willing to do it."

"Half a year ago, a disaster struck and most people turned into zombies. I thought my chance had come and I could take this opportunity to steal my sister away!"

"However, I didn't realize how naive I was until then. Just before I was ready to act, I saw their strength with my own eyes. They had top-level weapons and the most advanced weapons."

"I saw with my own eyes that they used powerful force to suppress the rampant zombies, cleared out a temporary peaceful zone, and built a fortress based on it, proclaimed themselves king, and changed their name to the Star of Doomsday!"

"For this reason, I hid again! I knew that there was no way out with my ability at that time. I had to work hard to gain their trust, let them recognize me, give me better resources, make me stronger, and then I would have a chance to rescue my sister!"

"What I know is the information I get from my sister's self-talk every day."

Wu Zihao nodded. Although this story sounds incredible, it is indeed true. He has tested it with the golden finger.

"So this time you said you wanted to cooperate with me, and the condition you put forward was that I had to help you rescue your sister?"

Yao Lin nodded solemnly and said,"As long as you help me rescue my sister, I can agree to any condition!"

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