"Oh? What are you doing to me?"Wu Zihao's eyes lit up when he heard this. He took a closer look and realized that the female man in front of him was a great beauty in terms of appearance, but her usual temperament concealed her femininity!

"I've already said it, it's up to you whether you cooperate or not!" Yao Lin refused to say that again,"I only have this one condition, if you don't agree, then just do it! I won't let you touch me even if I die!"

""Haha! I didn't realize you were so stubborn!" Wu Zihao touched his chin,"You said you wanted me to cooperate with you and help you save your sister, but how can I believe you?"

"You must know that you are still a member of that organization. You didn't hold back when you wanted to kill me just now! What if you are just trying to trick me, and after I let you go, you sell me out?"

"The reason why I wanted to kill you just now is because if I kill you and complete this mission, I may be able to further gain their trust."Yao Lin continued to explain:"What I said later is also true. I am willing to go all out because I see that your strength and potential can really fight against them!"

After thinking for a while, Yao Lin finally closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and said:"If you really don't believe it, I... I can... I can be your slave!"

Uh! Now it was Wu Zihao's turn to be surprised.

He had already calculated through the golden finger that Yao Lin's words were indeed true, and she would not betray him.

The reason why Wu Zihao added these words at the end was entirely because she had agreed so rashly, so she would have to think more about it.

But she didn't expect the other party to directly say such a sentence, to be her slave!

"Be my slave?" Wu Zihao was puzzled."Even slaves can betray me. I can't watch you every day, right?"

Yao Lin shook her head and said,"The slaves I'm talking about are different."

She took out a soft metal collar from her backpack and continued,"This thing is called a slave collar. As long as it is bound to the owner's personal terminal in advance and then put on the slave, the slave will be completely owned by the owner."

"This is the lowest level slave program developed by the organization, which can only control life and death. As for the more advanced ones, they need to use nanotechnology to implant chips, which we cannot do at present."

"Once the collar is put on, the owner will have a program in his personal terminal that can control the slave's life and death at any time with just a thought."

"And the slave cannot retaliate against the master, otherwise he will suddenly die before he succeeds."

"If the master dies, he will die too, but if the slave dies, the master will not be affected at all."

"If you agree, you can put this collar around my neck, so that my life and death will be in your hands at any time, and you don't have to worry about me betraying you!"

Seeing Yao Lin's heroic look of going to die, Wu Zihao fell silent.

This end of the world is really cruel!

Yao Lin only took out this collar, but he could imagine how many people are wearing this kind of collar now.

Moreover, this is only the lowest level, which can control life and death at will.

Their organization has also developed more advanced ones. It can be imagined that once that kind of thing is used, the user will have even less human rights.

And this is the world. If the weak do not want to die, they can only live in peace as slaves of others.

Yao Lin looked at the silent Wu Zihao, handed over the collar with some hesitation, and mustered up the courage to say:"I can be your slave, for a lifetime, but you must help me save my sister!"

"Moreover, before rescuing my sister, you are not allowed to do that to me! You know, although this collar cannot backfire on the owner, it can still commit suicide."

With a sigh, he had already tested it with the golden finger, and the other party was indeed loyal.

In this case, there is no need for such a thing.

After all, he came from the civilized era, and he still has some resistance to this kind of thing that does not treat people as human beings.

Of course, if he has to, he will not refuse to use this method to control a person.

As for Yao Lin in front of him, he doesn't want to do this.

The more it is in the end of the world, the more precious it is for someone like her who can give up everything for her sister. Such a person should not end up like this.

Shaking his head, Wu Zihao said:"No need for this, I agree to cooperate with you and help you rescue your sister!"

Wu Zihao's decision made Yao Lin a little unbelievable:"You...you believe me? Aren't you afraid that I will betray you?"

Wu Zihao smiled confidently:"Yes, I believe you! As for why this is my secret! You must know that I am a superpower, and I have more than one superpower!"

"As for this kind of slave collar, it's not that I'm merciful, I don't want to do these disgusting things if I can avoid it! Besides, a person who can give everything for his sister should not have such an end!"

After Wu Zihao's words came out, Yao Lin was completely shocked.

She never thought that in this doomsday, this era when laws and morals are completely lost, there are still people like Wu Zihao who have their own inner bottom line!

A person who can give everything for his sister should not have such an end!

This sentence completely rushed into her heart, touched the softest part of her heart, and she couldn't help but be shocked.

She felt that she had made the right bet. She had never been so fortunate for a moment, fortunate for her decision just now, the decision to sincerely propose cooperation with him.

She just felt that he had the strength and potential to compete with the Doomsday Star.

And now she feels that this idea is clearer.

In his words, people like him who are so deep in such an apocalypse and can still maintain their inner heart are truly powerful and will not fail.

"Thank you...thank you……"

"Hey - don't thank me so quickly!" Just when Yao Lin was overwhelmed with gratitude, Wu Zihao interrupted her and said in a completely righteous tone (it must be righteous):"You should know that although I promised to save your sister, it is not in vain. I also have conditions!"

You have to know that the opponent is the Doomsday Star! One of the most powerful giants!

Although I was supposed to deal with him, I can't be a good person for nothing! I must work hard to get the benefits I deserve! I must never give up!

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