""Huh?" Yao Lin paused when she heard this.

"If you have any conditions, just say it! I said, for my sister, I can give everything!" Although it was a bit awkward, Yao Lin still said firmly.

Wu Zihao waved his hand and said in a not at all vulgar (are you sure?):"It's nothing, just let you be my girlfriend! In that case, your sister is my sister-in-law, and it is natural for me to save my own sister-in-law!" Are you kidding? How can I give up such a good opportunity?

Although the woman in front of me has a stronger aura, she is also a veritable beauty!

And I have never seen such a queen-type beauty with a killer aura! I must not let her go!

Although the Ice Queen is also a queen-type with aura, that is the queen style of the superior, which is completely different from the pure cold type of Yao Lin in front of you who makes you feel creepy at a glance.

Yao Lin was stunned when she heard the words. Where is the gentleman? Where is the image of justice? Why is this person's temperament so different before and after?

But she finally agreed, and her face was slightly rosy when she nodded.

"Very good!" Wu Zihao was very excited."Since we are boyfriend and girlfriend, let me introduce myself! My name is Wu Zihao, and my origin is unknown! I live in Bilian Community now, and I have two wives, one big and one small. You are the third... I think you are the third one.……"

I added silently in my mind: If the Ice Queen doesn’t count for the time being!

"I'll take you back to meet them in a while!"

"As your man, I will be responsible for you, make sure you have enough food to eat and enough sleep to sleep, and never have to worry about making a living, and I will try my best to keep you safe!"

"You will know in the future that becoming my, Wu Zihao’s, woman is the most correct decision you have ever made in your life!"

Yao Lin stared blankly at the man who changed into three modes in an instant, not knowing how to answer at all.

Not to mention the future, even now she was a little nervous, wondering if she had made the wrong decision.

Why didn't she realize before that the man in front of her had such a second-year student side?

Wu Zihao, who thought he had performed well this time, didn't notice the slightly twitching corners of Yao Lin's mouth at all. He gently picked up the woman who was already his girlfriend in front of him, and walked downstairs while taking care of her internal injuries that had not yet healed.

Leaning against the broad chest in front of her, Yao Lin felt an inexplicable warmth filling her heart. How could she... How long has it been since I felt this kind of warmth? She had completely forgotten.

Although this man looked a little wretched and had more women around him, but just now, when he said that, she truly felt that he exuded an infinite light and charm, which went straight to her heart and stayed there.

If she could rescue her sister, it would be nice to follow this man in the future! What does it matter if there are more women? In this world, which capable man doesn't have many wives and concubines?

Greedy for this kind of warmth, Yao Lin unconsciously hugged Wu Zihao, slowly closed her eyes, and put her cheek against his chest.

"Hey, I can't control myself if you do this, okay?" Wu Zihao looked at the woman clinging to him in his arms, and a surge of evil fire suddenly surged in his body.

Yao Lin was silent for a moment, then said,"If you want, it's not impossible, just wait until I'm healed, okay?"

""Eh?" Wu Zihao blinked when he heard that."Didn't you say that you wouldn't let me touch you before I rescued your sister? And you threatened to die just now!"

"Didn't you not put a collar on me either?" Yao Lin curled her lips and whispered,"Since you trust me so much, I've decided to trust you too!"

Huh?! Is there such a good thing? The reason why he didn't use the collar was because he had used the golden finger to test that she was sincere, not lying and would not betray him, but he didn't expect that he would conquer this girl's heart!

Yao Lin looked at Wu Zihao's somewhat slow look, curled her lips and said,"If you want to wait until you help me rescue my sister first, it's fine, anyway, I won't suffer any loss!"

"No, no, no!" Wu Zihao hurriedly shook his head when he heard that,"Wife, you just said that you can do it after your injury is healed! Don't regret it!"

What a joke, how can you push away the fat meat that automatically flew to your mouth?

When he came to the outside of the building, he waved his hand to release the modified armored vehicle that he had taken away before, opened the door, threw the driver inside, and then put Yao Lin inside

""Wife, please sit in the car for a while. We just killed a lot of zombies in this battle. The crystal cores inside can't be given to others. I'll dig them out right away!"

After giving the instructions, Wu Zihao quickly went back into the building and began to search for energy crystal cores with his golden finger.

The power of the rocket launcher is extraordinary. With just one shot, the heads of so many zombies were basically blown to pieces. Wu Zihao didn't even need to dig them anymore. He could just pick them up from the ground.

After collecting the energy crystal cores, Wu Zihao turned over the bodies of the team members again.

Although the dead are a bit disgusting, these dead people are indeed full of good things!

And the rocket launcher, such a powerful weapon must be mastered in one's own hands!

Wu Zihao can be said to have made a lot of money in this battle. Not to mention a bunch of energy crystal cores, there are armored vehicles. The many instruments inside, plus fully automatic machine guns, vehicle-mounted small missile launchers, individual rocket launchers and other high-end weapons made him very happy.

What's more, he got a wife who is both beautiful and capable. It is definitely worth the trip, right?

After collecting the spoils, Wu Zihao drove the armored vehicle directly to the Bilian community.

While driving, he also informed Bai Suyun that he had brought back another wife and asked her to prepare meals. He also emphasized that this was not a burden, which made the pseudo-Lolita angry.

When they returned to the Bilian community, Yao Lin frowned at the scene in front of him and asked,"You live here?"

Wu Zihao nodded:"Yes, we have been here these days!"

Yao Lin shook his head and said,"No, we have to move. As long as the organization is determined to investigate this kind of place, it will definitely take us less than a day to find us!"

Wu Zihao frowned and nodded when he heard it:"I thought of this too, but I am not familiar with the surroundings, and I can't think of where to move for the time being!"

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