"What if I want to exchange for energy crystal cores?"Wu Zihao asked excitedly.

"This……"Yao Lin thought for a moment and said,"Energy crystal cores are also rare items for the organization. If you want to exchange them, one kilogram of fresh vegetables can only be exchanged for one red crystal core at most. As for the orange ones, at least three kilograms are needed. Forget about the yellow ones or above, they will not leak out!"

"That's a lot of money!" Wu Zihao was so excited. In modern times, fresh vegetables are easily available. At this exchange rate, crystal cores will come in droves!

Looking at the excited Wu Zihao, Yao Lin's heart moved, and she asked in surprise:"Do you have a stable source of fresh vegetables?!"

"Not to mention fresh vegetables, I can get you any food you can think of!" Wu Zihao nodded and whispered,"This is our secret! Don't let it out! Don't worry, follow me, I can't say anything else, but I will definitely let you enjoy the life of an emperor in terms of food!"

Yao Lin was simply dreaming when she heard this. Being able to eat fresh meals every day, let alone an emperor in this world, this is simply a fairy-like life!

This kind of thing that can only be imagined can actually be realized?

Yao Lin increasingly felt that she had made the right choice this time and followed the right person!

And she found that she could not see through the man in front of her more and more.

Every time you think that what he has is already the limit, he will always let you tell you that he has a more awesome secret, which will surprise you!

It seems that you will never know where his bottom line is.

After being surprised, Yao Lin regained her composure and said,"Although the idea is good, it is not so easy to do it."

"If you really sell off a large amount of fresh vegetables, you will not get profit, but destruction."

"To these big organizations, you are a piece of fat meat, naked fat meat. They will not exchange with you, but will directly rob you, or even take you as a slave to work for them!"

Wu Zihao had thought of this a long time ago, no matter where he did business.

Only two parties with equal strength can have the possibility of win-win cooperation, otherwise it will be the big fish eating the small fish, and the small fish eating the shrimp.

For cooperation with these organizations, you can only show your strength, beat the other party into submission and scare them, so that they will no longer dare to look down on you, and then you can really sit down and negotiate obediently.

"Don't worry about this, I'm just making a suggestion, and the specific action will take some time! But I already have a preliminary plan, and I can implement it when everything is ready!"

Wu Zihao thought for a while, and continued:"The most urgent thing now is to find a place to stay to avoid those organizations from finding us. You are familiar with this area, do you have any good places to choose?"

Yao Lin pondered for a moment, and finally said:"I did think of a place, but……"

"But what?" Wu Zihao just asked with the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect Yao Lin to have a good place to choose.

Yao Lin hesitated for a moment and said,"To be honest, I originally wanted to use that place as a temporary shelter after I rescued my sister. So although that place is not bad as a hiding place, it has a disadvantage, that is, the surrounding electromagnetic disorder, it is impossible to receive signals in that area, even personal terminals cannot communicate with each other!"

"It was because of this that I decided to set it as a temporary shelter. There was no signal there, and there were few survivors. It was inconvenient for the enemy to search and transmit information, and it was difficult to be found if I hid there."

"Oh? There is such a place?" Wu Zihao immediately became interested when he heard it,"Tell me quickly, where is it? How big is the area of electromagnetic disorder?" It doesn't matter whether there is a signal or not. Anyway, there is no network in this doomsday. What interests him more is that since various electronic signals cannot be used, it means that some weapons controlled by electronic programs cannot be used!

As long as there are no high-end weapons, what can the other party do even if they know where they are? No matter how powerful they are, they can only let people carry hand-controlled weapons to fight against them.

Once the other party's people come, he has the opportunity to kill as many as they come!

Yao Lin obviously thought of this, and thought about Wu Zihao's strength. It seems that it is really a good place to stay!

Without hesitation, he directly opened the personal terminal, called up the map, and found the place for Wu Zihao.

Wu Zihao took a closer look, and then he was overjoyed. This was simply tailor-made for him. A base to be built!

This place is about fifty kilometers away from Wu Zihao. It takes more than two hours by car for them to get there. It is relatively remote.

The terrain is complex and there are small hills around it, which is suitable for guerrilla warfare.

The entire electromagnetic disorder area is about fifteen kilometers in radius, enclosing most of the small hills and a natural lake. There is also a small island in the center of the lake.

If it were not for the inconvenience of communication due to the lack of signal, it would have been developed into a tourist resort.

And it is because of this that it is convenient for Wu Zihao.

He can completely turn this place into his private base. Usually he can just live on the edge of the signal. Once the situation changes, he can retreat into the electromagnetic disorder area at any time, launch guerrilla warfare with the opponent, and kill all the opponents one by one.

"Great!" Wu Zihao excitedly hugged Yao Lin and kissed her hard, making Yao Lin's pretty face blush,"It's here! It's here! We'll pack up and leave later!"

Looking at the surrounding residential areas, Wu Zihao pointed to a villa on the edge of the area and said,"When we get there, we'll live in this Yongjiang villa first. Then we'll start building the rear area!"

"We live on the edge of the city, with signals, communication, and access to information from the outside world."

"Once the situation changes, we will retreat to the base we have built. If the enemy does not come in, it will be fine. Once they come in, we will make sure they have no way back!"

Wu Zihao was so excited. God has given him such a good base, how could he not use it?

Yao Lin also thought it was feasible after hearing this. This place was tailor-made for them.

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