An hour later, Wu Zihao took away everything they needed while Bai Suyun and Lu Ting were stunned, and then drove an off-road vehicle to leave the Bilian community, taking advantage of the time when zombies were least active at noon, and rushed to Yongjiang Villa.

The superpowers that Yao Lin mentioned gave him a perfect explanation for the storage space, and Wu Zihao did not deny it. He even asked Yao Lin to explain to his two wives what superpowers are and what space superpowers are, which stunned the two of them.

As for whether Wu Zihao is a space superpower, only he knows.

The off-road vehicle soon arrived at the outskirts of Yongjiang Villa. Wu Zihao shook off the zombies and stopped in a remote corner, and began to use the golden finger to detect the surrounding situation:

【Are there any survivors in this villa area?】


【Do the people inside belong to some large organization?】


He didn't think so. If they were a gold-farming group affiliated with a large organization, their weapons and equipment would be very luxurious. If they were stationed in a certain place, they would definitely clear out the zombies within a kilometer around them.

But looking at the situation around them now, zombies were still everywhere. It was estimated that at best, they were just a small group of survivors, and they didn't even have many guns.

【Is there only one wave of survivors inside?】


【Are all the survivors in this wave evil people?】


【Uh, what's going on? Does this mean that only a small number of the survivors are bad guys?】


Can good people and bad people live in peace? Wu Zihao expressed doubts

【What percentage of the survivors are men?】


【Holy shit! Could it be that this group of people consists of a small group of men and a group of female slaves?】


Hehe! Wu Zihao showed a cold smile. If it was just a group of poor survivors, he might give them a chance to live.

But the other party was a bunch of beasts who treated people as non-human beings. There was nothing to say. Such people were not qualified to continue to pollute the air, which was not very pure.

Seeing Wu Zihao stop, frowning and sneering, several women looked at him in confusion.

Yao Lin asked,"What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Wu Zihao smiled coldly:"We have guests in our new home!"

How could Yao Lin not know what he meant when he heard it? His face became solemn:"Are you sure? Who are they? How many are there?"

Wu Zihao said confidently:"I have never missed such a thing. There are about twenty people in it!"

"So many people?"Yao Lin frowned. This scale is no longer an ordinary small force.

Not to mention Yao Lin, even Bai Suyun and Lu Ting behind him were a little worried after hearing this.

"Are they saying that there is someone in the villa we are going to?" The pseudo-Lolita whispered to Bai Suyun.

Bai Suyun didn't quite understand the situation, so she just nodded randomly:"I think so! It is said that there are more than 20 people in it!"

"But how did this bastard know that? He doesn't have clairvoyance." Lu Ting was determined not to believe it. Even though she believed it in her heart, she had to say the opposite on the surface.

"You ask me how I know?"Not to mention Bai Suyun, even Yao Lin in front of her felt incredible.

How did this man find out that there were people here, even more than 20 people?

As they came all the way, she also carefully observed the surrounding situation, but found nothing.

However, she still chose to believe him, not only because he had never made a mistake, but more because she had gradually accepted this man from the bottom of her heart. No matter what, she should believe him.

Maybe this is also the man's special ability or something like that. Anyway, he can give her surprises every time!

"Don't worry!" Wu Zihao sneered,"It's said there are more than twenty people, but in fact there are less than ten who are capable of fighting, and the rest are all female slaves!"

"What?!"Even though she had seen this kind of situation many times, Yao Lin was still indignant at the fact that women were treated as if they were not human beings.

She herself was also a woman, and she could empathize with the experiences of those female slaves. If someone dared to treat her like that one day, she would rather die than suffer such an insult.

"He deserves to die!" After the anger subsided, she looked at Wu Zihao in surprise:"You even know this?"

She was really too curious about what other abilities this man had that she didn't know. Every time she thought he knew so much, he would always surprise her next.

"Are these a lot?"Wu Zihao raised his head confidently:"I also know that there are eight men in total, six pistols, and all of them are starving, but five of them are playing with women, one is sleeping, and the other two are...eating people!"

At the end, Wu Zihao was gritting his teeth!

Six pistols, and a car, there is a big supermarket nearby. Even if the nearby supermarket is looted, there should be food to be found in the distance, right?

But those cowards inside can only show off their power on women weaker than themselves, and dare not go out to find food. They actually started to eat human flesh! If he doesn't kill all these scumbags, how can he live in this villa area in peace in the future?

"What a bunch of beasts!" This time, not only Yao Lin, but also Bai Suyun and Lu Ting behind her were filled with indignation after hearing this.

"What should I do? Should I just kill him?"After two or three hours of recuperation, Yao Lin's internal injuries were no longer serious. Now she was ready to fight.

"The other party has reached the end of their rope. To deal with this kind of rubbish, there is no need for any strategy. Just rush in with open arms!"

If the other party was a powerful armed force like Yuzhenshan, Wu Zihao might have made more plans, such as whether to sneak in first to launch a sneak attack or lure in another wave of zombies.

But now there are only a few minions, not enough for him to control with one hand, so why bother to make any calculations.

With such a strong strength, he can just crush them directly, so why waste any brain cells?

""Okay! My wounds are almost healed, leave those two cannibals to me, I'm going to chop them up myself!" Yao Lin changed her image of a big sister and regained her cold-blooded and fierce temperament. With her aura, the pseudo-Lolita and Bai Suyun in the back clearly felt that the temperature in the car had dropped a lot.

The pseudo-Lolita hugged Bai Suyun tightly and whispered in a slightly trembling voice:"Is this... is this still the new person who just came into the house? Why... why does it feel so scary? I won't let her call me sister anymore!"

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