Wu Zihao started the SUV again and rushed directly into the villa area.

It was not until he arrived not far from the other party's villa that Wu Zihao understood why the other party did not even dare to go out and could only eat up all the food.

It turned out that the front and back of this villa had been blocked by more than 20 zombies, and there were some wandering zombies not far away.

It seems that every time they go out to find food, they have to bring back some zombies, and they have limited bullets and cannot deal with them in time. In the end, there are too many zombies surrounding them, and they dare not go out even if they want to.

More importantly, they think that there are still more than a dozen female slaves, and human flesh can also satisfy their hunger. It's not the time to run out of money.

When they arrived in front of the villa, some zombies around heard the noise and immediately surrounded them.

Wu Zihao and Yao Lin looked at each other, told Bai Suyun and Lu Ting behind them to stay in the car, and then opened the door and rushed down.

How can two superpowers kill so many ordinary zombies?

Bai Suyun and Lu Ting witnessed in the car that Wu Zihao held a machete in each hand and stabbed the zombies one by one. Yao Lin also held a dagger in one hand, and hit the zombies' temples accurately with every knife.

The pseudo-Lolita Lu Ting hugged Bai Suyun tightly again, muttering:"It's terrible... so terrible! I will never bully her again in the future. Can't I call her sister?"

Bai Suyun's mouth twitched. I will never bully her again. Don't you know who bullies whom?

The man was right. The one he brought back this time was really not a burden!

Looking at Yao Lin, who was heroic outside the car, Bai Suyun suddenly envied her. She envied her good skills and envied her ability to survive in this world without relying on others.

In comparison, she was the real burden. Apart from being able to cook, she was useless at ordinary times!

Bai Suyun and Lu Ting were originally in the car. As the zombies were cleared one by one, Wu Zihao did not restrain them, and the two of them came out to watch the excitement.

Unexpectedly, I saw this scene as soon as I came over.

If they had met another man or a group of men instead of Wu Zihao, would their fate have been the same?

The screams in the living room immediately alarmed the other three men.

One of them came out of the bedroom in pajamas and shouted,"What's wrong? What are you making so much noise for?"

It was obvious that he hadn't woken up yet, and he was still in a bad mood after waking up. His eyes were barely open, and he didn't even understand the situation.

The other two ran out of the kitchen with blood at the corners of their mouths, looking extremely ferocious.

When they saw that things were not going well, they immediately pulled out their guns and were about to open fire.

But how could Wu Zihao let them shoot first? Although he and Yao Lin could dodge, there were still two burdens behind them!

With a few"bangs", Wu Zihao and Yao Lin fired at the same time, and in less than two seconds, the eight men fell to the ground at the same time.

"I'll deal with these bodies!" Wu Zihao put away his pistol and said to Yao Lin casually.

Then he looked at the two women behind him and said,"You two can take a look at it casually. Tell me if you see anything useful!"

After that, he went forward to drag a few villains who were beaten to death.

Not only these bodies, but also the zombies killed outside will be dealt with together later.

So many bodies piled together for a long time are prone to plague. He will live in this villa area in the future, and he must not let this happen.

Just as Wu Zihao was taking out the bodies one by one, a scream suddenly came from the kitchen. Wu Zihao sighed, and Yao Lin came over and said,"Don't think too much. In this era, they will always be exposed to these things! Isn't this why you allowed them to get off the car?"

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