Indeed, Wu Zihao did not forbid them to come down because he wanted to temper them.

In this doomsday, this is what they must experience. Only by seeing this cruelty can they know the cruelty of this world, understand their difficulties, and know how precious their lives are.

However, seeing all this directly from the beginning, isn't it a bit too fast? He should do it bit by bit.

Forget it, don't think about it so much for now, they have to adapt to these things first.

Wu Zihao ignored it and gathered all the corpses and the killed zombies together, and then burned them all.

Then Wu Zihao began to clean up the zombies in the entire villa area. The ones in the yard have been dealt with, but there are still some in other villas, and he wants to deal with them all.

As for the ones outside, as long as the door is closed, they can wander around, so that they can be disguised.

If it weren't for someone like him who had a golden finger, he wouldn't be able to tell that there were still survivors in this villa area.

After cleaning up, Wu Zihao finally chose the villa at the back as their current residence.

Not for anything else, just because this building is the closest to the electromagnetic disorder area, once something unexpected happens, they can retreat in at any time.

After letting Bai Suyun and Lu Ting clean up and start cooking, Wu Zihao put out most of the things and let them return to their respective positions.

At this time, Yao Lin had also sorted out a group of female slaves, and walked over to ask:"What are you going to do with these people?"

It's said that they were sorted out, but in fact, they just washed their bodies and put on clothes that could cover their bodies.

Wu Zihao looked at the row of more than a dozen skinny women with bruises on their faces in front of him, and frowned slightly.

When I came in just now, I just wanted to kill those beasts, but I didn't really think about how to deal with these poor people.

Now I think about it, it's really a bit difficult. I definitely can't let them go. Not to mention that I'm afraid they will reveal the secret. With their current condition, they will definitely not survive a day if they are released.

It's a bit hard to kill them all, but what can I do with them? Waste food?

After thinking for a while, Wu Zihao said,"Ahem! Let me ask you a question first, do you want to live?"

Many of the female slaves looked at each other timidly, and finally some whispered that they wanted to live, while others nodded without saying anything. It was obvious that several of them had lost all desire to live, and their eyes were numb, like zombies. They did not respond to Wu Zihao's questions.

Wu Zihao and Yao Lin looked at each other, and Yao Lin nodded and took them away directly.

People like this cannot be kept any longer. If they don't even want to live anymore, then they have no obligation to support them. It is better to give them a quick death.

The remaining seven or eight people at least showed an attitude of wanting to live. Only if they have the desire to survive can they continue to live.

Two of them were even very good at observing words and expressions. They knew that they were the boss here. When Yao Lin was not around, they threw a few seductive glances at themselves, trying to show their value with beauty.

Wu Zihao felt a little cold when he saw this. He used the golden finger to test them and found that these two people had only done this to please the eight scumbags before. They were good sisters with these female slaves, but they tried their best to please those scumbags in order to survive, but betrayed their sisters who were also women, and even joined those scumbags to bully their companions in order to suffer less.

Many of the insults these female slaves have suffered were not from those scumbags, but they"gave advice" or even did it themselves, and the various tricks were even more cruel than those scumbags.

Although it is understandable to survive in this era, Wu Zihao really dislikes such people who have no basic humanity.

Wu Zihao cannot keep people who don't even have a little loyalty, otherwise he will be bitten back one day without knowing it.

As for letting them do that kind of thing, it is even more impossible! For this kind of stuff, which wife of Wu Zihao is not better than them?

Although he is more philanthropic, he doesn't accept all women.

When he thinks that these people have been messed with by those scumbags, Wu Zihao has no appetite.

Take these two away, and there will be six left.

These are the ones who have the idea of surviving and still retain their humanity. At least they will not frame and abuse their companions in order to please others, and they also have some gratitude.

Such people are qualified to survive.

Wu Zihao pondered for a while and told Yao Lin his thoughts.

It is a pity to kill these people like this, so it is better to use them for his own use.

He plans to let Yao Lin train them and become female soldiers loyal to him.

In the future, his power will definitely become stronger and stronger. It will definitely not be enough to rely on him and Yao Lin alone. He must train his own team.

He has just used the golden finger to calculate that although these women have experienced a lot, they are not so complicated, and they know how to be grateful.

As long as he gives them a bowl of rice to eat and lets them live a life of being well fed and clothed, they will be grateful to him and willing to work for him.

If they are trained well, they will become the sword in his hands and become his first deputy team to the top of the world.

Of course, he also had an idea in his mind, which was to gather those pitiful and loyal women in the world to form a women's army to charge forward and conquer cities for himself.

And he had millions of beauties and enjoyed all the blessings!

Just thinking about it, I felt that I could wake up with a smile in my dreams!

Ahem! Of course, this was just an immature little idea, and naturally he didn't want others to know about it.

After listening to it, Yao Lin thought about it carefully and finally nodded.

Indeed, what they will face in the future is not a certain person or a small organization, but a behemoth like the Doomsday Star.

It is definitely not possible to rely on just a few of them to deal with such a super power. No matter how powerful you, Wu Zihao, are, you can't kill an entire organization and control all the resources by yourself.

If you don't want to be exhausted, you must have your own team. Some minions still need to be dealt with by your men, and some trivial matters still need to be done by your men.

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