Wu Zihao came up to the six women with a serious expression and said,"Congratulations, you have temporarily got a chance to survive! The reason why it is temporary is that we will test you next. Only if you pass the test will you be qualified to continue to survive, and even live better than others, with more dignity than others!"

The six women looked at Wu Zihao in a daze. They didn't quite understand what he said, or they understood but didn't completely believe it.

What they can believe now is that they have survived temporarily, and this man has no intention of killing them now.

But as for what he said later that they can live better and live with more dignity, they just listened.

For them, it's just a move from one wolf's den to another tiger's den. They are also lingering under the hands of men in this world. How good can it be?

As for dignity, do people like them still have dignity?

Wu Zihao also knew that they would not believe it just by saying so, and he didn't expect them to believe it. Time will prove everything, of course, the premise is that they are obedient.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Wu Zihao, and I will be your future boss!"

""Boss?" Several women felt a little confused when they heard such a familiar yet strange title. Isn't it the master?

For so long, they have been accustomed to the humiliating and compromising title. They also thought that the man in front of them would let them call him that and be their new master.

"Yes, it's the boss!"Wu Zihao didn't like the title of"master", and they would be his subordinates in the future, not slaves, so they must be distinguished.

The title of boss was also more conducive to winning people's hearts and letting them know that he didn't treat them as slaves, but as human beings.

"From now on, you will temporarily live here as my subordinates. As the boss, I will naturally not treat you harshly!"

As he said, Wu Zihao entered the villa, and then walked out with a box and opened it in front of several women.

Several women looked down, and when they saw what was inside, their eyes immediately lit up, and their faces were full of desire and greed.

They could see clearly that the entire box was full of canned food, canned meat, canned fish, canned fruit, and all kinds of canned food.

How long has it been since they last had food? Even they themselves have forgotten. Even that group of beasts have reached the point of eating human flesh, and they have nothing to eat. Not only that, they have to be humiliated day and night by that group of scumbags while hungry, and their bodies have long been exhausted.

Now seeing this long-lost food, it would be strange if they were not fanatical!

If Wu Zihao hadn't been watching in front of them, they would have scrambled desperately

"This is a reward for you being my first batch of employees!" Wu Zihao was very satisfied that they did not go crazy because of hunger before he spoke.

"This is your food today, and it will be your food every day for the next few days!"

"But you also have to know that there is no free lunch in the world, especially in today's world, and no one will support you for free!"

"If you eat my food, you will have to do things for me in the future!"

"As for what to do, you will only know after you pass the next test!"

"Only if you pass the test, you will be qualified to work for me, and have the possibility to eat better and live better!"

"And I'll tell you in advance, I don't just have canned food, I also have rice, white noodles, and even fresh vegetables. As for what you can enjoy in the future, that depends on your performance!"

"As long as you perform well, everything is possible! But if you can't even pass the initial test, then by comparison, I won't keep people who eat and do nothing here!"

After Wu Zihao finished speaking, several women were already shaking with excitement.

Regardless of whether Wu Zihao's words were true or false, at least he showed them food, real food that was within their reach.

Everything in this world is false, only food is real, it is hope!

Wu Zihao looked at the excited expressions of the people in front of him and expressed his satisfaction. He pointed to Yao Lin on the side and said,"This is my wife Yao Lin. You will be under her responsibility from now on!"

Several women looked at Yao Lin carefully and kept it in mind.

This person is the boss's wife, the most important person besides the boss in front of them, the person they will obey in the future, and the person who controls their life and death.

"Okay, let's eat first!" Wu Zihao nodded again,"After dinner, listen to Yao Lin's instructions. She will settle you and take charge of your next test."

Wu Zihao handed the rest to Yao Lin and returned to the villa. After fighting with Yao Lin's team today and killing so many zombies in this villa area just now, he gained a lot of energy crystal cores. Now he has time to improve his strength as soon as possible.

You know, among the superpowers of Doomsday Star, there are people with total attributes similar to his own. In addition, he has such good equipment that he may not be able to beat him in a single fight.

So he must seize every opportunity to improve his strength. Only when he has his own strength far higher than the opponent can he make up for the gap in equipment between the two sides.

When he came to the master bedroom, Wu Zihao released a bunch of energy crystal cores, and then absorbed them one by one to improve his ordinary attributes.

After completely absorbing the six orange crystal cores and sixteen red crystal cores in his hand, he looked at the attribute panel again:

【Basic attributes:

Body: 25 (body represents vitality, resistance, recovery, endurance, flexibility, etc.)

Strength: 24 (strength represents explosive power, traction, etc.)

Speed: 25 (speed represents agility, reaction, speed, balance, etc.)

Spirit: 20 (represents mental strength, pressure resistance, interference resistance, concentration, control, etc.)

Note: The value range of ordinary humans is 1-10! Professionally trained athletes can reach 15 in some aspects!

Special attributes:

Metallization: 1 (metallize a part of the body surface to resist external damage)

Note: The value range of the first level of special attributes is 1-10, and it requires relative special attribute energy to improve! 】

As for the remaining few red ones, they are not enough for one attribute point, so Wu Zihao simply left them as backup energy.

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