When Wu Zihao came downstairs again, Bai Suyun had already prepared the meal, and Yao Lin had temporarily placed several women in a villa next door. After a full meal, several people discussed the next thing again.

Yao Lin took the lead in proposing that the most important thing for the time being was to keep it confidential. The later it was exposed, the better. To this end, the things that might be exposed should be dealt with first.

The first is the problem of power supply. It is still temporarily only supplied to this villa, and the lights in the window rooms are not allowed to be turned on to prevent being discovered by outsiders.

The second is the personal terminal signal booster. This thing can be sensed by any personal terminal nearby on the corresponding channel, and it knows that there is this thing nearby, so it must be solved.

Just like the current WiFi, although you don’t know the password and can’t connect, a signal pattern with a lock will appear on the wireless connection list of nearby mobile phones, indicating that there is a wireless network nearby.

Bai Suyun volunteered to take action. As a hacker, she is best at this aspect of things. As long as the connection program of this thing is changed, it will be fine.

After the modification, if the personal terminal signal amplifier wants to connect again, it must first briefly open the visible permission from the amplifier side, so that it can be sensed by the nearby personal terminals and apply for connection, and then enter the secret key and finally get the consent of the amplifier side.

The rest is Wu Zihao's. He seized a lot of weapons from the Doomsday Star in today's battle, especially the modified armored vehicle, which has a bright Doomsday Star logo on it, which must not be shown to the public.

Wu Zihao was also afraid of being exposed, so he didn't open it this time.

Many of the weapons inside also have the Doomsday Star mark, and these things must be hidden when they are used.

Wu Zihao also nodded, indicating that the marks that can be eliminated or covered up should be dealt with, and those that cannot be dealt with will try not to be seen by other survivors after being exposed.

After resolving the potential risks that may be exposed, Wu Zihao looked at Yao Lin:

"The training of those women should be quick, and we should try to train them to the point where they can fight ordinary zombies alone in a short period of time. Only when they have room for self-protection can they develop in the long run."

Yao Lin nodded, and Wu Zihao looked at the other two:"And you two, Suyun should strengthen her training with Yao Lin every day after doing her own things. As for Lu Ting, she should also have special training with Yao Lin after drawing the design drawings."

Bai Suyun agreed. She also felt that she had to improve her strength, otherwise she would really become a burden. What if she was abandoned by this man one day because she was useless?

Although Lu Ting was quite reluctant, seeing that the ratio was three to one, even the big sister who had always stood by her side agreed, so she had to nod with a bitter face.

After making these decisions, the pseudo-Lolita was asked to go back to the room to continue drawing, while Bai Suyun continued to study the mobile phone program.

Wu Zihao kept Yao Lin. The matter of dealing with the Doomsday Star and the subsequent developments needed the two of them to study

"Can you let me see your physical attributes first?"Yao Lin has always been curious about this, and only by understanding the strength of her own side can she make the most appropriate plan more easily.

There is nothing to hide about this. Wu Zihao opened his personal terminal and called up his attribute panel.

Looking at the personal attributes of two 25 and one 24 in front of him, Yao Lin opened her mouth in shock.

"I can't believe it! Your attributes are so much stronger than Chen Tianyun, the first person in the Doomsday Star Organization! You haven't even used the genetic medicine, and it seems that you can even subjectively add a certain attribute. How did you do it?"

Wu Zihao didn't explain too much, but just casually said:"My way of improvement is different from their genetic medicine. As long as there is an energy crystal core, I can continuously absorb and improve the attributes. I can add whatever I want. It's much simpler and more efficient than theirs. But it's only limited to me, and it can't be widely used."

Yao Lin's eyes widened when he heard it, and he didn't react for a long time.

Like them, using genetic medicine to increase attributes is random, and it is more inclined to balanced development. But in Wu Zihao, he can actually choose subjectively, and add whatever he wants. This is no longer a description of defying the heavens. It took a long time for Yao Lin to react, and then objectively said:"Although your current attributes are much stronger than theirs, objectively speaking, you are still not their opponent!"

Wu Zihao nodded:"Yes, the other party has the most advanced weapons and equipment, which is not something I can compare with now!"

Yao Lin shook her head:"I'm talking about not only the difference in equipment, but also the difference in personal skills and application techniques between you and them."

"When we fought today, I discovered that you are swift and powerful, but your means of attack are too simple. You can only chop, stab and thrust simply. Your movements are more like the military boxing from two hundred years ago!"

Wu Zihao:... Not like, but it is just like that!

Yao Lin did not notice Wu Zihao's embarrassment and continued:"Most of these moves are impractical fancy moves. Not only do they fail to achieve the desired effect, but they also waste physical strength!"

"You have seen that you are much stronger than me in attributes, but in today's fight, you still can't do anything to me in a short time!"

Wu Zihao touched his nose awkwardly. Indeed, in the fight at that time, he was much stronger than Yao Lin in speed, strength and stamina, and it should have been a one-sided kill. However, the expected crushing situation never appeared. Even if Yao Lin had no defensive equipment like himself, it would be difficult for him to subdue her within a few moves, because his moves were too bad.

"My skills are only average among the superpowers in the organization, because I am not a direct descendant and have not received any training. Before trying the genetic medicine, I can say that I was a weak woman who was slightly stronger than a normal person and had no skills at all."

"What you see today is just what I have honed through experiences between life and death!"

"Even so, it will be difficult for you to deal with it!"

"Those direct descendants of super powers in the organization were already top special forces killers and had superb skills even before using the genetic medicine!"

"After being strengthened by the genetic medicine and continuing to hone his skills in various dangers, his strength is even more extraordinary."

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