Looking at Wu Zihao, Yao Lin said seriously:"I can guarantee that with your current strength, if you face Chen Tianyun head-on, you will definitely not be able to defeat him under the condition of equal equipment. Even if you don't rely on your speed to escape, you will be defeated!"

Wu Zihao pondered for a moment after hearing this, and then said:"You mean……"

Yao Lin nodded:"Yes, I think you should do some targeted training in this area to improve your skills. I will teach you this later. At least get rid of those useless fancy moves." Wu Zihao nodded. He really needed to learn from Yao Lin in this regard.

His skills were trained in the army, but they were indeed a bit complicated. The practicality was simply incomparable to Yao Lin's skills that were honed through life and death.

In this doomsday, once a fight breaks out, it is basically a matter of life and death. What is needed is simplicity and practicality, and going straight to the vital points. Those fancy moves look cool, but they are useless.

"There is one more thing."Yao Lin continued:"I see that your attribute values seem to focus on speed and physical strength, while you have neglected a lot on God!"

Wu Zihao nodded, that's right! Speed is the basis for him to run rampant in this doomsday. Too many of his actions rely on speed, so the speed attribute must be added as the main attribute.

The body is like the capital of revolution. Only with a better physique can you withstand faster speeds, have stronger endurance and recovery, and resistance to corpse poison. This aspect cannot be neglected.

Strength is the source of your attack. The stronger the strength attribute, the greater your attack power and the higher your strength.

As for God, to be honest, he really didn't see anything.

Yao Lin said:"I'm not saying that there is a problem with your emphasis, I just want to remind you not to ignore this God attribute too much!"

"The higher your divine attribute, the stronger your control and concentration will be, and the stronger your control over every part of your body will be, which will effectively save your energy in battle."

"Moreover, as your concentration improves, your marksmanship will also improve. Haven't you noticed that as your physical attributes continue to improve, your marksmanship is becoming more and more accurate?"

"That’s because improving physical attributes enhances vision, and improving mental attributes enhances concentration and control!"

"You have to know that this is the era of hot weapons. No matter how fast you are, you can't be faster than a bullet. No matter how good your skills are, you will still be injured if you are shot."

Yao Lin said this, and Wu Zihao also reacted. It seems that this is really the case. It seems that he has to take better care of this divine attribute in the future, and it can't be too far away from the other attributes.

"Moreover," Yao Lin continued,"the higher your divine attribute, the smarter your mind will be, and the clearer your thoughts will be.

The most intuitive manifestation is a stronger memory, and you can even remember everything you see in a short period of time, and you can learn things faster.

" When Yao Lin mentioned this, Wu Zihao's eyes lit up:"Is there such a thing? Does that mean that my learning ability is super strong now? If I learn a set of kung fu, such as the skills you have mastered, can I learn it quickly?"

Yao Lin nodded:"With your current divine attribute of 20, if I teach you with all my strength, it will take about a week! If you can reach 25, it won't take more than three days, and your skills will surpass mine!"

Is there such an operation? Wu Zihao only realized now that the divine attribute that he had always ignored was the real treasure attribute!

With this, Mommy doesn't have to worry about my study anymore! In one afternoon, the two chatted a lot.

After all, Yao Lin came from the Doomsday Star Organization and was knowledgeable. Through the conversation with her, he made up for too many of his deficiencies in understanding the world, and also learned some basic common sense and the understanding and use of various weapons.

After the chat, Yao Lin was sent to train the women, and Wu Zihao began to conduct a detailed inspection of the surroundings.

Especially the electromagnetic interference area, this area is their retreat, he must ensure the safety here, and be familiar with every terrain here.

The first thing to ensure is that no other survivors are allowed in this area, no matter who it is, he will not allow them to appear in his back garden.

This is very simple, just use the gold finger to test it.

After the test, it was found that there was really no survivor group within a radius of 20 kilometers. I think it was because of the electromagnetic interference that they were unwilling to come in. After all, not everyone wanted to find such a place like them to avoid the search of major organizations.

There were no people in the electromagnetic interference area, but the edge was There are a few groups, but they are small forces and not to be feared.

Wu Zihao has no intention of touching them for the time being. He may be able to use them in other ways.

After learning about the survivors, the next thing to do is to deal with the zombies inside.

Zombies will not care about electromagnetic interference or not, and will not run away just because of interference.

In such a large area, it is impossible for all zombies to be level one or two. There must be some that can threaten them.

For this type of zombies, Wu Zihao must first understand their types, strengths, and distribution. Those that can be killed will naturally not be kept as threats. For those that cannot be killed for the time being, he must remember the opponent's location and move them first. Go around them, and kill them when you are stronger.

Wu Zihao used the golden finger to test it, and he was really shocked.

There are not only several level three beasts within a radius of 20 miles, but also a level four beast, which is on the island in the middle of the lake.

Fortunately, he is on the island and cannot get out, otherwise Wu Zihao would have to rethink whether this base can be used.

Because he has just tested it, with his current weapons and strength, his chance of winning against the level four beast is only one percent. It can be said that unless there is a miracle like a sudden thunderbolt that kills the opponent, he will definitely die.��

As for the other level 3 zombies, Wu Zihao only determined their approximate locations for the time being and did not act rashly.

They were level 3 zombies, each of which was extremely powerful. He would not forget how much effort he had put in to kill the previous metal zombies.

These were zombies that even he might not be able to deal with, and as for Yao Lin and the others, they were even easier to deal with.

To deal with these monsters, one must take a long-term view.

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