In the remaining time, Wu Zihao started to walk around the villa, and then continued to extend outward, familiarizing himself with the surrounding streets, buildings and various terrains, and trying to know them by heart.

In particular, the several routes leading to the electromagnetic interference area must be firmly imprinted in his mind.

After Yao Lin's reminder, Wu Zihao found that after the improvement of his divine attributes, his memory really improved a lot. In just one afternoon, he had already known all the geographical conditions within a radius of five kilometers around the villa.

This would have been impossible without a few days before. In the evening, he returned to the villa, had a full meal, and then took Bai Suyun back to the room to do post-meal exercise again.

Today, he fought several battles in a row, and he had to vent it out.

To Wu Zihao's surprise, Bai Suyun was like a different person today, and cooperated very well.

In the past few days, the two of them often did this, but he was the one who took the initiative every time. Although Bai Suyun did not resist, and sometimes cooperated occasionally, she would not let go very much.

But today, as soon as he entered the bedroom, he took the initiative to stick to him, calling him husband, husband non-stop, which immediately ignited Wu Zihao's desire.

Although Wu Zihao was a bit lecherous, he was just a novice who had just started eating meat for a few days. How could he withstand the active teasing of a beautiful woman like Bai Suyun? He immediately picked up his gun and mounted his horse, and started fighting.

The result of this active provocation was that the two of them fought from after dinner until the middle of the night. Later, Bai Suyun had completely fainted. They didn't have time to make breakfast the next day, and even lunch might not be prepared.

In the end, the few people had no choice but to use instant noodles and canned food to deal with the food for the whole morning.

Yao Lin and Lu Ting didn't look at Wu Zihao well all day, because this guy was so beastly and cruel that they couldn't eat delicious food.

If their voices were heard by the survivors outside who were fighting for food, they would definitely spray them in the face: having canned instant noodles is already quite luxurious, okay, you are not satisfied, then how can we live without grass?

As the instigator, Wu Zihao didn't blush at all. It's good to eat instant noodles occasionally to change life!

Seeing Wu Zihao, who looked full, the pseudo-Lolita went back to her room with her cheeks puffed up to continue drawing the design. Yao Lin also rolled her eyes and went to train her female soldiers. She suddenly felt that these female compatriots were much more beautiful than a shameless man.

Wu Zihao thought about it, and finally said hello to them, and told them not to enter his room, and then he returned to the modern world with an idea.

Back in the small dark room, breathing the fresh air unique to the modern world, looking at the pile of golden gold in the storage space, Wu Zihao deeply felt that life was so beautiful!

The next step is to cash in the gold and get the money first.

But how to sell this thing?

Sell it directly to the gold shop? No!

The origin of my gold is unclear, and it can't be sold openly.

Such a large amount of gold with unknown origin will arouse suspicion no matter who it is sold to.

He didn't forget that he had attracted the Iceberg Queen by selling some small jewelry before.

Gold is different from jewelry. The benefits here are too great. Once someone with ulterior motives targets it, it will be very disadvantageous to his situation.

He could hide in the end of the world at any time, but he still had family. What about his parents and sister? He couldn't just abandon them, could he?

He didn't believe that with such huge interests at stake, the people in this world would have such professional ethics and abide by the rules of the underworld that would not bring disaster to their families.

He had to think of a foolproof plan that could convert the gold into cash without attracting too much attention.

While he was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Wu Zihao took out his cell phone and saw that it was his sister calling, so he picked up the phone immediately.

However, after hearing the content of the call, his smiling face immediately turned gloomy.

"Where is it? I'll be there right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Zihao immediately ran out of the door, stopped a taxi and urged the driver to drive to Zhejiang University.

Damn it, someone actually dared to bully his sister, he must let him know what cruelty is.

The call just now was from his sister's roommate. Just a few minutes ago, his sister was forcibly dragged into a car and taken away on the way back to school. The person who took her away was said to be the son of a nouveau riche, who often bullied female classmates. After repeatedly harassing his sister and failing, he actually took advantage of the situation and followed his sister and roommate when they came out and forcibly took them away.

How can such a scumbag continue to stay in society and continue to harm people? If the relevant government departments don't care, then let him get rid of the harm for the people.

Perhaps frightened by Wu Zihao's face of hostility, the driver didn't even dare to say a word, and stepped on the accelerator to the destination, thinking that he should quickly send this person to the place to get off, even if he didn't want money, so as not to chop himself up later. In less than fifteen minutes, the car had arrived near Zhejiang University, and at this moment Wu Zihao's phone rang again.

Wu Zihao saw that it was his sister, and he couldn't wait to answer it.

"Brother!" This time the voice was no longer from his roommate, but from his own sister. There was a hint of grievance in her voice, which made Wu Zihao feel distressed.

"Little sister, it’s me! Don’t be afraid, tell your brother how you are? Is everything okay?"

Although the sister on the other end of the phone still sounded a little aggrieved and scared, she didn’t seem to be hurt. She said,"Brother, I’m fine. I was rescued not long after I was captured. I was rescued by Brother Xiao Yu!"

"Brother Xiao Yu? Which Brother Xiao Yu?"Wu Zihao felt relieved when he heard that his sister was rescued, but suddenly he heard about Brother Xiao Yu, and his forehead was full of questions. Where did this Brother Xiao Yu come from?

"He is Yu Zhiyong, the younger brother who often played with his brother when they were young. He even came to our house for dinner!"

"Um, you mean Dayong? Dayong from the east end of the village?" Wu Zihao immediately reacted after hearing his sister's reminder, and put down his hanging heart.

Yu Zhiyong was his childhood friend and elementary school classmate, and they were absolutely close.

Later, because he served in the army and he dropped out of school to develop in the city, they gradually lost contact and hadn't seen each other for several years.

Unexpectedly, this time when his sister was almost kidnapped, she was saved by this little fat boy.

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