Wu Zihao nodded and whispered in Yu Zhiyong's ear,"I can't say how much more it is, but it should be at least ten tons, guaranteed quality and quantity, 999 gold!"


" Yu Zhiyong was so shocked that he almost jumped up when he heard it,"Brother, are you digging for gold?" He was glared at by Wu Zihao and then he realized his mistake.

He quickly lowered his voice and asked Wu Zihao in a low voice:"Brother, tell me the truth, when you were a child, did your family send you to our village to get in touch with the ground in order to train you? But in fact, you are a rich second-generation whose family has a mine.

Now you are an adult, so the gold mine has been inherited by you!


Wu Zihao rolled his eyes at him speechlessly:"What are you thinking about? Have you been browsing too many forums recently and have hysterics? If my family really had a gold mine, would I have to drop out of school to join the army?"

Yu Zhiyong thought about it carefully and it seemed that this buddy was not without money when he was a child, but was really poor!

"Then tell me where you made such a fortune? Introduce me too!" Yu Zhiyong said half seriously:"I will make some money one day, who the hell still wants to be a middleman?" Wu Zihao patted Yu Zhiyong on the shoulder and said helplessly:"Brother, let's not dream in broad daylight. It was also a coincidence that I could make this thing, and it can't be copied. Let's talk about business first. Just tell me if you can help with this business?" Yu

Zhiyong patted his chest immediately after hearing this, and said confidently:"No problem! Brother, just wait and see! I will contact you when I go back. But let's not give it all out at once. Such a large sum of money is not enough for most people. Let's do it in batches and get him a small target of pretending to be Wang first!"

Wu Zihao nodded:"Okay, then you will contact him when you go back. Then we will split it 90%!" Yu

Zhiyong immediately frowned after hearing this:"What are you talking about splitting or not? Who are we brothers? Can I still ask for your money? Don't worry, as long as this deal is successful, I will take a lot of commission!"

"That won't work. Our relationship is our relationship, but we can't let you work in vain, right? It's settled!" Wu Zihao made the decision,"Did you write down my phone number just now? When the deal is done, you can give it to me.……"

"Oh! No way!"Wu Zihao just realized that he might not always be in Hyundai,"So, sometimes I may not be in the service area, then you can send me a text message, I will contact you when I see it!"

""Okay! No problem!" After his best friend said so, Yu Zhiyong didn't act pretentiously,"Go back and wait for good news from brother!"

The two drank a few more bottles, and finally Yu Zhiyong couldn't drink anymore, so they said goodbye to each other.

Yu Zhiyong took the gold bar away, and Wu Zihao wrote down his good friend's contact information, and the two went back to their own homes.

To be on the safe side, he made a special trip back to the end of the world to ask Gold Finger about the credibility of his good friend. After all, they haven't seen each other for many years. Although they were very open-hearted back then, no one knew what he would become now.

It's better to be safe than sorry, so it's better to ask Gold Finger.

Seeing the 100% data given by Gold Finger, Wu Zihao finally felt relieved. The good buddy is still the good buddy, and this friendship has not changed with time. deterioration.

Now we have to wait for good news from the other party.

Now that there is a channel for gold, Wu Zihao is not in a hurry to return to the modern era.

Now that the base in the apocalypse has just started, the area nearby is not very peaceful yet, so we should sort it out first.

In the villa, Lu Ting was still working hard on the jewelry design drawings.

This pseudo-Lolita is like this. She seems quite unreliable at ordinary times, but once she devotes herself to jewelry design, she will concentrate and immerse herself in her own world without even noticing Wu Zihao opening the door.

I have to say, she looks really cute with such a serious look, and even Wu Zihao felt a little hot in his stomach.

"I am drunk, definitely drunk, I am not a lolita control, I am not a lolita control……"Wu Zihao muttered to himself, and with a slightly red face, he retreated.

Lu Ting's drawings were related to the agreement with the Ice Queen, and this little girl had been malnourished for a long time, and her body was not very good, so it was better not to touch her for the time being, and wait until she was fatter and had a stronger tolerance.

Bai Suyun was fucked by me seven or eight times last night, and now she barely got up to start designing the intelligent program, so I let her go for the time being.

Yao Lin! Wu Zihao touched his chin, physical attribute 20, now the internal injuries have almost recovered, right? Let's go and see!

Wu Zihao came outside, and Yao Lin had already started special training for the six women.

Although these women were still pale and thin, they looked much better than yesterday's weak appearance.

More importantly, their spirits were much stronger than yesterday, and their eyes were not as full of sorrow and darkness as yesterday, but a little brighter, as if they had hope for their future life again.

Yes, they can eat enough, sleep enough, and wear clothes, what else are they not satisfied with?

Although the training was a bit hard and tiring, compared to their previous lives, now it was like living in heaven.

At least this master did not treat them as slaves or animals, which made them feel like they were human beings for the first time in a long time.

If they could continue to live like this, they would think it was worth it no matter how tired they were. Look at Yao Lin again, when she was demonstrating, how could there be any sense of sluggishness when she was injured? She must have recovered.

Wu Zihao couldn't help but smile, and then immediately disappeared, and said seriously:"Ahem! Linlin, let them stop for a while! Come with me, I have something to say!"

Yao Lin looked at Wu Zihao's serious look and really thought he had something to do, so she told a few women:"You practice the key points I just taught you first, and I'll come over to check later!"

After that, she followed Wu Zihao into the villa, went upstairs, and came to Wu Zihao's bedroom.

Wu Zihao asked in a concerned tone:"How is your injury?"

Seeing Wu Zihao's concerned look, Yao Lin felt a little warm in her heart, and did not notice that Wu Zihao's mouth was slowly curled up, and quickly patted her chest to indicate:"It's okay, it's all healed!"

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