At close range, Yao Lin could clearly smell the alcohol on Wu Zihao's body, frowned, and asked,"Have you been drinking?"

Wu Zihao nodded and said,"I just drank a little, it won't affect our next battle!"

"Fight? What fight?"

"You said that you can do it after you recover from your injury! Now it's time for a fierce battle! Let's kill one round first!"

"rogue……"Yao Lin finally reacted, her pretty face flushed.

Wu Zihao raised a smile that was definitely not vulgar, picked up Yao Lin and pressed her down on the bed...

The women downstairs didn't see the boss lady who said she would check on them until dinner.

At dinner, pseudo-Lolita Lu Ting looked at the empty seat beside her and looked at Wu Zihao in confusion:"I say, where is Sister Yao? Why didn't she come to dinner? It's rare that Sister Bai can cook!"

Wu Zihao didn't change his expression at all, and said lightly:"Oh! Her injury yesterday hasn't healed yet, she's not feeling well, I'll send the meal to her room later!"

""Ah? Sister Yao is not feeling well? How is she? I'll go see her later!" Lu Ting had no idea what was going on. When she heard that Yao Lin was not feeling well, she immediately became worried.

She had discovered in the past two days that although this elder sister was sometimes a little fierce, she was really good to her. Every time she looked at her, her eyes were warm.

Bai Suyun immediately coughed lightly and said,"No need. Your sister Yao is just a little tired. You will disturb her rest if you go over."

She was not a little loli who knew nothing. What about yesterday's injury not healed yet?

When Wu Zihao brought the meal up, Yao Lin could already move a little.

Seeing the delicious food, she immediately gobbled it up like a wolf that had not eaten for several days.

Wu Zihao looked at Yao Lin, who was starving, and couldn't help but curl his lips and said,"You are a person with a physical attribute of 20, but you are not as capable as Suyun at the critical moment!"

Yao Lin almost choked to death when she heard this. She took a big sip of water to breathe smoothly and said unhappily,"No matter how high the attribute is, it's the first time! You, on the other hand, don't even know how to be considerate of others. When you go crazy, you can't be stopped!"

"Ahem!"Wu Zihao also knew that he was a little bit in the wrong, but how could he stop at that time?"I drank a little too much before, and I couldn't stop, I couldn't stop!"

Yao Lin rolled her eyes at him several times, with an expression that said,"I don't believe you.

Wine: I won't take the blame!

After Yao Lin was full, Wu Zihao became serious and talked about the surrounding situation, especially the problem of the fourth-level zombie on the island in the middle of the lake.

Yao Lin also became serious when he heard it, and said:"No matter what type of fourth-level zombie it is, it cannot be dealt with by our limited weapons and equipment. Moreover, it is in the electromagnetic interference area. Not to mention us, even if the people from the organization come, there is nothing we can do!"

"Fortunately, it is on the island in the middle of the lake, and no one can lead it out. Let's not touch that brow, and wait until our strength is improved to a certain level."

Wu Zihao nodded:"Yes, I think so too. And it's not a bad thing to have such a powerful killer. If used well, it can have unexpected effects."

Thinking of his special ability, Wu Zihao's mouth curled up a wicked smile.

Although this killer may not be used, it is still necessary to prepare it!

When Yao Lin saw Wu Zihao's wicked smile, he knew what tricks he was planning, and he couldn't help but mourn for those who would taste this trick in the future.

He has his secrets. Yao Lin didn't ask much, but continued to talk about the rest:"Level 3 zombies are strong and weak. According to your ability to kill a metallized zombie close to level 4 alone, plus our current equipment, most of them should not be afraid! When do you plan to take action?"

Wu Zihao thought for a while and said,"The sooner the better. The most powerful one is not that I don't want to move, but I really can't kill it. But those who can be killed can't leave them in front of us!"

"Besides, those are all energy crystal cores! One yellow one is equivalent to six red ones, and there are special attribute bonuses, so you must hold them in your hands!"

Yao Lin nodded:"Okay, call me when you take action. Although my strength is far inferior to yours, I can still help you a little!"

"Well!" With such a good helper, Wu Zihao would definitely not use it,"And those level 2 zombies, let's keep them for those women to practice with in the future! I don't require them to be able to fight one-on-one, but they should be able to kill six to one, otherwise what's the point of keeping them?"

Yao Lin had no objection to this. As the main force to help them fight in the future, they couldn't be too weak

"What about the survivors? What are you going to do?"Yao Lin thought of the few young men who survived at the edge of the electromagnetic interference zone that Wu Zihao mentioned, and asked

"I've thought about this too!" Wu Zihao expressed his thoughts:"Don't we have food? Make a deal with them, two red crystal cores, or one orange crystal core for a pound of fresh vegetables, they will agree!"

"Oh? You mean……"Yao Lin raised her eyebrows

"That's right, if we just fight monsters together, when will we be able to raise our strength to compete with those organizations?" Wu Zihao nodded and said,"Although we can't train armed forces to earn crystal cores like those organizations, we can set up a small gold-farming group without any problem!"

"From now on, we will only kill those at level three. As for those at level one and level two, we will kill them easily if we encounter them. The rest will be done by these small gold-earning groups! I have all the food, which is definitely not comparable to those organizations!"

Yao Lin thought for a while, and said with some concern:"If we continue like this, we will be noticed by the organization sooner or later!"

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