"I just want them to notice it!" Wu Zihao said calmly,"Our goal from the beginning to the end has not been these small forces around us, but those organizations!"

"No matter how powerful these minions are, how many crystal cores can they obtain? How much profit can they bring us?"

"Only those organizations have what we need! There are a large number of energy crystal cores for us to improve our strength! There are advanced weapons that are far superior to ours!"

At this point, Wu Zihao unconsciously exuded an aura that was superior to ordinary people, as if he had become a different person, and was no longer the same person as before.

Seeing Wu Zihao like this, Yao Lin unconsciously revealed a slightly obsessed look. This was the lover she was willing to follow, not the lecherous maniac just now.

At this point, Wu Zihao didn't need to explain in detail. Yao Lin had basically understood his idea. Although she didn't know the specific plan, she felt that she could succeed according to this idea.

Looking at Yao Lin's admiring expression, Wu Zihao couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, and continued:"Although it is not possible to shake them in a short period of time, it should not be a problem to rescue one person!"

"After we improve our strength to a higher level, I will find a way to rescue your sister first!"

After hearing what Wu Zihao said, Yao Lin was so moved that she almost cried.

Regardless of whether what he said was true or not, and when they could start to act, at least he really took this matter to heart, and she felt that she had not entrusted the wrong person.

"Thank you! Husband!"Yao Lin blurted out unconsciously

"How can you just talk? If you really want to thank me, you should do something practical!"Wu Zihao's temperament changed again when he heard this.

"It’s okay, the physical attribute of 20 will recover soon! Believe in yourself, you are the best!"

Go to hell with your mother's physical attribute of 20, give me back the full touch just now, you horny beast!

Yao Lin felt that she was deceived. What this bastard said just now was so touching and his performance was so emotional. The ultimate purpose of emotion is this!

She really wronged Wu Zihao in this regard. What he said just now was really from the heart, and he didn't want any benefits.

During the day, his sister was kidnapped. Although she was rescued quickly and did not suffer any harm, he did not forget the worry and panic at that moment.

Until that moment, he could truly empathize with Yao Lin's pain.

His sister hasn't had any problems yet. It was already so hard for him, how did Yao Lin's sister survive after being captured for ten years?

That's why he just said those words out of emotion.

The next morning, he followed in Bai Suyun's footsteps and couldn't get up. Even his physical attribute of 20 couldn't do anything about it.

When the pseudo-Lolita heard that her sister Yao was still feeling uncomfortable after a whole night's rest and couldn't come down to eat, she was extremely anxious. She wanted to go upstairs to visit her just after finishing her meal, but was pulled back by Bai Suyun.

Wu Zihao, who was glared at by Bai Suyun, also realized that he had gone too far.

However, his well-trained face would never allow him to admit it!

""Ahem!" Wu Zihao raised his voice,"Pseudo-Lolita, have you finished your design drawings? I have to check them before noon today. If they are not qualified, you will not eat for three days!"

When the pseudo-Lolita heard this, she immediately lost all her thoughts and ran upstairs in a hurry.

She could have finished it ahead of time, but the move the day before yesterday delayed a lot of time. When she got here, she was frightened and nauseated again, which caused her condition to decline.

Now looking at the progress, she should be able to catch up if she works hard for a morning.

She doesn't want to go without food for three days. She has been eating snacks half-full for half a year in the end times, and now she can't stand not eating a meal.

Looking at the impetuous little girl, Bai Suyun shook her head and began to report serious issues to Wu Zihao:"We don't have many fresh vegetables left. Should we save them these days?"

Wu Zihao thought about it and agreed. He brought a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables on the 3rd, and it's already the 7th. Even the freshest fruits and vegetables would have rotted in five days. This is the result of using the refrigerator.

He shook his head and said,"Don't be frugal. Eat what you want. I will get the food to you tonight at the latest!"

He planned to go back after Lu Ting's drawings were ready, sign the contract with the Ice Queen, and bring back a batch of food.

Now they are more than four people, there are several subordinates outside, and there may be more and more in the future.

Not only that, in two days, they will contact those small groups of survivors, trade with them, and exchange food for crystal cores.

These things all require a lot of food. This time the storage space is also larger, and he plans to bring more at one time.

Bai Suyun just reported it. Logistics are not her responsibility. Since Wu Zihao said there is no need to save, she will do everything as usual.

This man is capable. If he says he will get it, he will definitely get it.

Wu Zihao brought Yao Lin's breakfast to the bedroom. Yao Lin was still groaning and unwilling to get up.

After nearly twenty hours without getting out of bed, her whole body felt like she had been crushed back and forth by a truck several times, and she was in terrible pain.

Seeing the breakfast, she endured the pain and got up and gobbled it up.

Looking at Wu Zihao sitting on the side, she seemed to have thought of something and quickly said,"You! Get out! Get out!"

After yesterday's lesson, she would not allow him to say anything more in the bedroom. Her physical attribute of 20 is that no matter how strong her recovery ability is, she will not be able to come down before tomorrow!

Wu Zihao touched his nose and finally walked out, muttering:"This is still my bedroom! I am not allowed to stay!"

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