"Oh Yeah! It's finally done! Big bad guy, I'm done! I'm done!"

In the villa, with a cheer, Lu Ting ran downstairs with an excited face, eager to show Wu Zihao her achievements.

A set of perfect jewelry that can be made with the craftsmanship level of two hundred years ago was finally completed after she pondered day and night for the past two days.

Look at that bastard who dares to doubt the strength of my number one genius in the jewelry industry. This lady is the brightest star in the jewelry industry and no rebuttal is allowed.

Wu Zihao looked at the beautiful jewelry image designed in the pseudo-loli personal terminal in surprise.

It has to be said that the strength of this brightest star in the jewelry industry is really not covered.

Even if he is not a professional in this field and does not know much about jewelry, he can see the extraordinaryness of this set of jewelry. Even he, a layman, is deeply attracted.

But even so, he will not give the pseudo-loli proud a chance. After a careful look, Wu Zihao said lightly:"Well! For the time being���It looks OK, but I think it's useless. It needs to be professionally appraised to prove its value!"

"Send this to me, and I'll take it back for appraisal! If it passes the test, I'll reward you with three days off without having to work!"

"Keep your word?"The fake Lolita looked distrustful. This bastard always has a trap when he is so serious!

"When have I ever lied to you?" Wu Zihao said as if he was coaxing a child,"As long as your product is found to be of some value through appraisal, you can eat whatever you want for the next three days and you don't have to do any work!"

""Tsk! Take whatever you want. The jewelry I designed is perfect no matter who you ask to identify it! Just wait for my holiday!" The fake Lolita confidently packed the design drawings and sent them to Wu Zihao's personal terminal. She was already thinking about what interesting things she should do during the three-day holiday!

Bai Suyun twitched her mouth, but finally did not remind the fake Lolita that it seemed that you had not done any work at all. What difference does it make whether you have a holiday or not?

The man in front of him was really too black-hearted. He played the girl around.

""Ahem!" Before Bai Suyun finished her complaints, Wu Zihao continued,"Since you have finished designing the drawings, you will start training with Yao Lin from tomorrow. You must be obedient during training and don't be afraid of hardship. You must know that this is for your health. You look so weak now. How unsafe is it in this world?""

Looking at the pseudo-Lolita's look of despair in an instant, Bai Suyun turned her head away. How could this man be so sinister?

Wu Zihao, who was criticized for being sinister, returned to the bedroom with surging emotions after receiving the design drawings, and returned to the modern world the next second.

Returning to the small dark room again, Wu Zihao first sent the design drawings to his mobile phone, and then went out to find a printing shop to print them out and bind them together, and then called Ye Xintong.

Ye Xintong was still frowning and processing the company's documents at this time.

The company's business was being suppressed more and more difficult, the market was compressed too tightly, the performance was falling frequently, and there was a serious shortage of funds.

Everything gave her a headache.

The ringtone rang, and she took out her mobile phone to see that it was Wu Zihao's call.

She was a little confused.

What was the matter with him calling at this time? Has he already finished the design drawings?

She didn't dare to neglect it and answered it immediately:"Hello! Hello! Is that Mr. Wu?"

"Yes, it's me! Mr. Ye, you haven't forgotten the cooperation agreement we made two days ago, right?" Wu Zihao heard the long-lost beautiful voice again. Thinking that he would meet this icy CEO again soon, he was still a little excited.

Ye Xintong quickly replied:"How could I forget? As long as Mr. Wu can save Ye's from danger, we are willing to give out 30% of the shares to hire Mr. Wu as the chief designer of Ye's."

"Not bad, not bad! So two days have passed, has Mr. Ye's contract been drafted?" Wu Zihao continued to ask

"We have already drafted the contract, and we are just waiting for Mr. Wu to come with your ideas to sign the contract!"

After parting with Wu Zihao that day, Ye Xintong asked Du Fu to draft the contract the next day.

"Mr. Wu is asking now, has your design drawings already been drawn?"

"That's right! I've already prepared the drawings!" Wu Zihao felt great when he thought about meeting the goddess he had been fantasizing about for a long time."Let's meet again sometime. I'll show you the drawings, and then we'll sign the contract!"

As soon as Wu Zihao said this, Ye Xintong's eyes widened:"Mr. Wu, did I hear you right? You said your drawings have been designed now?"

"Yes!" Wu Zihao flipped through the printed drawing in his hand and said,"I have the drawing in my hand now! A complete set of jewelry on the whole body is absolutely novel and flawless, and it will definitely satisfy you! So when can we meet again to sign the contract?"

"Or a whole set?!"Ye Xintong's jaw dropped when she heard this!

Her question just now was just a casual question, and she didn't even think that Wu Zihao could really design the blueprint in these two days.

You know, the design of a piece of jewelry, especially the top-level jewelry with rich creativity, requires inspiration, and it can't be completed by simply sketching.

Not only that, from the workmanship of each accessory to the combination and combination, and even the final assembly, it also requires strict calculation. Once there is a slight deviation, it will seriously affect the overall quality.

In their company, even if it is a design of an ordinary piece of jewelry, it is good for a designer to complete it within a week.

As for a whole set of top products, it requires the cooperation of their entire design team to complete it, and it will take at least half a month.

Therefore, even though she had already drafted the contract, she didn't rush to contact him, for fear that this urging would interrupt his design inspiration.

You know, inspiration is a very strange thing. Sometimes a flash of inspiration suddenly appears, and soon a perfect idea can be formed in the mind.

But once it is interrupted, it may be difficult to connect again for a month or even a year.

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