She didn't want to do something that would lead to failure if she wasted time. She had to leave enough space for Wu Zihao and not give him any psychological pressure.

She had already overestimated Wu Zihao's talent and thought it would be good if he could come up with a draft design in a month.

But now he actually told her that the drawing was completed in just two or three days, and it was not just one piece of jewelry, but a whole set of jewelry!

She felt that either Wu Zihao was playing a trick on her or she was dreaming!

"Ahem!"It took Ye Xintong a long time to calm down her shocked mood, and she asked in confirmation:"Mr. Wu, are you sure the drawings have been completed now? You know, it's only been two or three days!"

"Even if our company urgently needs this to get through the difficult times, we can still get through it in a short period of time. There is no need to be so anxious!"

"Um, two or three days is fast, right?" Wu Zihao was stunned when he heard it,"That's right! Isn't it just a few design drawings? I know the company still has spare capacity, but since it is possible, it is better to get it done early and relax early!"

Ye Xintong:"……"

Two or three days is fast, isn't it? It's just a few design drawings?

Has anyone told you that you will be struck by lightning if you act so pretentiously?

"Okay, Mr. Wu!" Ye Xintong soothed her frightened heart and said,"Since Mr. Wu is so sure, let's meet at the company in an hour!"

"But Mr. Wu, you also know how important this drawing is to us. Since Mr. Wu has given us hope, please don't let us down! We can hold on for a while longer! Would you like to reconsider it?"

It's not that she doesn't trust Wu Zihao, but it's hard for anyone to believe that someone can design a perfect set of jewelry in just two or three days.

"No problem! I'll be there right away! As for the quality, don't worry! It's guaranteed to be flawless and will definitely satisfy you!"

Wu Zihao was not dissatisfied with Ye Xintong's suspicion. He now understood a little bit. It seemed a bit abnormal to make this set of things in two or three days!

I really don't know how Lu Ting, a pseudo-Lolita with a bit of a middle school brain, completed it. Could it be that the idiot with a blank mind is really so talented in this kind of creative design?

Shaking his head, Wu Zihao stopped thinking too much about meaningless things and went out to the mall to buy another set of branded clothes to change into.

The previous set had been shot by Yao Lin in the end of the world, and a big hole had been made. It was completely unwearable. You can't go out to see a beautiful woman wearing a set of street stall goods

, right? After thinking about it, he bought a file bag and put the drawings in it. You can't just go there and change them out of thin air, right?

Putting the file bag under his armpit, he really looked like a chief designer, of course, if you don't look at the little sheep under his butt.

When he came to Ye's again, Wu Zihao was also emotional.

Unlike a week ago, this time he appeared here as a partner of this company. He could go directly to the top floor and talk to the ice queen Ye Xintong on an equal footing, instead of just being a lowly security guard at the door.

Shoes have been fired, and Wu is proud to see him. The worst one is now greeted by Du consultant. The Queen of the Iceberg has talked in person! The mood is not the same. It 's much better than already

"We meet again! President Ye!" Seeing the goddess' face he had dreamed of again, Wu Zihao smiled spontaneously.

"I hope Mr. Wu will not let us down this time!" Her voice was as cold as ever, but the more so, Yue added to her ice queen charm.

After a simple handshake, the three of them came to the president's exclusive reception room.

The company's employees looked at each other in bewilderment. Who was this young man who just came up? Could he be a rich young man from some wealthy family?

Consultant Du had to personally greet him downstairs, and President Ye had to personally wait at the elevator entrance. Even the old chairman seemed to have received only this treatment, right?

You know, President Ye has had countless suitors since he took office, and each of them was a well-known young man in Zhejiang City, but none of them was... After being coldly rejected, some of them even refused to meet him.

But today, President Ye went out to greet him personally. How could this person not arouse their curiosity?

Could it be that President Ye finally found a boyfriend? But where does this young man come from? Is he even more powerful than Master Fei?

Of course, some people thought Wu Zihao looked familiar. Why does he look so much like the security guard downstairs?

The people in the reception room were naturally unaware of the whispers outside.

Wu Zihao and Ye Xintong sat down as host and guest, exchanged a few pleasantries, tasted the tea brought by Du Fu himself, and then started to talk about business.

"Mr. Wu, you just said on the phone that your jewelry design drawings that can save our Ye Group have been drawn up. Can you let us take a look?"Ye Xintong spoke first. This matter is too important to her. She can't let it go for a moment without seeing the drawings!

Wu Zihao nodded confidently:"Yes, the drawings are with me. Mr. Ye, you also said that the contract for our cooperation has been drafted. Can you take it out and let me see it?"

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