Ye Xintong nodded and winked at Du Fu.

Du Fu understood and took out two copies of the contract from the folder in his hand. Wu Zihao also took out the printed jewelry design drawings from the file package and handed them to Ye Xintong.

"I named this set of jewelry"Dawn". The creative idea comes from blooming in despair and shining in darkness! No matter how bleak the world is, there is always a ray of hope in your heart that will never fade!"

The original name of this set of jewelry was actually the Star of Hope. I think it was inspired by Lu Ting's experience of the vicissitudes and despair of the end of the world, and finally meeting herself.

In the end of the world with zombies everywhere and in a society with distorted human nature, the whole world is filled with darkness and there is no light. At the moment of despair, Wu Zihao took her back. Although this bastard was not a gentleman at all and always bullied and scared her, he also let her eat fragrant rice and live a happy life that she had never dared to think about before.

This kind of life made her feel hopeful! Even if the outside world is full of zombies, what does it matter? What if humans are extinct?

As long as there is a bowl of rice and a grain of rice in front of her, her life will not end here!

The name Dawn was changed by Wu Zihao. In his opinion, no matter how bright the starlight is, how can it be as dazzling as the sun? It's better to call it Dawn!

Listening to Wu Zihao's introduction, Ye Xintong opened the album in her hand. She was shocked by the beautiful pictures on it at a glance, and her heart was uneasy. I was attracted to it.

The first page was the expected finished product of the whole set of jewelry.

On the drawing, a whole set of jewelry was presented in normal proportion from head to toe.

The overall color of this set of jewelry was dark red, symbolizing the grayness and bloodiness of the end of the world, and the golden light in the middle became the finishing touch of the whole set of jewelry.

Against the background of the dark tones of the whole body, the point in the center stood out for a long time, dazzling and focusing the whole person's mind on that point.

And that point was the hem of a necklace, which fell right in the middle of the chest when worn on a person, symbolizing the light of hope shining in the wearer's heart.

Ye Xintong couldn't help but be fascinated as she looked at it. Dawn, dawn, doesn't this indicate that their company, their Ye's, and her father's hard work will rise in this dawn? The current Ye's is riddled with holes, internal and external troubles, and it is the most difficult and desperate moment when the end of the world is coming.

At this moment, a ray of dawn is most needed to break the darkness before dawn and bring their world back to life!

"It’s so perfect! So beautiful!"Ye Xintong seemed to have never been so excited in her life.

Only when people are at their most desperate moments can they feel the preciousness of light and warmth.

At this moment, at the critical moment when their Ye Group was facing bankruptcy, she saw the dawn of hope to overcome the darkness.

Du Fu behind her also had excited eyes. Although he showed nothing on his face, his trembling shoulders had betrayed his inner excitement.

After calmly looking through every picture and every annotation from beginning to end, and making sure that there was indeed no problem with this set of designs, Ye Xintong slowly put it down, took a sip of tea to calm down her excitement. Then Ye

Xintong stood up, walked to Wu Zihao, and with a grateful expression, she bowed deeply to Wu Zihao, her voice trembling:"Thank you Mr. Wu for your help. I, Ye Xintong, will remember this kindness in my heart!"

She is not a fool who knows nothing. Just by looking at the drawings in front of her, she can see how amazing Wu Zihao's talent is. To be honest, with his talent, even the world's top jewelry design companies would be vying for him. How could they, with their 30% stake in Ye's, afford him? But he just wanted such a small thing, and brought them this precious design to save them from the dire situation. Anyone can see that he is trying to help them.

Wu Zihao was looking at the contract they had drafted, and was stunned by Ye Xintong's sudden move.

Wu Zihao, who reacted, quickly stood up and helped Ye Xintong up, saying modestly:"No need to be like this! This is just a transaction. I got the due compensation and gave you the corresponding design! You don't deserve this from Mr. Ye!"

Ye Xintong shook her head:"For Mr. Wu, this may indeed be just a small transaction, but for us in Ye's, it is a life-saving remedy!"

"With Mr. Wu's talent, only 30% of the dry shares are not enough to hire him. Now I am in charge and will upgrade the 30% of the dry shares to formal shares, so that Mr. Wu can……"

"Hey, stop, stop, stop!" Wu Zihao stopped him quickly,"Boss Ye is joking. This is the price we agreed on last time. It's the price we agreed on. I won't take a cent more!" If you want money, just dry shares are enough. What's the use of shares other than a bunch of troubles?

Indeed, he will help for other purposes, but it's not for shares!

As for the purpose, you must not tell me, and you won't agree to it now.

If it's not you, I'm not interested in giving me the entire Ye Group!

"But just some dry shares are not enough to compensate Mr. Wu for his kindness, we really feel guilty!"

Ye Xintong still wanted to persuade, not only out of emotion, but also for her own considerations.

With Wu Zihao's talent, as long as he is tied to the Ye family's warship, the future of the Ye family will definitely be bright, not only can it overcome this difficulty, but it can even return to its peak in a short time, and even better than before.

But such talents cannot be won over by money alone, only shares can make him feel a sense of belonging.

"How about this!"Looking at Ye Xintong's serious look, Wu Zihao rolled his eyes and said,"If Mr. Ye really wants to repay me, I don't want any shares, just……"

"Just what?" Ye Xintong looked at Wu Zihao's eyes and felt nervous.

"As long as Mr. Ye gives me a smile every day, that will be enough!" Wu Zihao thought for a while and said.

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