After thinking about it, Chen Wei felt that this possibility was very high, because the physique was different if the booster was injected first or the virus agent was injected first.

Looking around, there were no survivors, looking at the injection gun in his hand, Chen Wei can't use himself as an experiment, right?

That would be too risky, so he could only forcibly press down the curiosity in his heart, or wait until later.

"Wan'er, let's go. Chen Wei jumped into the audience in one step, and shouted softly when he passed Su Wan'er.

Su Wan'er followed honestly, and behind Chen Wei, she jumped in small steps, small steps.

"I'd advise you to get out of this place as soon as possible, those people aren't easy to mess with. Hearing

the voice, Chen Wei turned his head and looked over, it was the woman who asked him if he wanted to bet before.

"They?" Chen Wei walked over to the woman, his palm clapped on her head, and asked, "How much do you know about them

?" "I'm just a part-time worker, how much can I know?" the woman smiled reluctantly.

In my heart, I was somewhat powerless to resist the domineering shown by Chen Wei.

If it is in the form of a zombie, the woman will probably faint with excitement, no joke.

"Then tell me what you know. Chen Wei was not discussing with the woman, but directly telling her that she should do this.

"Ahh The woman said writhingly.

"If you don't say it, you won't be killed?" Chen Wei raised his hand, and when he approached the woman's neck, he pulled out an extra dagger out of thin air.

Feeling the sharp pain when the blade cut through her neck, the woman couldn't help but swallow her saliva, "You're really a dangerous man, but I like it."

"No, put away your likes, and don't waste my time. Chen Wei scolded, and in his words, there was a touch of strength more than just now.

"There is a bar where the owner of the bar often comes to our place. "

What's so strange about the bar owner coming here?" Chen Wei continued.

"Of course, it's not strange that the bar owner is here, but isn't it strange that every time he can enjoy a VIP seat, even our boss has to be respectful to him?"

"Moreover, every time they come, they bring a few bottles of wine, and the color of the wine, which I don't think is quite right, looks similar to the virus drug, and when I am cleaning, I can often see it in the trash can in the laboratory, which is the room I took you to before. The woman said what she felt suspicious.

The owner of the bar....

"What does it look like?" or rather, is there any characteristic?" Chen Wei was not sure if there was only one bar in Shanghe City, and it would be right to collect more clues.

"She looks tall and handsome, and a little girly, like little fresh meat. The woman responded.

"What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't?" Chen Wei said speechlessly: "Be more specific, such as dressing up, or jewelry, tattoos, etc." "

Tattoos, tattoos..." The woman clasped her hands on her chest, buried her head slightly, the green silk hung down, supported her chin with one hand, and after muttering to herself for a while, she suddenly remembered: "By the way, there is a string of letters on his neck, but I have not been good at English since I was a child, so I don't know what that means." "

The first letter seems to be in A! capitalization. "

Uppercase A, bar, tall and handsome, mother...

Combined with these conditions, Chen Wei finally locked on a person, this person, he had seen, and not long ago.

No one rules that a bar owner can't be a bartender.

Maybe people have a hobby in this area? They can't control it before the end of the world, and they can't care about it even more after the end of the world.

"Eh, don't go, how can you throw it aside when you run out of people, take me with you?" the woman chased after Chen Wei's footsteps.

The woman's face froze, translucent wings appeared behind her back, and she quickly retreated three or four meters away.

Looking at the bottomless cement floor that was cut in front of her, the woman never expected that Su Wan'er would be so perverted.

can only give up the idea of following, and if people can not kill themselves, it is already considered mercy.

Fortunately, I usually pay attention to observation, and I can't answer at any time at such a critical moment.

The woman was sure that Chen Wei, or the guy next to him, would cut herself with one slash.


"Huh?" The ground suddenly began to shake, and the woman hurriedly flew out of the passage.

Then I saw that the area in front of me had collapsed.

You can see the neat cut-outs!

At the same time, on the other side.

The owl stopped waving its wings and landed on the window.

"How's it going?"

the owl regained its human form and walked into the study, "the Blue Bird Hall has been destroyed. "

What about them?" the young man asked again.

"They're all dead. The owl replied.

"Are they all dead?" the young man stopped his movements, a little surprised.

"Yes, they are all dead, I have seen with my own eyes, that kid has more than one form, and his combat power is very amazing, just one of the forms, he has mastered three attributes, wind, ice, and thunder. The owl told the youth everything he saw.

Rather than doubting whether the owl's words were true, the young man was more puzzled, "Is there already such a powerful potion?"

The young man waved his hand.

"Yes. The man agreed, transformed into an owl again, and flew into the air.

The young man came and closed the window and the curtains.

He immediately sat back in the boss's chair, bent down to open the drawer, and took out a satellite phone from inside.

The call was quickly connected, "Doctor, I think you should have known what happened, right?"

After all, that guy is always using the eyes of heaven to monitor the whole world.

"Is it because of our internal backlash

?" "He didn't inject the potion? It can't be?" "

So what now? Let him continue to do this nonsense? I think he must have deliberately wanted to find you."

"Is the concentration of the virus agent increased by another 1 percent? Great! I'll prepare a few more people to make sure that I get rid of him and that it won't hinder the plan." The young man got up excitedly, then put down his phone.

At this moment, there was the sound of hard objects hitting the window glass outside the window.

"So soon?" the young man put his phone on the table, walked to the window, opened the curtains, and sure enough, he saw a mechanical crow pecking at the glass with its beak.

When the window is opened, the body of the mechanical crow unfolds automatically.

The young man reached out and took out three tubes of virus medicine.

Although the concentration has increased by one percent, it is not visible to the naked eye.

The young man could not doubt the doctor's words, and walked out of the room without stopping.

Now that the goods are in hand, it's time to find a few test pieces and see how it goes.

The number of infections worldwide is staggering, but there are still guinea pigs at hand.

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