Chen Wei didn't know about the plan between the youth and the doctor, but he knew that the eye was back.

"It seems that the news has been released. Chen Wei stretched out his hand and took the ice bow out of his backpack, and the arrow was wound.


the ice arrow flew towards the owl with a momentum like a bamboo.

At such a high distance, it did not fall, and it was completely unaffected by gravity, if the bones of that adult had not decomposed, it was estimated that this coffin board would not be able to hold it down.

"What!" the ice arrow reflected the sun's rays, and was noticed by the owl, and quickly tilted its body to dodge.

"Actually dodged?" Chen

Wei continued to pull the ice bow away, and said as he released the arrows: "The reflexes are good, but I want to see how many times you can dodge

!" "This guy!" Seeing that the rain-like arrows reflected the sun's rays, shining brightly, the owl couldn't dodge left and right, so he could only lift his body up, and constantly and continuously raised the distance.

As everyone knows, Chen Wei has already set up the sniper at this moment, and the crosshair is locked on the owl's buttocks.


making sure that it is within range, pull the trigger and the bullet is quickly unloaded and spins at high speed.

The owl's reaction speed is good, but unfortunately, it is still too extreme, and the body dodges, but the wings do not dodge.

The bones were pierced, and they lost their balance and fell from the air.

During this period, he did not forget to protect himself with his wings, and the ice began to spread when the ice arrow hit.


When it hits the ground, it's like a bomb.

Ice collapsed everywhere, and thanks to this, the remaining one-third of the body was saved.

There wasn't much damage to the head, at least the conversation wasn't difficult.

"Who the hell are you?" the owl asked.

"There are three eyes. Chen Wei ignored the owl's question, and was more concerned about the blood-red eyes between his eyes, in the center of his forehead.

"Let me ask you, what do you do with this eye, what is it for?" Chen Wei squatted down and pointed.

"Why should I answer you?" the owl snorted, turning his head away, still proud.

"Judging from how long we've been talking nonsense, and I haven't been attacked in any way, this thing should only increase your field of vision, right

?" "Wait!What do you want to do?" The owl's jaw was pinched by Chen Wei and forcibly twisted over, four eyes, no, five eyes looked at each other.

"It's nothing, I just see that your eyeballs are very good-looking, and I want to dig them up as a collection. Chen Wei took out the dagger, and the tip of the knife stretched out to the red bloody eyes.


owl couldn't figure out how Chen Wei could do it, saying such terrifying things in such a calm tone.

"Don't, please don't do it, whatever you want to know, I can promise you. "The owl is a selfish man who can betray anyone in order to survive.

From the beginning, he chose to become a subordinate of the youth in order to survive, and his beliefs have not changed from beginning to end.

In the eyes of the owl, in the face of life and death, loyalty is bullshit, worthless.

Cover the skin, just eat it with a mouthful of food.

"How much do you know about that bartender..."Before

Chen Wei could finish speaking, the owl's head had been pierced by a spike.

The bloody eye was shattered, and Chen Wei tilted his head in time to avoid being injured by the spikes.

The spike has a peculiar shape, a long hammer in the shape of an oval, and it is black and yellow.

At the end of the hammer handle, there is also a transparent color, section by section, like a sausage.


hammer was dragged back.

Chen Wei stood up, turned around and raised his gaze to look over.

It is a humanoid wasp.

Now, Chen Wei finally figured out what was white... Bowels.

Bang, bang, bang!

At that moment, there was another sound of heavy footsteps in the distance.

His gaze fell, and Chen Wei looked over.

Like a crab, and a boiled crab, with a red body, but not a crab, and its arms are placed in front of it like a scimitar.

The toes are as sharp and thick as rhinoceros horns.

If you are stepped on, the end can be imagined, it is estimated that you will explode in an instant!

If it was blood, it wouldn't trigger the protection mechanism of the Liquid Metal Suit.

Su Wan'er also distanced herself in an instant, avoiding the range of the snow.

The gaze was raised again, and it turned out to be a white moth in the form of a human.

The head is small, and the antennae on the head look a little similar to peacock feathers.

There is a thick circle of fine hair around the neck, and there are also thighs on both sides, and the body has a faint pink color in addition to white.

With the spread of the wings, it is like a blooming flower, and the wings

are really beautiful.

It's just that the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is.

This statement may not be true sometimes, but most of the time, it is true.

The so-called snow fell on the half-healed body of the owl, and in an instant, at a speed visible to the naked eye, began to turn black and rot.

"Can't you wait for me to finish asking before you do it?" Chen Wei sighed, and finally found someone who took the initiative to confess, but he didn't expect to be killed in the next second.

"We're here to take your life!" said the white moth, spreading his palm and blowing softly, the white crystal powder floating in the air.

Chen Wei turned into a worm and took the form of a zombie, and the wind under his feet formed a tornado, blowing all those powders into the sky.

"Then you have to have the ability to do it. In Chen Wei's eyes, these three guys are nothing more than treasure chests.


"What are you talking so much nonsense with him?"Go straight on!" the crab monster ran with heavy steps, and even the earth trembled.

Soon approached, and the fist swung down.

Chen Wei didn't dodge, but raised his hand to support the crab monster's claw hook.


The huge force directly shattered the concrete floor.

Chen Wei was not affected at all, the reason why the earth cracked was because the liquid metal unloaded the strength.

"It's just that little bit of strength, it's not your size at all. Chen Wei said with some disappointment.

"What are you talking about!" the crab monster said, and then pointed his other arm towards Chen Wei and smashed it down.

The wasp man took advantage of this opportunity to fly half a circle, circle behind Chen Wei, clenched the spear in his hand, and planned to sneak attack.

Once this poisonous needle pierces Chen Wei's body, when the time comes, it is not up to them to kill or chop.

"Isn't it a bit too underestimated to send the three of you to deal with me?" Chen Wei incarnated in the form of a centipede, and his huge body covered the sky and the sun, forming a cage.

And all three are in this cage.

Hundred-legged held them close and stabbed them into their bodies, releasing toxins.

Chen Wei's thousands of legs, each of which has a large amount of toxins stored in it, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the poison of the slaughter of the city.

"Ah!" three screams, one after another.

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