The End Of The World: I Use Plants To Control The World

195: Red Bug Has Made A Meritorious Service (4/5)

Hold the fuck!

The people in Liuyin Temple were frightened.

Do you want to be so ruthless if you don't change your weapons?

"Change, let's change!"

So the people in Liuyin Temple changed into daggers.

Click click click....

Zombies were killed one after another by them.

Suddenly sixteen people were dumbfounded...

"Hold on, what kind of artifact is this?"

"At least five times the power we had before."

"If you want to think about it so much, how can you pay it back?"

"You damn faggot, can you please stop being such a jerk?"

"I mean, I think I want a short sword like this."

"Go and ask the soldiers in Luhu who are comrades. Maybe if you sell them, they will give you the dagger after you die."

Looking at the shocked and envious faces of the survivors of Liuyin Temple.

Huang Feipeng was happy.

This invisible slap in the face is so refreshing.

"Brothers, change your weapons back.

"The machine gunners obey orders, and whoever dares not to change back will be thrown out."

Huang Feipeng is "Qi Wu San" just to slap him in the face.

Now his face is also slapped.

It's time to return the property to its original owner.

The people from Liuyin Temple returned the weapons honestly.

All of them were feeling cruel in their hearts.

Be sure to perform well!

Strive to become the official establishment of the Luhu Celestial Army.

The artifact dagger is so fragrant...

Only the little fat man felt unsure.

"I wonder if my brother will recognize me?"

"I'm such a loser. Even if I take off my clothes and take a test, I can't prove my innocence."

"Brother, even if I have been forced."

"But now it's still straight. Erect."

The little fat man thought secretly.

As time slowly passed, the number of zombies was significantly reduced by half.

The dirty woman started to panic.

Is this Luhu Lake an impenetrable wall?

Even an iron wall cannot withstand an attack of 50,000 zombies, right?

"Luhu is too strong."

"With just tens of thousands of zombies, it may be difficult to break through."

"That man, how did he do it?"

"No, I have to surrender

"If you don't leave, once discovered by that man, I'm afraid I won't be able to fly.

Dirty women mixed in with the zombies.

A retreat order was quietly issued.

She didn't dare to withdraw alone, the target was too obvious.

All retreat.

If he was mixed in with the zombies, even if that man had piercing eyes, he wouldn't be able to recognize him, right?

"Back off, back off."

"The tide of zombies has receded, we won."

"It all depends on the plants planted by the gods."

"Long live the God!"

"Long live the God!"

"Long live the God!"

The warriors and ordinary survivors on each island shouted long live the god together.

Watch the tide of corpses recede.

Luo Tian decisively issued the order.

"The Guards soldiers and servants are all chasing and killing!"

Fatty meat brought to your mouth.

There's no way I could just let you slip away.

Although it is impossible for the personal guards and servants to kill all the remaining 20,000 zombies.

But now their strength has been greatly increased.

It shouldn't be difficult to kill thousands of people.

As Luo Tian's order was issued, the Guards soldiers who had been waiting sternly rushed out of Luhu.

Each one is charming.․ A woman as beautiful as a rose.

The murderous zombies show no mercy.

The zombies' moving speed is not enough in their eyes.

You can't escape even if you want to.

The servants are even more fierce.

It was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, rushing into the corpses and killing a large number of them.

The most majestic one is Xiao Hong.

Although its strength is the weakest among the servants.

But the harvesting ability is the strongest.

With its huge body of more than 30 meters long, it can rush into the zombie tide and swing its tail, killing dozens of zombies in an instant.

An evolved zombie has no resistance in front of it.

Only the zombies that have evolved for the second time can barely withstand a single blow.

The dirty woman was terrified.

"I was careless..."

"That's sloppy..."

I didn't expect the soldiers in Luhu to be so fierce.

How strong does that man have to be?

Fortunately, I was among the corpses and no one recognized me.

Otherwise, I really have to explain it here.

Little did he know that Luo Tian had already set his sights on dirty women.

"Want to run?"


At this moment Luo Tian is flying in the sky, holding a zombie in his hand.

"I'll ask you again."

"Are you sure that female zombie is the boss of your six insects?"

The zombie uttered human words:

"Absolutely true."

"Although it took the initiative to disconnect from my breath connection."

"But I can still feel it from a distance."

"After all, it's not clean."

This zombie is none other than the red bug.

That is Jiang Hong from Tianlong Villa.

When Luo Tian learned that there was a wave of corpses besieging Luhu, his first reaction was He Tianlong.

Because based on the memory of past lives.

It is impossible for a zombie tide with tens of thousands of zombies to appear so early.

If the butterfly effect caused the corpse tide to appear earlier, it would barely make sense.

But why did the zombie tide target Luhu Lake alone?

This doesn't make sense.

So the most likely thing is that He Tianlong came to take revenge.

Therefore, Luo Tian immediately released the red bug and let it parasitize a zombie.

Then Luo Tian took the zombie and circled in the air, hoping that it would find He Tianlong

Hong Chongzi is also doing well.

I was really found by it.

"Master, please give me this body."

"I don't want to go back into the bottle."

"so lonely."

"so lonely.……"

With Luo Tian's thought, the zombie's head exploded instantly.

A red bug floats in the air.

Luo Tian used his mind power to put the red bugs into the glass bottle.

"shut up."

"This time you have done a good job, but it is not enough for me to reward you with a body."

"Just stay in the bottle!"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he also threw a vegetable leaf in.

This bug eats vegetable leaves.

It feels so lonely inside, so putting a vegetable leaf and chewing it can pass the time.

at the same time.

After the Dirty Woman gave up control of the corpse tide, all her spirit returned to her body.

It was at that moment.

She also sensed red bugs.


"Jiang Hong is not dead?"

"She's on top of me?"

The dirty woman looked up in surprise.

At this moment, she saw a scene that made her incontinent.

a man.

He spread his golden wings and swooped towards him.

It's almost here.


The dirty woman only had time to scream before she was taken away by Luo Tian.

It was like an eagle swooping down from the sky and snatching away the chick in an instant.

The four-evolved corpse king.

In front of Luo Tian, ​​he is no different from a little chicken.

Blackstone Island Bridge.

Luo Tian flapped his wings and fell from the sky.

He threw the dirty woman on the 5.1 ground.

"You and I.…."

"Why did I sense the aura of my companion on you?"

Dirty women are no longer prepared to pretend.

She knew there was no point in pretending.

It's better to happily admit that you are a bug.

Luo Tian smiled slightly.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Luo Tian was holding a glass bottle in which a red worm was eating vegetable leaves.

"Jiang Hong!"

"You actually betrayed me!"

The dirty woman glared resentfully at the bottle in Luo Tian's hand.

She got it.

Hong Chongzi must have sensed him first while he was controlling the zombie tide.

So it told the man his identity.

Damn it...

I have a cold today and feel very uncomfortable.

However, the author is not someone who owes updates. If he continues to play, he will finish coding 5 updates and 10,000 words.

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